Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 1 October 1963
(Volume 132, Issue 1)

Important Announcement

pp. 1 [View   PDF (79 kB) ]

Transmission of Electromagnetic Waves through Plasma Slabs
P. M. Platzman and S. J. Buchsbaum
pp. 2-9 [View   PDF (1190 kB) ]

Ground-State Energy and Sound Velocity of a System of Interacting Bosons
V. J. Emery, J. L. Gammel, and F. R. Hopgood
pp. 10-14 [View   PDF (730 kB) ]

Brownian Motion in a Magnetic Field
Behram Kurşunoǧlu
pp. 21-26 [View   PDF (789 kB) ]

Spin-Wave Contribution to the Heat Capacity of Magnetite
Richard P. Kenan, M. Lawrence Glasser, and Frederick J. Milford
pp. 47-49 [View   PDF (506 kB) ]

Electron Transport Phenomena in Bismuth at Liquid-Helium Temperatures
C. G. Grenier, J. M. Reynolds, and J. R. Sybert
pp. 58-73 [View   PDF (2879 kB) ]

Equation of State of Alkali Halides (NaCl)
M. Arenstein, R. D. Hatcher, and J. Neuberger
pp. 73-81 [View   PDF (1302 kB) ]

Low-Temperature Thermal Conductivity of Boron
J. C. Thompson and W. J. McDonald
pp. 82-84 [View   PDF (454 kB) ]

Bound States of Two Spin Waves in the Heisenberg Ferromagnet
Michael Wortis
pp. 85-97 [View   PDF (2219 kB) ]

Magnetic-Field Dependence of Free-Carrier Absorption in Semiconductors
J. K. Furdyna and M. E. Brodwin
pp. 97-104 [View   PDF (1372 kB) ]

Effect of Dissolved Gases on Some Superconducting Properties of Niobium
Warren DeSorbo
pp. 107-121 [View   PDF (3827 kB) ]

Magnetic Spirals in the Molecular Field Approximation
Donald H. Lyons
pp. 122-124 [View   PDF (502 kB) ]

Effect of Temperature and Pressure on the Resistance of Four Alkali Metals
R. A. Stager and H. G. Drickamer
pp. 124-127 [View   PDF (603 kB) ]

Magnetostriction in Dysprosium and Terbium
F. J. Darnell
pp. 128-133 [View   PDF (1063 kB) ]

Paramagnetic Resonance Absorption Spectrum of Trivalent Iron in Single-Crystal Calcite
S. A. Marshall and A. R. Reinberg
pp. 134-142 [View   PDF (1629 kB) ]

Correlation between Irradiation and Thermally Induced Defects in II-VI Compounds
M. R. Lorenz, M. Aven, and H. H. Woodbury
pp. 143-144 [View   PDF (362 kB) ]

Magnetic Properties of the Hexagonal Antiferromagnet CsMnF3
Kenneth Lee, A. M. Portis, and G. L. Witt
pp. 144-163 [View   PDF (3378 kB) ]

Paramagnetic Resonance of Dysprosium in Cubic and Axial Fields in CaF2
R. W. Bierig and M. J. Weber
pp. 164-167 [View   PDF (704 kB) ]

Energy-Flux Operator for a Lattice
Robert J. Hardy
pp. 168-177 [View   PDF (1436 kB) ]

Polarization Conductivity in p-Type Germanium
Stuart Golin
pp. 178-188 [View   PDF (1848 kB) ]

Electron Spin Resonance of the Z1 Band in KCl with SrCl2
G. E. Conklin and R. J. Friauf
pp. 189-194 [View   PDF (1113 kB) ]

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Iron in Gallium Arsenide
M. de Wit and T. L. Estle
pp. 195-201 [View   PDF (1137 kB) ]

Absorptions of Electromagnetic Waves in Electron-Phonon Systems
Narkis Tzoar
pp. 202-206 [View   PDF (638 kB) ]

Intermediate-State Reorientation of Nuclei Aligned in Cerium Double Nitrate
W. W. Strohm and R. C. Sapp
pp. 207-214 [View   PDF (1632 kB) ]

Wave Functions for F Centers in MgO
James C. Kemp and Victor I. Neeley
pp. 215-223 [View   PDF (1875 kB) ]

Fluorescence of Dy3+ in CaF2
Norman Rabbiner
pp. 224-227 [View   PDF (834 kB) ]

Renormalization of Long-Wavelength Magnons
C. Warren Haas
pp. 228-235 [View   PDF (1159 kB) ]

Atomic Binding Energies from a Modified Thomas-Fermi-Dirac Theory
J. F. Barnes and R. D. Cowan
pp. 236-240 [View   PDF (838 kB) ]

Ionization Produced by High-Energy Atomic Collisions
Arnold Russek
pp. 246-261 [View   PDF (2735 kB) ]

Impact Theory of the Noble-Gas-Broadened HCl Vibration-Rotation Lines
Roger M. Herman
pp. 262-275 [View   PDF (1989 kB) ]

Hyperfine Structure of Hg197 and Hg199
Carl V. Stager
pp. 275-279 [View   PDF (752 kB) ]

Configuration Interaction Effects in lN Configurations
K. Rajnak and B. G. Wybourne
pp. 280-290 [View   PDF (1578 kB) ]

