Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 15 November 1963
(Volume 132, Issue 4)

Statistical Mechanics of Dimers on a Plane Lattice. II. Dimer Correlations and Monomers
Michael E. Fisher and John Stephenson
pp. 1411-1431 [View   PDF (3141 kB) ]

Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Liquids
P. K. Sharma and S. K. Joshi
pp. 1431-1434 [View   PDF (496 kB) ]

Ion Mobilities in Helium, Neon, and Argon
H. J. Oskam and V. R. Mittelstadt
pp. 1435-1444 [View   PDF (1652 kB) ]

Recombination Coefficient of Molecular Rare-Gas Ions
H. J. Oskam and V. R. Mittelstadt
pp. 1445-1454 [View   PDF (1772 kB) ]

Nuclear Susceptibility of Solid Helium-3
A. Low Thomson, Horst Meyer, and Prakash N. Dheer
pp. 1455-1464 [View   PDF (1889 kB) ]

Knight Shifts and Linewidths of the Pb207 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Lead-Indium Alloys
Rex J. Snodgrass and Lawrence H. Bennett
pp. 1465-1474 [View   PDF (2358 kB) ]

Infrared Lattice Vibrations and Dielectric Dispersion in Corundum
A. S. Barker
pp. 1474-1481 [View   PDF (1331 kB) ]

Electroluminescence and Photoluminescence of GaAs at 77°K
Marshall I. Nathan, Gerald Burns, Samuel E. Blum, and John C. Marinace
pp. 1482-1485 [View   PDF (829 kB) ]

Superconductivity and Localized Magnetic States in Ti-Mn Alloys
J. A. Cape
pp. 1486-1492 [View   PDF (1905 kB) ]

Far-Infrared Spectra of Two Cerium Double Nitrate Salts
J. H. Thornley
pp. 1492-1493 [View   PDF (345 kB) ]

Magnetic Moment of a Solid-State Plasma
A. R. Moore and J. O. Kessler
pp. 1494-1506 [View   PDF (2182 kB) ]

Paramagnetic Resonance of Trivalent Manganese in Rutile (TiO2)
H. J. Gerritsen and E. S. Sabisky
pp. 1507-1512 [View   PDF (1074 kB) ]

Low-Field de Haas-van Alphen Effect in Indium
G. B. Brandt and J. A. Rayne
pp. 1512-1516 [View   PDF (806 kB) ]

Impurity Conduction in p-Type Silicon at Microwave Frequencies
Shoji Tanaka and H. Y. Fan
pp. 1516-1526 [View   PDF (1690 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Quantum Theory of Kinetic Equations for Electrons in Phonon Fields
Petros N. Argyres
pp. 1527-1543 [View   PDF (2767 kB) ]

X-Ray Interference Structure in the Specularly Reflected Radiation from Thin Films
J. Sauro, I. Fankuchen, and N. Wainfan
pp. 1544-1546 [View   PDF (726 kB) ]

Neutron Diffraction and Mössbauer Study of Ordered and Disordered LiFeO2
D. E. Cox, G. Shirane, P. A. Flinn, S. L. Ruby, and W. J. Takei
pp. 1547-1553 [View   PDF (1269 kB) ]

Orientation Dependence of K-Absorption Extended Fine Structure of a Single Crystal of Germanium
E. Alexander, B. S. Fraenkel, J. Perel, and K. Rabinovitch
pp. 1554-1559 [View   PDF (999 kB) ]

Electronic Structure of Copper Impurities in ZnO
R. E. Dietz, H. Kamimura, M. D. Sturge, and A. Yariv
pp. 1559-1569 [View   PDF (1848 kB) ]

Photoelectric Emission Phenomena in LiF and KCl in the Extreme Ultraviolet
R. G. Newburgh
pp. 1570-1575 [View   PDF (1047 kB) ]

Superconductors with Plane Boundaries
David S. Falk
pp. 1576-1590 [View   PDF (1992 kB) ]

Electronic Band Structure and Wannier Exciton States in Solid Krypton
W. Beall Fowler
pp. 1591-1599 [View   PDF (1607 kB) ]

Plasma Resonance Absorption in Thin Metal Films
A. J. McAlister and E. A. Stern
pp. 1599-1602 [View   PDF (701 kB) ]

High-Frequency Behavior of Hydrogen-Bonded Ferroelectrics: Triglycine Sulphate and KD2PO4
R. M. Hill and S. K. Ichiki
pp. 1603-1608 [View   PDF (907 kB) ]

Electron Spin Resonance of Er3+ in CaF2
U. Ranon and W. Low
pp. 1609-1611 [View   PDF (532 kB) ]

Gamma-Ray-Induced Expansion of Lithium Fluoride
William Primak and Gene Wolfe
pp. 1612-1617 [View   PDF (1099 kB) ]

Heat Capacity of γ-CuZn Alloys below 4.2°K
Boyd W. Veal and John A. Rayne
pp. 1617-1619 [View   PDF (509 kB) ]

Phase Diagrams of Calcium and Strontium at High Pressures
A. Jayaraman, W. Klement, and G. C. Kennedy
pp. 1620-1624 [View   PDF (1020 kB) ]

Nuclear Anomalous Dispersion in Fe57 by the Method of Total Reflection
S. Bernstein and E. C. Campbell
pp. 1625-1633 [View   PDF (1587 kB) ]

