Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 15 October 1963
(Volume 132, Issue 2)

Electrons in Liquid Metals by Positron Annihilation
A. T. Stewart, J. H. Kusmiss, and R. H. March
pp. 495-497 [View   PDF (439 kB) ]

Influence of Collisions on Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Plasma Fluctuations
A. Ron, J. Dawson, and C. Oberman
pp. 497-498 [View   PDF (312 kB) ]

Chemical Potential and Low-Lying Excitations in the Many-Boson System. II
Ludwig W. Bruch and Katuro Sawada
pp. 499-504 [View   PDF (865 kB) ]

Optical Spectra of Trivalent Iron in Trigonal Fields
Kishin Moorjani and Nelson McAvoy
pp. 504-508 [View   PDF (710 kB) ]

Thermal Conductivity of III-V Compounds at High Temperatures
E. F. Steigmeier and I. Kudman
pp. 508-512 [View   PDF (828 kB) ]

Properties of a Thin Hollow Superconducting Cylinder
D. H. Douglass
pp. 513-521 [View   PDF (1504 kB) ]

Effects of an Electric Field on Molecular Excitons
Arthur Bierman
pp. 529-534 [View   PDF (648 kB) ]

Oscillations of the Velocity of Sound in Metals in a Magnetic Field
Sergio Rodriguez
pp. 535-541 [View   PDF (1116 kB) ]

Electrical Resistivity of Ferromagnetic Metals at Low Temperatures
D. A. Goodings
pp. 542-558 [View   PDF (2865 kB) ]

Anisotropic Dispersive Continuum Model for Lattice Dynamics of Solids
K. C. Sharma and S. K. Joshi
pp. 559-562 [View   PDF (608 kB) ]

Theoretical and Experimental Effects of Spatial Dispersion on the Optical Properties of Crystals
J. J. Hopfield and D. G. Thomas
pp. 563-572 [View   PDF (1818 kB) ]

Field and Angular Dependence of Critical Currents in Nb3Sn
G. W. Cullen, G. D. Cody, and J. P. McEvoy
pp. 577-580 [View   PDF (660 kB) ]

Nuclear Polarization in Homogeneous InSb by a Direct Current
M. Weger
pp. 581-588 [View   PDF (1324 kB) ]

Magnetic Susceptibility and Crystalline Field Levels of Ytterbium Gallium Garnet
William H. Brumage, Chun C. Lin, and J. H. Van Vleck
pp. 608-610 [View   PDF (497 kB) ]

Dynamic Polarization by Thermal Mixing between Two Spin Systems
M. Goldman and A. Landesman
pp. 610-620 [View   PDF (1859 kB) ]

Ultrasonic Absorption by Superconducting Nb-Zr Alloys
Lewis T. Claiborne and Norman G. Einspruch
pp. 621-629 [View   PDF (1575 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in LiF at High Temperatures
Maurice Eisenstadt
pp. 630-635 [View   PDF (1108 kB) ]

Nuclear Spin Relaxation by Translational Diffusion in Solids
M. Eisenstadt and A. G. Redfield
pp. 635-643 [View   PDF (1664 kB) ]

Interpretation of Debye-Waller Factors
J. L. Feldman and G. K. Horton
pp. 644-647 [View   PDF (571 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Spin-1 Centers in Neutron-Irradiated Silicon
Wun Jung and G. S. Newell
pp. 648-662 [View   PDF (2702 kB) ]

Theory of a Local Superconductor in a Magnetic Field
N. R. Werthamer
pp. 663-668 [View   PDF (1038 kB) ]

Electrical Resistivity and Hall Effect of Cr-Modified Mn2Sb
P. E. Bierstedt
pp. 669-673 [View   PDF (860 kB) ]

Effect of Dipolar Fields on the Antiferromagnetic Spin-Wave Spectrum
R. Loudon and P. Pincus
pp. 673-678 [View   PDF (1037 kB) ]

Interaction of Waves of Current and Polarization
Truman O. Woodruff
pp. 679-682 [View   PDF (682 kB) ]

A Study of the Crystal Dynamics of Zinc
G. Borgonovi, G. Caglioti, and J. J. Antal
pp. 683-688 [View   PDF (1082 kB) ]

Interpolation Approach to the Green Function Theory of Ferromagnetism
Raza A. Tahir-Kheli
pp. 689-701 [View   PDF (2014 kB) ]

Ranges of 5- to 27-keV Deuterons in Aluminum, Copper, and Gold
R. L. Hines
pp. 701-706 [View   PDF (1103 kB) ]

Electric Quadrupole Interactions in Rare-Earth Ions
A. J. Freeman and R. E. Watson
pp. 706-709 [View   PDF (806 kB) ]

Excitation of the He ii λ4686 Å Line by Electron Impact
R. H. Hughes and L. D. Weaver
pp. 710-711 [View   PDF (331 kB) ]

Hyperfine Structure and Nuclear Moments of Promethium-147 and Promethium-151
Burton Budick and Richard Marrus
pp. 723-728 [View   PDF (1068 kB) ]

Measurement of the Atomic Scattering Factor of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe
D. R. Chipman and L. D. Jennings
pp. 728-734 [View   PDF (1381 kB) ]

