Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 15 September 1963
(Volume 131, Issue 6)

Dynamical Study of Brownian Motion
J. L. Lebowitz and E. Rubin
pp. 2381-2396 [View   PDF (2230 kB) ]

Bound Excitons in GaP
D. G. Thomas, M. Gershenzon, and J. J. Hopfield
pp. 2397-2404 [View   PDF (1557 kB) ]

Zeeman Effect of Bound Excitons in Gallium Phosphide
Y. Yafet and D. G. Thomas
pp. 2405-2408 [View   PDF (659 kB) ]

Pseudospin Model for Hard-Core Bosons with Attractive Interaction. Zero Temperature
R. T. Whitlock and P. R. Zilsel
pp. 2409-2420 [View   PDF (1992 kB) ]

Magnetoacoustic Effects in Longitudinal Fields
A. R. Mackintosh
pp. 2420-2425 [View   PDF (1071 kB) ]

Specific Heats of Zirconium Alloys at Low Temperatures
G. D. Kneip, J. O. Betterton, and J. O. Scarbrough
pp. 2425-2432 [View   PDF (1493 kB) ]

Electronic Structure of a Series of Metals
Walter A. Harrison
pp. 2433-2442 [View   PDF (1825 kB) ]

Evidence for the 〈110〉 Swelling Constant Energy Surface for Heavy Holes in Silicon
H. Miyazawa, K. Suzuki, and H. Maeda
pp. 2442-2444 [View   PDF (502 kB) ]

Hall Effect in the Polaron-Band Regime
L. Friedman
pp. 2445-2456 [View   PDF (1761 kB) ]

Critical Current and Electron Depairing in Superconducting Films
Peter Fulde and Richard A. Ferrell
pp. 2457-2459 [View   PDF (590 kB) ]

Optical Properties and Fermi Surface of Nickel
H. Ehrenreich, H. R. Philipp, and D. J. Olechna
pp. 2469-2477 [View   PDF (1736 kB) ]

Electrostrictive Constants of Insulating Crystals
B. D. Silverman
pp. 2478-2485 [View   PDF (1056 kB) ]

Flux Creep in Hard Superconductors
Y. B. Kim, C. F. Hempstead, and A. R. Strnad
pp. 2486-2495 [View   PDF (1874 kB) ]

Spin-Wave Theory of Planar Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets
H. B. Shore
pp. 2496-2499 [View   PDF (629 kB) ]

Satellites in the Magnetoplasma Resonance in Sodium
J. R. Merrill, M. T. Taylor, and J. M. Goodman
pp. 2499-2502 [View   PDF (780 kB) ]

Effect of X-Ray Intensity on the Production of Color Centers in NaCl and KCl
Patrick G. Harrison
pp. 2505-2511 [View   PDF (1244 kB) ]

Magnetic Field Dependence of the Amplification of Sound by Conduction Electrons
Harold N. Spector
pp. 2512-2519 [View   PDF (1187 kB) ]

Lattice Vibrations in Crystals with Molecular Impurity Centers
Max Wagner
pp. 2520-2522 [View   PDF (481 kB) ]

Vibrational Corrections to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Second Moments
D. E. O'Reilly and Tung Tsang
pp. 2522-2523 [View   PDF (301 kB) ]

Effect of Temperature and Pressure on the Electrical Resistance of Four Alkaline Earth Metals
R. A. Stager and H. G. Drickamer
pp. 2524-2527 [View   PDF (692 kB) ]

Composite Wave Variational Method for Solution of the Energy-Band Problem in Solids
Herbert Schlosser and Paul M. Marcus
pp. 2529-2546 [View   PDF (3257 kB) ]

Small-Energy Rotational Transitions in Slow-Neutron Scattering by Water
Sidney Yip and R. K. Osborn
pp. 2547-2549 [View   PDF (490 kB) ]

Atomic Processes in Helium-Krypton and Helium-Xenon Mixtures
C. L. Chen
pp. 2550-2555 [View   PDF (1082 kB) ]

Balmer Emissions Induced by H2+ and H3+ Impact on Molecular Hydrogen
L. L. Hatfield and R. H. Hughes
pp. 2556-2558 [View   PDF (468 kB) ]

Multiple Excitation and Ionization of Inner Atomic Shells by X Rays
Herbert W. Schnopper
pp. 2558-2560 [View   PDF (494 kB) ]