Free-Positron Annihilation Mean Life in Diatomic and Rare Gases in Liquid and Solid States
D. C. Liu and W. K. Roberts
pp. 1633-1635 [View   PDF (480 kB) ]

Double-Electron Capture by Protons in H2 Gas
Gordon W. McClure
pp. 1636-1637 [View   PDF (351 kB) ]

Quadrupole Antishielding Factors of Ions
R. M. Sternheimer
pp. 1637-1639 [View   PDF (542 kB) ]

Distribution of Partial Radiation Widths
L. M. Bollinger, R. E. Coté, R. T. Carpenter, and J. P. Marion
pp. 1640-1662 [View   PDF (4738 kB) ]

Atomic Masses from Gallium to Molybdenum
Richard R. Ries, Richard A. Damerow, and Walter H. Johnson
pp. 1662-1672 [View   PDF (2052 kB) ]

Atomic Masses from Ruthenium to Xenon
Richard A. Damerow, Richard R. Ries, and Walter H. Johnson
pp. 1673-1681 [View   PDF (1462 kB) ]

Properties of Radioactive Re189
B. Crasemann, G. T. Emery, W. R. Kane, and M. L. Perlman
pp. 1681-1690 [View   PDF (1649 kB) ]

Photodisintegration of He3 near the Threshold
J. B. Warren, K. L. Erdman, L. P. Robertson, D. A. Axen, and J. R. Macdonald
pp. 1691-1692 [View   PDF (236 kB) ]

Spins of Excited States of Tl208 from Alpha-Gamma Angular Correlations
Warrington C. Cobb
pp. 1693-1706 [View   PDF (2023 kB) ]

Comparison of Moderate Energy Proton-Proton Models
P. Signell and N. R. Yoder
pp. 1707-1709 [View   PDF (498 kB) ]

(p, γ) Resonance-Curve Shapes and Measurements of Resonance Energies with H2+ Beams
R. O. Bondelid and J. W. Butler
pp. 1710-1719 [View   PDF (2076 kB) ]

Proton Transfer to Specific Final States in the Reaction Al27 (O16,N15) Si28 near the Coulomb Barrier
E. Newman, K. S. Toth, and A. Zucker
pp. 1720-1724 [View   PDF (949 kB) ]

Nuclear Elastic Scattering of Monoenergetic Neutron-Capture Gamma Rays
C. S. Young and D. J. Donahue
pp. 1724-1732 [View   PDF (1445 kB) ]

Lifetimes of the 22-keV First Excited States in Eu151 and Sm149
O. C. Kistner, A. C. Li, and S. Monaro
pp. 1733-1735 [View   PDF (416 kB) ]

Study of Deformed Odd-A Nuclei by the (dp) Reaction
Michel N. Vergnes and Raymond K. Sheline
pp. 1736-1752 [View   PDF (2045 kB) ]

Properties of Low-Lying Levels in Sb121
F. R. Metzger and H. Langhoff
pp. 1753-1758 [View   PDF (1111 kB) ]

Continuum Spectra from the Be9 (He3, α)2He4 Reaction
W. E. Dorenbusch and C. P. Browne
pp. 1759-1762 [View   PDF (675 kB) ]

Beta Decay of Carbon 10 and the Cluster Model
Francis J. Bartis
pp. 1763-1767 [View   PDF (908 kB) ]

Production of the 1385-MeV (Y1*)0 in 1.5-BeV/c π-p Interactions
L. J. Curtis, C. T. Coffin, D. I. Meyer, and K. M. Terwilliger
pp. 1771-1778 [View   PDF (1487 kB) ]

ΛK0 and Σ0K0 Production in 1.5-BeV/c π-p Interactions
L. L. Yoder, C. T. Coffin, D. I. Meyer, and K. M. Terwilliger
pp. 1778-1781 [View   PDF (560 kB) ]

Muon Reactions in Liquid Hydrogen and Liquid Deuterium
John H. Doede
pp. 1782-1799 [View   PDF (4745 kB) ]

Violation of I|=1 / 2 Rule in the Kπ30 Decay and the K20→γ+γ Decay
S. Oneda and S. Hori
pp. 1800-1802 [View   PDF (471 kB) ]

Time Dependence of the Decay Energy Spectrum for Stopped Cosmic-Ray Particles at Sea Level
Elihu Boldt, Paul Stoler, and Costa Tsipis
pp. 1803-1809 [View   PDF (1211 kB) ]

Regge Poles and the Photoproduction of Pions
R. W. Childers and W. G. Holladay
pp. 1809-1818 [View   PDF (1469 kB) ]

π--p Interactions at 905, 960, and 1100 MeV
E. Pickup, D. K. Robinson, E. O. Salant, F. Ayer, and B. A. Munir
pp. 1819-1830 [View   PDF (1075 kB) ]

Origin of Internal Symmetries
Ernest Abers, Fredrik Zachariasen, and Charles Zemach
pp. 1831-1836 [View   PDF (836 kB) ]

Mach's Principle in Classical and Relativistic Physics
Jaroslav Pachner
pp. 1837-1842 [View   PDF (1134 kB) ]

Lorentz-Covariant Position Operators for Spinning Particles
T. F. Jordan and N. Mukunda
pp. 1842-1848 [View   PDF (1303 kB) ]

Improvement of the Born Series at Low Energy
Marcel Wellner
pp. 1848-1853 [View   PDF (976 kB) ]