Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 1 November 1963
(Volume 132, Issue 3)

Excitation Spectrum of a Many-Boson System
James D. Talman
pp. 955-958 [View   PDF (667 kB) ]

Overhauser Effect in Metallic Lithium and Sodium
Richard Hecht and Alfred G. Redfield
pp. 972-977 [View   PDF (1122 kB) ]

Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by an Electron-Phonon System
Amiram Ron
pp. 978-985 [View   PDF (1128 kB) ]

Theory of High-Temperature Magnetostriction
Herbert B. Callen and Earl R. Callen
pp. 991-996 [View   PDF (1045 kB) ]

Acoustic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Antiferromagnetic Insulators
S. D. Silverstein
pp. 997-1003 [View   PDF (1284 kB) ]

Magnetic Resonance Studies of Unpaired Atoms in Solid D2
Mark Sharnoff and R. V. Pound
pp. 1003-1022 [View   PDF (3895 kB) ]

Edge Emission and Zeeman Effects in CdS
D. C. Reynolds and C. W. Litton
pp. 1023-1029 [View   PDF (1273 kB) ]

Quadrupole Interactions of Vanadium and Manganese in Corundum
Neal Laurance and John Lambe
pp. 1029-1036 [View   PDF (1767 kB) ]

Auger Electron Ejection from Tungsten Surfaces by Low-Energy Ions
Franklin M. Propst and Edgar Lüscher
pp. 1037-1046 [View   PDF (1754 kB) ]

Quantum Theory of the Residual Electrical Resistivity of Disordered Alloys
Arlyn E. Asch and George L. Hall
pp. 1047-1057 [View   PDF (1715 kB) ]

Magnetic Susceptibility of Cu (NO3)2·2.5H2O at Low Temperature
L. Berger, S. A. Friedberg, and J. T. Schriempf
pp. 1057-1061 [View   PDF (832 kB) ]

Ultrasonic Determination of the Superconducting Energy Gap in Vanadium
John L. Brewster, Moises Levy, and Isadore Rudnick
pp. 1062-1072 [View   PDF (1568 kB) ]

Ultrasonic Determination of the Superconducting Energy Gap in Tantalum
Moises Levy and Isadore Rudnick
pp. 1073-1080 [View   PDF (889 kB) ]

Deformation Potentials in Silicon. III. Effects of a General Strain on Conduction and Valence Levels
Iza Goroff and Leonard Kleinman
pp. 1080-1084 [View   PDF (918 kB) ]

Solvable Three-Dimensional Lattice Models
Bruce W. Knight and Gerald A. Peterson
pp. 1085-1092 [View   PDF (1049 kB) ]

Magnetization and Electrical Resistivity of Gadolinium Single Crystals
H. E. Nigh, S. Legvold, and F. H. Spedding
pp. 1092-1097 [View   PDF (708 kB) ]

Lattice Parameters of Terbium and Erbium at Low Temperatures
F. J. Darnell
pp. 1098-1100 [View   PDF (552 kB) ]

Extension of the Statistical Model of the Atom
Victor A. Erma
pp. 1100-1110 [View   PDF (1867 kB) ]

2P→1S Transitions in Muonic Tl, Pb, and Bi
William B. Rolnick
pp. 1110-1119 [View   PDF (1750 kB) ]

Large-Angle Inelastic Scattering of 500-keV Electrons
J. W. Motz and R. C. Placious
pp. 1120-1122 [View   PDF (511 kB) ]

N15(pn)O15 Ground-State Reactions and the Quasielastic Model of (pn) Reactions
Lusia F. Hansen and Marion L. Stelts
pp. 1123-1130 [View   PDF (1273 kB) ]

β-γ Circular-Polarization Correlation Study of Sc46
John A. Miskel, Lloyd G. Mann, and Stewart D. Bloom
pp. 1130-1133 [View   PDF (688 kB) ]

Photoprotons from C12 and F19
K. M. Murray and W. L. Bendel
pp. 1134-1140 [View   PDF (1079 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of F20 by Polarized Neutron Capture and β-Decay Anisotropy
Tung Tsang and Donald Connor
pp. 1141-1146 [View   PDF (1045 kB) ]

Ground State of F20
Dieter Kurath
pp. 1146-1148 [View   PDF (477 kB) ]

Precision Measurement of the Recoil Energy Spectrum from the Decay of He6
C. H. Johnson, Frances Pleasonton, and T. A. Carlson
pp. 1149-1165 [View   PDF (3494 kB) ]

Low-Lying Positive Parity States of Ne21
R. M. Dreizler
pp. 1166-1176 [View   PDF (1789 kB) ]

Second-Order Effects in Positron Spectrum of Zr89(9 / 2+→9 / 2+)
C. P. Bhalla
pp. 1177-1180 [View   PDF (656 kB) ]

Spin and Nuclear Moments of 6.7-Hour Cd107
F. W. Byron, M. N. McDermott, and R. Novick
pp. 1181-1185 [View   PDF (930 kB) ]