Antishielding of Magnetic and Electric Hyperfine Interactions in Open Shell Ions
A. J. Freeman and R. E. Watson
pp. 2566-2573 [View   PDF (1635 kB) ]

Electron Detachment from 20-MeV D- Ions by a Magnetic Field
Selig N. Kaplan, George A. Paulikas, and Robert V. Pyle
pp. 2574-2577 [View   PDF (654 kB) ]

He3(α, γ)Be7 Reaction
P. D. Parker and R. W. Kavanagh
pp. 2578-2582 [View   PDF (892 kB) ]

Direct-Capture Model for the He3(α, γ)Be7 and T(α, γ)Li7 Reactions
T. A. Tombrello and P. D. Parker
pp. 2582-2589 [View   PDF (1096 kB) ]

Be9 (Li7,Li8)Be8 Reaction in a Coulomb-Distorted Wave Approximation
Charles W. Lewis
pp. 2590-2593 [View   PDF (714 kB) ]

Angular Correlation in the B11(dnγ15.11MeV)C12 Reaction
H. J. Kim and E. F. Shrader
pp. 2594-2597 [View   PDF (710 kB) ]

Decay of Pt197
R. G. Helmer
pp. 2597-2601 [View   PDF (834 kB) ]

Polarization of 40-MeV Protons by Complex Nuclei
C. F. Hwang, G. Clausnitzer, D. H. Nordby, S. Suwa, and J. H. Williams
pp. 2602-2610 [View   PDF (1459 kB) ]

Beta-Gamma Directional Correlation in La140
S. K. Bhattacherjee and S. K. Mitra
pp. 2611-2615 [View   PDF (922 kB) ]

Octupole Deformation in Even-Even Medium Mass Nuclei
M. L. Rustgi and S. N. Mukherjee
pp. 2615-2616 [View   PDF (292 kB) ]

Mass and Energy Distributions in the Spontaneous Fission of Some Heavy Isotopes
Reinhard Brandt, Stanley G. Thompson, Raymond C. Gatti, and Llad Phillips
pp. 2617-2624 [View   PDF (1262 kB) ]

Decay of Cs134 and the Level Scheme of Ba134
P. N. Trehan, John D. French, and Max Goodrich
pp. 2625-2631 [View   PDF (1104 kB) ]

Scattering of He3 by Alpha Particles
Y. C. Tang, E. Schmid, and K. Wildermuth
pp. 2631-2641 [View   PDF (1533 kB) ]

Energy Spectrum of Atomic Electrons Ejected in Electron-Capture Decay of Fe55
J. G. Pengra and B. Crasemann
pp. 2642-2648 [View   PDF (1288 kB) ]

Rare Nuclear Reactions Induced by 14.7-MeV Neutrons
E. T. Bramlitt and R. W. Fink
pp. 2649-2663 [View   PDF (2737 kB) ]

Quantitative Nuclear Evaporation Theory and the Nuclear Potential
David B. Beard and Alden McLellan
pp. 2664-2674 [View   PDF (1794 kB) ]

Observable Consequences of Anomalous Thresholds
Francis R. Halpern and H. Lee Watson
pp. 2674-2677 [View   PDF (651 kB) ]

Method for Measurement of Coupling Constants
Marc Ross
pp. 2678-2681 [View   PDF (683 kB) ]

Y0* and the Low-Energy K̅ N Interaction
Y. Fujii
pp. 2681-2683 [View   PDF (526 kB) ]

Production of π Mesons and Gamma Radiation in the Galaxy by Cosmic Rays
J. B. Pollack and G. G. Fazio
pp. 2684-2691 [View   PDF (1275 kB) ]

Nuclei of the Primary Cosmic Radiation with Z≥2 at High Latitudes
M. Koshiba, E. Lohrmann, H. Aizu, and E. Tamai
pp. 2692-2698 [View   PDF (1363 kB) ]

Empirical Relations Involving the Hyperons and Baryon Isobars
R. M. Sternheimer
pp. 2698-2703 [View   PDF (1220 kB) ]

Asymptotic Pion-Pion Elastic Scattering Amplitude
Robert L. Zimmerman
pp. 2704-2709 [View   PDF (758 kB) ]

Analysis of Electron-He3 Scattering
J. S. Levinger
pp. 2710-2712 [View   PDF (486 kB) ]

