Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 1 December 1963
(Volume 132, Issue 5)

Finite Temperature Equilibrium Properties of Liquid He3 in Fermi Liquid Theory
Peter M. Richards
pp. 1867-1879 [View   PDF (2000 kB) ]

Absorption Band Shape and Urbach's Rule of Localized Excitons
Herbert Mahr
pp. 1880-1884 [View   PDF (909 kB) ]

de Haas-Shubnikov Effect in Antimony
J. Ketterson and Y. Eckstein
pp. 1885-1891 [View   PDF (1181 kB) ]

Photoelectric Properties of Lead Sulfide in the Near and Vacuum Ultraviolet
Richard A. Knapp
pp. 1891-1897 [View   PDF (747 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Line Shapes Resulting from the Combined Effects of Nuclear Quadrupole and Anisotropic Shift Interactions
W. H. Jones, T. P. Graham, and R. G. Barnes
pp. 1898-1909 [View   PDF (1640 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Electrical Measurements on Clean and Oxidized Germanium Surfaces
Y. Margoninski
pp. 1910-1918 [View   PDF (1725 kB) ]

Optical Properties of Aluminum
H. Ehrenreich, H. R. Philipp, and B. Segall
pp. 1918-1928 [View   PDF (1974 kB) ]

Anisotropy Corrections to the Valence Band in the Magnetic Field
Eugenia Kaczmarek
pp. 1929-1933 [View   PDF (626 kB) ]

Susceptibilities and Critical Fields of Superconducting Films
Werner Liniger and Farouk Odeh
pp. 1934-1945 [View   PDF (1666 kB) ]

Low-Field de Haas-van Alphen Studies of Chromium Group Transition Elements
G. B. Brandt and J. A. Rayne
pp. 1945-1949 [View   PDF (890 kB) ]

New Hole Center, FCl-, in Mixed KCl-KF Crystals
John W. Wilkins and John R. Gabriel
pp. 1950-1957 [View   PDF (1968 kB) ]

Quantum Theory of the Equilibrium Order Parameters for Disordered Solid Solutions
D. O. Christy and G. L. Hall
pp. 1958-1963 [View   PDF (1071 kB) ]

Thermal Conductivity of Some Alkali Halides Containing F Centers
Charles T. Walker
pp. 1963-1975 [View   PDF (2354 kB) ]

New Hot-Electron Negative Resistance Effect
E. Erlbach
pp. 1976-1979 [View   PDF (702 kB) ]

Ferromagnetic Resonance Frequency Shift in Yttrium Iron Garnet
C. W. Haas, T. J. Matcovich, H. S. Belson, and N. Goldberg
pp. 1980-1990 [View   PDF (1839 kB) ]

Cyclotron Resonance in Sodium and Potassium
C. C. Grimes and A. F. Kip
pp. 1991-1998 [View   PDF (1639 kB) ]

Optical Transitions Involving Impurities in Semiconductors
W. P. Dumke
pp. 1998-2002 [View   PDF (864 kB) ]

Scattering of Spin Waves by Magnetic Defects
Joseph Callaway
pp. 2003-2009 [View   PDF (1011 kB) ]

Charge Transport in Copper Phthalocyanine Single Crystals
George H. Heilmeier and Sol E. Harrison
pp. 2010-2016 [View   PDF (1247 kB) ]

Optical Properties of 15R SiC: Luminescence of Nitrogen-Exciton Complexes, and Interband Absorption
Lyle Patrick, D. R. Hamilton, and W. J. Choyke
pp. 2023-2031 [View   PDF (1605 kB) ]

Foundations of the Callaway Theory of Thermal Conductivity
R. E. Nettleton
pp. 2032-2038 [View   PDF (1337 kB) ]

Ultrasonic Attenuation of Transverse Waves in V, Nb, and Ta for ql<1
Moises Levy, Reynold Kagiwada, and Isadore Rudnick
pp. 2039-2046 [View   PDF (881 kB) ]

Electronic Band Structure of Gray Tin
F. Bassani and L. Liu
pp. 2047-2050 [View   PDF (743 kB) ]

Deviations from T3 / 2 Law for Magnetization of Ferrometals: Ni, Fe, and Fe+3% Si
B. E. Argyle, S. H. Charap, and E. W. Pugh
pp. 2051-2062 [View   PDF (2302 kB) ]

Reflectivity of Silver-Gold Alloys in the Spectral Region 1.8-5.0 eV
Paul R. Wessel
pp. 2062-2064 [View   PDF (499 kB) ]

Light Scattering in Alkali Halide Single Crystals
W. A. Sibley
pp. 2065-2072 [View   PDF (1415 kB) ]

Measurements of Resonant Electron Capture in He+ on He Collisions
Grant J. Lockwood, Herbert F. Helbig, and Edgar Everhart
pp. 2078-2082 [View   PDF (885 kB) ]

Analysis of the He+ on He Collision
Edgar Everhart
pp. 2083-2090 [View   PDF (1494 kB) ]

Correlation Effects in Many-Fermion Systems: Multiple-Particle Excitation Expansion
Hugh P. Kelly and Andrew M. Sessler
pp. 2091-2095 [View   PDF (752 kB) ]

First-Order Perturbation Corrections to the Hartree-Fock Approximation for Helium
A. W. Weiss and J. B. Martin
pp. 2118-2122 [View   PDF (886 kB) ]

Magnetic Hyperfine Interaction of Cr53
W. J. Childs, L. S. Goodman, and D. von Ehrenstein
pp. 2128-2135 [View   PDF (1352 kB) ]

Atomic Response Function
Werner Brandt and Stig Lundqvist
pp. 2135-2143 [View   PDF (1475 kB) ]

