Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 15 December 1963
(Volume 132, Issue 6)

Spectroscopic Study of Electron Recombination with Monatomic Ions in a Helium Plasma
Frank Robben, Wulf B. Kunkel, and Lawrence Talbot
pp. 2363-2371 [View   PDF (1532 kB) ]

Thermal Pinching in Electron-Hole Plasma. II
Betsy Ancker-Johnson and James E. Drummond
pp. 2372-2373 [View   PDF (365 kB) ]

Viscosity of Liquid He II
J. T. Tough, W. D. McCormick, and J. G. Dash
pp. 2373-2378 [View   PDF (945 kB) ]

Frequency Spectrum of Thermal Fluctuations in Plasmas
E. C. Taylor and G. G. Comisar
pp. 2379-2384 [View   PDF (853 kB) ]

Computer Studies of the Slowing Down of Energetic Atoms in Crystals
Mark T. Robinson and Ordean S. Oen
pp. 2385-2398 [View   PDF (2768 kB) ]

Spin-Wave Spectra of Yttrium and Gadolinium Iron Garnet
A. Brooks Harris
pp. 2398-2409 [View   PDF (1860 kB) ]

Crystal Dynamics of Gallium Arsenide
J. L. Waugh and G. Dolling
pp. 2410-2412 [View   PDF (552 kB) ]

Statistical Mechanics of Dilute Copper Manganese
Michael W. Klein and Robert Brout
pp. 2412-2426 [View   PDF (2453 kB) ]

Effect of Doping on the Elastic Constants of Silicon
P. Csavinszky and Norman G. Einspruch
pp. 2434-2440 [View   PDF (1258 kB) ]

High-Temperature Dielectric Constant of Potassium Chloride
P. V. Sastry and T. M. Srinivasan
pp. 2445-2449 [View   PDF (800 kB) ]

Exciton Structure in Photoconductivity of CdS, CdSe, and CdS: Se Single Crystals
Y. S. Park and D. C. Reynolds
pp. 2450-2457 [View   PDF (1394 kB) ]

Lattice Vibrations and Debye Temperatures of Aluminum
P. A. Flinn and G. M. McManus
pp. 2458-2460 [View   PDF (394 kB) ]

Analysis of Lattice Thermal Conductivity
M. G. Holland
pp. 2461-2471 [View   PDF (1875 kB) ]

Diffusion of Palladium in Copper and Silver
N. L. Peterson
pp. 2471-2476 [View   PDF (887 kB) ]

Temperature Dependence of the Ultrasonic Attenuation in Germanium
Barry I. Miller
pp. 2477-2483 [View   PDF (1305 kB) ]

Theory of Phonon-Assisted Tunneling in Superconductors
Leonard Kleinman
pp. 2484-2489 [View   PDF (950 kB) ]

Position-Dependent Superconductivity
R. H. Parmenter
pp. 2490-2500 [View   PDF (1855 kB) ]

Effects of Illumination on the Thermoluminescence of Alkali Halides
A. A. Braner and M. Israeli
pp. 2501-2505 [View   PDF (844 kB) ]

Temperature Dependence of Indirect Interband Tunneling in Germanium
J. J. Tiemann and H. Fritzsche
pp. 2506-2514 [View   PDF (1647 kB) ]

Ferromagnetism and Spin Waves in the Band Theory
Daniel C. Mattis
pp. 2521-2528 [View   PDF (1642 kB) ]

Temperature Dependence of the Exchange Stiffness in Ferrimagnets
Tuto Nakamura and Micheline Bloch
pp. 2528-2539 [View   PDF (1754 kB) ]

Third-Order Coulomb Wave Function and Single Quantum Annihilation
C. O. Carroll and R. F. O'Connell
pp. 2540-2544 [View   PDF (687 kB) ]

Nature of the Quantum Corrections to the Statistical Model
Herbert Payne
pp. 2544-2546 [View   PDF (358 kB) ]

Measurements of the First Townsend Ionization Coefficient in Neon and Hydrogen
Lorne M. Chanin and G. D. Rork
pp. 2547-2553 [View   PDF (1215 kB) ]

Mobilities of Cesium Ions in Cesium
Lorne M. Chanin and R. D. Steen
pp. 2554-2557 [View   PDF (697 kB) ]

Coulomb Scattering without Atomic Excitation for 50-, 100-, 200-, and 400-keV Electrons
J. W. Motz, R. C. Placious, and C. E. Dick
pp. 2558-2561 [View   PDF (764 kB) ]

Polarization of He3 Gas by Optical Pumping
F. D. Colegrove, L. D. Schearer, and G. K. Walters
pp. 2561-2572 [View   PDF (2252 kB) ]

Electron-Neutrino Angular Correlation in the Decay of He6
Joseph B. Vise and Brice M. Rustad
pp. 2573-2581 [View   PDF (1734 kB) ]

Inelastic Proton Scattering on Holmium-165 and Gadolinium-156
A. Lieber and C. A. Whitten
pp. 2582-2586 [View   PDF (693 kB) ]

Disintegration of the Deuteron in a Coulomb Field
Raymond Gold and Calvin Wong
pp. 2586-2599 [View   PDF (1786 kB) ]

Decay of Y85 Isomers
I. Dostrovsky, S. Katcoff, and R. W. Stoenner
pp. 2600-2606 [View   PDF (1223 kB) ]

Elastic Scattering of Protons by Li6
William D. Harrison and A. Bruce Whitehead
pp. 2607-2613 [View   PDF (949 kB) ]