Z Expansion of Hartree-Fock Wave Functions
David Layzer
pp. 735-737 [View   PDF (445 kB) ]

Induced Effects in β Decay
J. N. Huffaker and Eugene Greuling
pp. 738-743 [View   PDF (1022 kB) ]

Neutron Photoproduction Cross Section of Calcium
K. Min, L. N. Bolen, and W. D. Whitehead
pp. 749-751 [View   PDF (443 kB) ]

Gamma Rays from Neutron Capture in Helium-3 and Deuteron Capture in Deuterium
R. W. Zurmühle, W. E. Stephens, and H. H. Staub
pp. 751-754 [View   PDF (688 kB) ]

Deuteron Optical-Model Analysis in the Range of 11 to 27 MeV
C. M. Perey and F. G. Perey
pp. 755-773 [View   PDF (2855 kB) ]

Diffuseness of the Nuclear Surface from S-Wave Strength Functions
A. P. Jain
pp. 774-775 [View   PDF (311 kB) ]

Magnetic Pair Spectrometer Studies of Electromagnetic Transitions in Be10 and B10
E. K. Warburton, D. E. Alburger, and D. H. Wilkinson
pp. 776-789 [View   PDF (2771 kB) ]

Magnetic Pair Spectrometer Studies of Electromagnetic Transitions in C14 and N14
D. E. Alburger and E. K. Warburton
pp. 790-796 [View   PDF (1367 kB) ]

Ne20(ppγ) Angular Correlations at Low Energy
H. Hulubei, N. Martalogu, M. Ivascu, N. Scîntei, A. Berinde, I. Neamu, and J. Francz
pp. 796-800 [View   PDF (758 kB) ]

Neutron Capture in Iron
J. A. Moore, H. Palevsky, and R. E. Chrien
pp. 801-806 [View   PDF (1004 kB) ]

Gamma-Ray Angular Correlations and Spin Assignments in Sm149
O. K. Harling, C. A. Ventrice, and J. J. Pinajian
pp. 807-812 [View   PDF (1001 kB) ]

(pd) Nuclear Structure Studies on Nuclei between A=12 and A=48
C. D. Kavaloski, G. Bassani, and Norton M. Hintz
pp. 813-822 [View   PDF (1512 kB) ]

Two-Field Couplings with Especial Reference to Photon-Neutral Meson Interaction
G. Feldman and P. T. Matthews
pp. 823-830 [View   PDF (1293 kB) ]

Photoproduction of π+ Mesons from Hydrogen
M. J. Bazin and J. Pine
pp. 830-836 [View   PDF (1310 kB) ]

Theorem on the Shrinking of Diffraction Peaks
Albert C. Finn
pp. 836-837 [View   PDF (277 kB) ]

γ+p→η+p Reaction at Low Energy and the Second-Resonant State in the Nucleon
Shigeo Minami and Tom A. Moss
pp. 838-840 [View   PDF (478 kB) ]

Three-Photon Decay of Positronium 1S State as a Test of Charge Conjugation Invariance
Joseph Schechter
pp. 841-844 [View   PDF (631 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Elastic Scattering of Pseudoscalar Mesons and SUn Symmetry
Donald E. Neville
pp. 844-851 [View   PDF (1406 kB) ]

High-Energy Behavior in Production Processes
I. G. Halliday and J. C. Polkinghorne
pp. 852-855 [View   PDF (588 kB) ]

Low-Energy K̅ -d Scattering
Anand K. Bhatia and Joseph Sucher
pp. 855-862 [View   PDF (1158 kB) ]

Nuclear Size Effect on Bremsstrahlung in the BeV Range
B. J. Malenka and H. P. Smith
pp. 863-866 [View   PDF (714 kB) ]

Low-Momentum-Transfer Pion-Pion Scattering
Louis A. Balázs
pp. 867-873 [View   PDF (1146 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Three-Meson Model for p-p Scattering and Regge Poles
Riazuddin and Fayyazuddin
pp. 873-877 [View   PDF (695 kB) ]

Ground-State Energy of a Two-Nucleon System
Gerald L. Nutt
pp. 884-893 [View   PDF (1479 kB) ]

Uniqueness of the Partial-Wave Amplitudes
A. P. Balachandran
pp. 894-895 [View   PDF (304 kB) ]

Neutral Scalar Theory with Recoil
V. Barger and E. Kazes
pp. 896-901 [View   PDF (899 kB) ]

Derivation of Partial Amplitudes and the Validity of Dispersion Relations for Production Processes
D. Branson, P. V. Landshoff, and J. C. Taylor
pp. 902-912 [View   PDF (1788 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Anomalous Thresholds and Three-Particle Unitarity Integral
Y. S. Kim
pp. 927-929 [View   PDF (468 kB) ]

Kinetic Integral Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation
Crawford MacCallum
pp. 930-931 [View   PDF (311 kB) ]

Discussion of the Dynamical Equations for the Regge Parameters
Hung Cheng
pp. 931-935 [View   PDF (596 kB) ]

Expectation Value Fluctuations in the Unitary Ensemble
Nazakat Ullah and Charles E. Porter
pp. 948-950 [View   PDF (410 kB) ]

Scattering of Very Intense Electromagnetic Waves
Masataka Mizushima
pp. 951-954 [View   PDF (550 kB) ]