Relative Stopping Power of Some Metallic Elements for 28.7-MeV Protons
George H. Nakano, K. R. MacKenzie, and Hans Bichsel
pp. 291-293 [View   PDF (560 kB) ]

Ratio of the Effective Charge of He Beams Traversing Gaseous and Metallic Cadmium
W. Meckbach and S. K. Allison
pp. 294-304 [View   PDF (2118 kB) ]

Dissociation Energy of He2+(2Σu+)
P. N. Reagan, J. C. Browne, and F. A. Matsen
pp. 304-307 [View   PDF (568 kB) ]

Potential Curve of the Metastable Helium Molecule
R. D. Poshusta and F. A. Matsen
pp. 307-309 [View   PDF (451 kB) ]

Nuclear Moments of Sc44 and Sc44m
D. L. Harris and J. D. McCullen
pp. 310-315 [View   PDF (1004 kB) ]

Spin Hamiltonian for Even-Electron Systems Having Even Multiplicity
J. S. Griffith
pp. 316-319 [View   PDF (790 kB) ]

Optical Quenching of Metastable Hydrogen
Wolfgang Zernik
pp. 320-323 [View   PDF (694 kB) ]

Radioactive Decay of Nb95
L. M. Langer and D. E. Wortman
pp. 324-328 [View   PDF (881 kB) ]

Beta Decay of Li9
David E. Alburger
pp. 328-334 [View   PDF (1375 kB) ]

Beta Decay of Li8
D. E. Alburger, P. F. Donovan, and D. H. Wilkinson
pp. 334-342 [View   PDF (1722 kB) ]

Eigenvalues of the Nuclear Pairing Hamiltonian
Richard R. Chasman
pp. 343-345 [View   PDF (408 kB) ]

Transverse Polarization of the K-Conversion Electrons following the Beta Decay of Hg203
R. A. Llewellyn and R. M. Steffen
pp. 346-354 [View   PDF (1480 kB) ]

Decay of Tm173
C. J. Orth, M. E. Bunker, and J. W. Starner
pp. 355-361 [View   PDF (1216 kB) ]

Exchange and Overlap Effects in Electron Capture and in Related Phenomena
John N. Bahcall
pp. 362-367 [View   PDF (1104 kB) ]

Lifetime Measurements on the First Excited States of O17 and F18
J. Lowe and C. L. McClelland
pp. 367-371 [View   PDF (911 kB) ]

Fine Structure Effects in the Fission of U235
Edward L. Cooperman and R. R. Roy
pp. 371-373 [View   PDF (463 kB) ]

Electric Polarization of the Deuteron by a Point Charge
Richard J. Drachman
pp. 374-377 [View   PDF (564 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Study of the Ni(np)Co Reaction
L. D. Singletary, E. N. Strait, and S. H. Ahn
pp. 378-383 [View   PDF (1073 kB) ]

Some Implications of Higher Symmetries
H. Ruegg and S. B. Treiman
pp. 384-387 [View   PDF (745 kB) ]

Search for Ferromagnetically Trapped Magnetic Monopoles of Cosmic-Ray Origin
Eiichi Goto, Henry H. Kolm, and Kenneth W. Ford
pp. 387-396 [View   PDF (1888 kB) ]

(ppxn) Reactions of Br79 and Br81 with 2.9-GeV Protons
Norbert T. Porile and Shigeo Tanaka
pp. 397-400 [View   PDF (674 kB) ]

Decay of the π Meson and Goldberger-Treiman Relation
Masakuni Ida
pp. 401-406 [View   PDF (978 kB) ]

Scattering of 300-MeV Positrons from Cobalt and Bismuth
J. Goldemberg, J. Pine, and D. Yount
pp. 406-413 [View   PDF (1512 kB) ]

Scattering of Electrons and Positrons by Cobalt and Bismuth: Calculations
Robert Herman, B. C. Clark, and D. G. Ravenhall
pp. 414-421 [View   PDF (1349 kB) ]

Measurements of Negative-Muon Lifetimes in Light Isotopes
M. Eckhause, T. A. Filippas, R. B. Sutton, and R. E. Welsh
pp. 422-425 [View   PDF (836 kB) ]

Electromagnetic Induction of Neutral Lepton Currents
Mirza A. Bég
pp. 426-431 [View   PDF (891 kB) ]

Negative Pion Photoproduction from Bismuth Accompanied by Neutron Emission
Avivi I. Yavin and Giovanni de Pasquali
pp. 431-433 [View   PDF (482 kB) ]

Diffraction Scattering and Singularities in the Angular Momentum Plane
I. R. Gatland and J. W. Moffat
pp. 442-447 [View   PDF (937 kB) ]

Photoproduction of Low-Energy Charged Pions from Deuterium
J. P. Burq and J. K. Walker
pp. 447-454 [View   PDF (1434 kB) ]

Three-Body Scattering Operator in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Jerome Weinstock
pp. 470-482 [View   PDF (2002 kB) ]

Coupling-Constant Sum Rules
M. Muraskin and S. L. Glashow
pp. 482-484 [View   PDF (320 kB) ]

Soluble Problems in the Scattering from Compound Systems
R. D. Amado
pp. 485-494 [View   PDF (1676 kB) ]