Neutral-Pion Production from Proton-Proton Collisions at 735 MeV
Robert J. Cence, Don L. Lind, Gilbert D. Mead, and Burton J. Moyer
pp. 2713-2718 [View   PDF (1141 kB) ]

Resonance Model for γ+NY+K
N. A. Beauchamp and W. G. Holladay
pp. 2719-2721 [View   PDF (509 kB) ]

Gauge Invariance and Integration Rules
F. C. Khanna and F. Rohrlich
pp. 2721-2723 [View   PDF (479 kB) ]

A Field Theory of Weak Interactions. I
G. Feinberg and A. Pais
pp. 2724-2761 [View   PDF (6426 kB) ]

Electromagnetic Two-Body Problem
A. Schild
pp. 2762-2766 [View   PDF (815 kB) ]

Coherent and Incoherent States of the Radiation Field
Roy J. Glauber
pp. 2766-2788 [View   PDF (3980 kB) ]

Asymptotic Solution of the Dirac Equation
S. I. Rubinow and Joseph B. Keller
pp. 2789-2796 [View   PDF (1163 kB) ]

Generalization of Mass Formula in Unitary Symmetries
Muneer Ahmad Rashid and Ian Iwao Yamanaka
pp. 2797-2802 [View   PDF (912 kB) ]

Quantum Virial Expansion
Felix T. Smith
pp. 2803-2804 [View   PDF (323 kB) ]

Possible Test of the Vector Nature of Strong Interactions
K. E. Eriksson and S. A. Yngström
pp. 2805-2808 [View   PDF (628 kB) ]

Remarks Concerning Possible Higher Resonances in the Unitary Symmetry Model
S. Gasiorowicz
pp. 2808-2809 [View   PDF (300 kB) ]

Remarks on the Analytic Continuation of the Partial-Wave Amplitude
Haridas Banerjee
pp. 2810-2817 [View   PDF (1122 kB) ]

Representations of the Lorentz Group Corresponding to Unstable Particles
Daniel Zwanziger
pp. 2818-2819 [View   PDF (339 kB) ]

Spatial Separation of Events in S-Matrix Theory
M. Froissart, M. L. Goldberger, and K. M. Watson
pp. 2820-2826 [View   PDF (918 kB) ]

Dissipation in Quantum Mechanics. The Two-Level System
I. R. Senitzky
pp. 2827-2838 [View   PDF (1809 kB) ]

Emission of Photoneutrinos and Pair Annihilation Neutrinos from Stars
Hong-Yee Chiu and Robert C. Stabler
pp. 2839 [View   PDF (182 kB) ]

Energy Bands in Lithium
Joseph Callaway
pp. 2839 [View   PDF (182 kB) ]

Electron Spin Resonance of Hydrogen Atoms in CaF2
J. L. Hall and R. T. Schumacher
pp. 2839 [View   PDF (182 kB) ]

Wave Distortion for Magnetic Moment Effects in Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering
G. Breit and H. M. Ruppel
pp. 2839-2840 [View   PDF (336 kB) ]

Low-Energy Nuclear Level Scheme of Rh104
R. C. Greenwood
pp. 2840 [View   PDF (154 kB) ]

Influence of a Combined Magnetic Dipole and Electric Quadrupole Interaction on Angular Correlations
Kurt Alder, Eckart Matthias, Werner Schneider, and Rolf M. Steffen
pp. 2840 [View   PDF (154 kB) ]

Angular Correlation Perturbed by an Anisotropic Hyperfine Interaction
H. J. Leisi and R. T. Deck
pp. 2840 [View   PDF (154 kB) ]

Properties and Effects of η Decays
Riazuddin and Fayyazuddin
pp. 2840-2841 [View   PDF (304 kB) ]

Angular Distribution of Muons in π-μ Decay at Rest
H. Hulubei, J. S. Ausländer, E. M. Friedländer, and S. Titeica
pp. 2841 [View   PDF (150 kB) ]

Relaxation-Time Measurements in Ruby by a dc Magnetization Technique
Shih-Yu Feng and N. Bloembergen
pp. 2841 [View   PDF (150 kB) ]

Partial-Wave Bethe-Salpeter Equation
Noboru Nakanishi
pp. 2841 [View   PDF (150 kB) ]

Branching Ratios of π- Mesons Stopped in Hydrogen and Deuterium
James W. Ryan
pp. 2841 [View   PDF (150 kB) ]