Magnetic Analysis of the Be9(p, α)Li6 Reaction
D. E. Groce and W. Whaling
pp. 2614-2615 [View   PDF (308 kB) ]

Beta Spectrum of Ca47
L. M. Langer, E. H. Spejewski, and D. E. Wortman
pp. 2616-2620 [View   PDF (911 kB) ]

Inelastic Scattering of 18.2-MeV Protons by Deuterons
Robert E. Warner
pp. 2621-2626 [View   PDF (1115 kB) ]

Elastic Scattering of Deuterons by Beryllium
James H. Renken
pp. 2627-2631 [View   PDF (840 kB) ]

Nuclear Structure Studies in the Zinc Isotopes with Stripping Reactions
E. K. Lin and B. L. Cohen
pp. 2632-2638 [View   PDF (1005 kB) ]

Decay of 3.5-Min 53I122
S. Jha
pp. 2639-2643 [View   PDF (703 kB) ]

F19(pt)F17 and F19(p, α)O16 Reactions at 22.8 MeV
H. D. Holmgren and C. B. Fulmer
pp. 2644-2649 [View   PDF (1084 kB) ]

Electron Capture of At210(8.3 h) to Po210
F. Schima, E. G. Funk, and J. W. Mihelich
pp. 2650-2656 [View   PDF (1088 kB) ]

Absolute Positive Pion Photoproduction Cross Sections from Hydrogen
R. J. Walker, T. R. Palfrey, R. O. Haxby, and B. M. Nefkens
pp. 2656-2663 [View   PDF (1412 kB) ]

Muon Capture in Hydrogen
J. E. Rothberg, E. W. Anderson, E. J. Bleser, L. M. Lederman, S. L. Meyer, J. L. Rosen, and I -T. Wang
pp. 2664-2678 [View   PDF (2934 kB) ]

Muonic Molecules in Liquid Hydrogen
E. J. Bleser, E. W. Anderson, L. M. Lederman, S. L. Meyer, J. L. Rosen, J. E. Rothberg, and I -T. Wang
pp. 2679-2691 [View   PDF (2108 kB) ]

Muon Capture in Neon
J. L. Rosen, E. W. Anderson, E. J. Bleser, L. M. Lederman, S. L. Meyer, J. E. Rothberg, and I -T. Wang
pp. 2691-2692 [View   PDF (249 kB) ]

Precision Lifetime Measurements on Positive and Negative Muons
S. L. Meyer, E. W. Anderson, E. Bleser, I. M. Lederman, J. L. Rosen, J. Rothberg, and I -T. Wang
pp. 2693-2698 [View   PDF (1058 kB) ]

Proton-Proton Bremsstrahlung and the Off-Energy-Shell Behavior of the p-p Interaction
M. I. Sobel and A. H. Cromer
pp. 2698-2702 [View   PDF (846 kB) ]

Khuri-Treiman Representation and Perturbation Theory
John B. Bronzan and Claude Kacser
pp. 2703-2711 [View   PDF (1507 kB) ]

K--p Total Cross Section between 2.7 and 5.2 BeV/c
A. N. Diddens, E. W. Jenkins, T. F. Kycia, and K. F. Riley
pp. 2721-2723 [View   PDF (515 kB) ]

High-Energy Behavior of Total Cross Sections
Yoichiro Nambu and Masao Sugawara
pp. 2724-2727 [View   PDF (694 kB) ]

Two-Pion-Exchange Contribution to the Three-Body Λ-Nucleon Interaction
J. D. Chalk and B. W. Downs
pp. 2727-2734 [View   PDF (1328 kB) ]

π- / π+ Ratio for Photoproduction from Deuterium
J. Pine and M. Bazin
pp. 2735-2740 [View   PDF (1075 kB) ]

High-Energy Scattering Amplitude in Perturbation Theory
T. L. Trueman and T. Yao
pp. 2741-2748 [View   PDF (918 kB) ]

Bootstrap Model of Nondegenerate Vector-Meson Octet
Richard H. Capps
pp. 2749-2755 [View   PDF (1482 kB) ]

Production and Scattering in Simple Models
H. Chew
pp. 2756-2763 [View   PDF (964 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Use of Intensity Correlations to Determine the Phase of a Scattering Amplitude
Marvin L. Goldberger, Harold W. Lewis, and Kenneth M. Watson
pp. 2764-2787 [View   PDF (3561 kB) ]

Cluster Decomposition Properties of the S Matrix
Eyvind H. Wichmann and James H. Crichton
pp. 2788-2799 [View   PDF (2220 kB) ]

Scattering of 19.2 GeV/c Protons on Free Protons in Nuclear Emulsion
V. A. Bull and D. A. Garbutt
pp. 2800 [View   PDF (136 kB) ]

Level Structure of Ni64 and Zn64
J. Benveniste, A. C. Mitchell, and C. B. Fulmer
pp. 2800 [View   PDF (136 kB) ]

Optical Absorption in Ionic Crystals Involving Small Polarons
D. M. Eagles
pp. 2800 [View   PDF (136 kB) ]

Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves with Quantum and Classical Plasmas
Amiram Ron and Markis Tzoar
pp. 2800 [View   PDF (136 kB) ]

Anomalous Thermoelectric Power as Evidence for Two Valence Bands in SnTe
R. F. Brebrick and A. J. Strauss
pp. 2800 [View   PDF (136 kB) ]

Fermi Surface of Thallium from Magnetoacoustic Measurements
John A. Rayne
pp. 2800 [View   PDF (136 kB) ]