Level Crossings in the (5s5p) 3P1 State of Radioactive Cd107 and Cd109
P. Thaddeus and M. N. McDermott
pp. 1186-1190 [View   PDF (901 kB) ]

Level Structure of Ni64
J. K. Dickens, F. G. Perey, and R. J. Silva
pp. 1190-1192 [View   PDF (470 kB) ]

Directional Correlation of the Gamma Rays of La140 and Ce140
W. W. Black and Allan C. Mitchell
pp. 1193-1199 [View   PDF (1067 kB) ]

Lifetime of the Second Excited Levels in Ni60 and Ti46
Y. K. Lee and C. S. Wu
pp. 1200-1205 [View   PDF (1149 kB) ]

Mean Lives of the First Two Excited States of P31
René J. Levesque, C. P. Swann, and V. K. Rasmussen
pp. 1205-1210 [View   PDF (941 kB) ]

Nonelastic Cross Sections of Pb206 and Pb208 for 14-MeV Neutrons
Gregory M. Haas and Pablo L. Okhuysen
pp. 1211-1212 [View   PDF (387 kB) ]

High-Energy Diffraction Scattering
Loyal Durand and Kenneth R. Greider
pp. 1217-1225 [View   PDF (1765 kB) ]

Pion-Proton Diffraction Scattering at Very Small Momentum Transfers
I. R. Gatland and J. W. Moffat
pp. 1225-1226 [View   PDF (316 kB) ]

Electromagnetic Properties of the Neutrino
Jeremy Bernstein, Malvin Ruderman, and Gerald Feinberg
pp. 1227-1233 [View   PDF (1140 kB) ]

Unitary Symmetry and the Transformation η→π0
S. P. Rosen
pp. 1234-1239 [View   PDF (891 kB) ]

Theory of Spin-½ Particles with Parity-Nonconserving Interactions
K. Hiida
pp. 1239-1248 [View   PDF (1179 kB) ]

Vector-Meson Fit to Nucleon Form Factors
M. W. Kirson
pp. 1249-1251 [View   PDF (489 kB) ]

Pion-Proton Elastic Scattering from 3 GeV/c to 5 GeV/c
M. L. Perl, L. W. Jones, and C. C. Ting
pp. 1252-1272 [View   PDF (3326 kB) ]

Evidence for the Reaction π-+pp̅ +d and Some Methods of Investigating Virtual Nucleon Exchange Processes
M. L. Perl, L. W. Jones, and C. C. Ting
pp. 1273-1277 [View   PDF (840 kB) ]

Pion-Nucleon Scattering and the J=2, T=0 Pion-Pion Interaction
G. C. Oades
pp. 1277-1282 [View   PDF (921 kB) ]

Interaction of Positive Pions with Hydrogen at 600 MeV
Peter C. Newcomb
pp. 1283-1292 [View   PDF (1735 kB) ]

Photoproduction of π0 Mesons from Hydrogen near Zero Degrees
V. L. Highland and J. W. DeWire
pp. 1293-1297 [View   PDF (825 kB) ]

Intensity of Upward Muon Flux due to Cosmic-Ray Neutrinos Produced in the Atmosphere
T. D. Lee, H. Robinson, M. Schwartz, and R. Cool
pp. 1297-1300 [View   PDF (575 kB) ]

Resonance Model for Photoproduction of K Mesons from Nucleons. II
Shigeo Hatsukade and Howard J. Schnitzer
pp. 1301-1305 [View   PDF (701 kB) ]

Polarization of Cosmic-Ray μ Mesons
Hale V. Bradt and George W. Clark
pp. 1306-1316 [View   PDF (2060 kB) ]

Quantized Gravitational Field. II
Julian Schwinger
pp. 1317-1321 [View   PDF (697 kB) ]

Dissipative Potentials and the Motion of a Classical Charge. II
Boris Leaf
pp. 1321-1326 [View   PDF (932 kB) ]

Theory of Symmetry Projections in Applied Quantum Mechanics
Stig Flodmark
pp. 1343-1348 [View   PDF (1148 kB) ]

Bose System of Hard Spheres
L. Liu and K. W. Wong
pp. 1349-1353 [View   PDF (693 kB) ]

Self-Consistent Deviations from Unitary Symmetry
R. E. Cutkosky and Pekka Tarjanne
pp. 1354-1361 [View   PDF (1456 kB) ]

Singularities of a Relativistic Scattering Amplitude in the Complex Angular Momentum Plane
K. Bardakci and D. A. Geffen
pp. 1361-1372 [View   PDF (1872 kB) ]

Study of the Perturbation Series for the Ground-State Energy of a Many-Fermion System
George A. Baker, J. L. Gammel, and B. J. Hill
pp. 1373-1387 [View   PDF (2059 kB) ]

Basis of the Functional Assumption in the Theory of the Boltzmann Equation
M. S. Green and R. A. Piccirelli
pp. 1388-1410 [View   PDF (4499 kB) ]