Spin Exchange in Collisions between Atoms
A. E. Glassgold
pp. 2144-2154 [View   PDF (1724 kB) ]

Effect of Hydrogen-Hydrogen Exchange Collisions
P. L. Bender
pp. 2154-2158 [View   PDF (688 kB) ]

Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Protons by Carbon-12 for Proton Energies between 18 and 30 MeV
J. Kirk Dickens, David A. Haner, and Charles N. Waddell
pp. 2159-2168 [View   PDF (1488 kB) ]

Positron Radioactivities of O14, Ne18, Si26, and S30
G. Frick, A. Gallmann, D. E. Alburger, D. H. Wilkinson, and J. P. Coffin
pp. 2169-2184 [View   PDF (2828 kB) ]

Moments of Inertia and the Shell Model
C. A. Levinson
pp. 2184-2188 [View   PDF (627 kB) ]

Variational Shell-Model Methods for Deformed Orbitals
I. Kelson
pp. 2189-2193 [View   PDF (758 kB) ]

Measurability of Nuclear Electric Dipole Moments
L. I. Schiff
pp. 2194-2200 [View   PDF (1324 kB) ]

Elastic Scattering of 17-MeV Protons by Heavy Nuclei
G. Schrank and R. E. Pollock
pp. 2200-2203 [View   PDF (708 kB) ]

Nuclear Superfluidity and Statistical Effects in Nuclear Fission
James J. Griffin
pp. 2204-2211 [View   PDF (1492 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Scattering of Protons from C12 in the Energy Range of 5-6 MeV
N. Nikolic, L. J. Lidofsky, and T. H. Kruse
pp. 2212-2224 [View   PDF (1926 kB) ]

Use of Effective Interactions in the Analysis of Deformed Nuclei
Issachar Unna
pp. 2225-2236 [View   PDF (1795 kB) ]

Measurement of the Triple Scattering Parameter R in Proton-Proton Scattering at 137½ MeV
Stanley Hee and Richard Wilson
pp. 2236-2239 [View   PDF (659 kB) ]

Recoil Energy Spectrum of the Sodium Ions Following the β- Decay of Ne23
Thomas A. Carlson
pp. 2239-2242 [View   PDF (686 kB) ]

Direct Electrodisintegration and Photoeffect of Nuclei
J. M. Eisenberg
pp. 2243-2250 [View   PDF (1061 kB) ]

Neutron Photoproduction Cross Sections of Silicon, Phosphorus, and Sulfur
L. N. Bolen and W. D. Whitehead
pp. 2251-2254 [View   PDF (567 kB) ]

Spectra of Ti51, Cr53, and Fe55 and the Unified Model
K. Ramavataram
pp. 2255-2261 [View   PDF (1198 kB) ]

Optical Model in the Interior of the Nucleus. II
K. A. Amos and I. E. McCarthy
pp. 2261-2269 [View   PDF (1413 kB) ]

Effect of Quadrupole Vibrations on l-Forbidden M1 Transitions
Raymond A. Sorensen
pp. 2270-2272 [View   PDF (471 kB) ]

Lifetime, Spin, and Parity of the First Excited State of B12
E. K. Warburton and L. F. Chase
pp. 2273-2277 [View   PDF (1020 kB) ]

Unitary Symmetry and Proton-Antiproton Interactions
Allen E. Everett
pp. 2278-2281 [View   PDF (803 kB) ]

Absorption of Σ- Hypersons in Photographic Emulsion Nuclei
B. Andersen, O. Skjeggestad, and D. H. Davis
pp. 2281-2284 [View   PDF (699 kB) ]

Anomalous Regeneration of K10 Mesons from K20 Mesons
L. B. Leipuner, W. Chinowsky, R. Crittenden, R. Adair, B. Musgrave, and F. T. Shively
pp. 2285-2290 [View   PDF (1205 kB) ]

Forward Pion-Pion Scattering in the λφ4 Theory
M. Baker and I. J. Muzinich
pp. 2291-2296 [View   PDF (771 kB) ]

Meson Production in p+d Collisions and the I=0 π-π Interaction. I. Measured Momentum Spectra of He3 and H3 Nuclei from High-Energy p+d Collisions
Alexander Abashian, Norman E. Booth, Kenneth M. Crowe, Roger E. Hill, and Ernest H. Rogers
pp. 2296-2304 [View   PDF (1384 kB) ]

Meson Production in p+d Collisions and the I=0 π-π Interaction. III. Spin and Parity of the I=0 Anomaly
Norman E. Booth, Alexander Abashian, and Kenneth M. Crowe
pp. 2309-2313 [View   PDF (797 kB) ]

Estimated Cross Section for the Reaction p+pd+W
James Nearing
pp. 2323-2324 [View   PDF (187 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Dilatationally Invariant Quantum Electrodynamics of Electrons and Muons
R. Haag and Th. A. Maris
pp. 2325-2330 [View   PDF (944 kB) ]

Zero-Mass Leptonic Decays of W Bosons
Ngee-Pong Chang and Ching-Hung Woo
pp. 2331-2336 [View   PDF (836 kB) ]

Weak Interaction Effects in Electrodynamics
Richard A. Carhart
pp. 2337-2345 [View   PDF (1429 kB) ]

Classical Theory of the Dirac Electron
Zvi Grossmann and Asher Peres
pp. 2346-2349 [View   PDF (624 kB) ]

Unitary Symmetry and Electromagnetic Interactions
R. J. Oakes
pp. 2349-2352 [View   PDF (692 kB) ]

Representation of Particle States in Quantum Field Theory
J. McEwan
pp. 2353-2362 [View   PDF (1316 kB) ]