Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 6 January 1964
(Volume 133, Issue 1A)

Considerations on the Magnetic Field Problem in Superconducting Thin Films
Yoichiro Nambu and San Fu Tuan
pp. A1-A14 [View   PDF (2344 kB) ]

Longitudinal Spin Relaxation in Solid He3
S. R. Hartmann
pp. A17-A25 [View   PDF (1340 kB) ]

Second-Order Nonradiative Processes in CaF2: Sm2+
R. Orbach
pp. A34-A36 [View   PDF (511 kB) ]

Incoherent Inelastic Neutron Scattering and Self-Diffusion
Robert Zwanzig
pp. A50-A51 [View   PDF (235 kB) ]

Paramagnetism of Liquid Helium Three
Louis Goldstein
pp. A52-A68 [View   PDF (3339 kB) ]

Green's Function Theory of Multimode Cavities
G. Kemeny
pp. A69-A83 [View   PDF (2225 kB) ]

Ultrasonic Shear Wave Attenuation in Superconducting Tin
J. R. Leibowitz
pp. A84-A96 [View   PDF (2442 kB) ]

Fluxoid Quantization in a Multiply-Connected Superconductor
R. D. Parks and W. A. Little
pp. A97-A103 [View   PDF (2145 kB) ]

Spin Effects on the Plasma Oscillations of an Electron Gas in a Magnetic Field
S. Gartenhaus and G. Stranahan
pp. A104-A106 [View   PDF (520 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Spectroscopic Study of Controlled Proton Impact on Molecular Nitrogen
J. L. Philpot and R. H. Hughes
pp. A107-A110 [View   PDF (548 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Spin-Exchange Cross Section for Rb85-Rb87 Collisions
S. M. Jarrett
pp. A111-A117 [View   PDF (1337 kB) ]

Interaction of Optical and Infrared Radiation with Metastable Hydrogen Atoms
Wolfgang Zernik
pp. A117-A120 [View   PDF (639 kB) ]

Correlation in Helium-Like Atoms
C. W. Ufford and Jeannette G. Thomas
pp. A121-A122 [View   PDF (330 kB) ]

Model for the Statistical Atom with Nonvanishing Angular Momentum
Judah L. Schwartz and Sidney Borowitz
pp. A122-A131 [View   PDF (1601 kB) ]

Stable Longitudinal Oscillations in Anisotropic Plasma. II
Terry Kammash and Warren Heckrotte
pp. A132-A134 [View   PDF (411 kB) ]

Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Alkali Metal Trapping Sites in Solid Rare Gases
J. P. Goldsborough and T. R. Koehler
pp. A135-A140 [View   PDF (1034 kB) ]

Galvanomagnetic Effects in Antimony at Liquid-Helium Temperatures
G. N. Rao, N. H. Zebouni, C. G. Grenier, and J. M. Reynolds
pp. A141-A152 [View   PDF (1387 kB) ]

Anharmonic Free Energy of Crystals at Low Temperatures and at Absolute Zero
Duane C. Wallace
pp. A153-A162 [View   PDF (1810 kB) ]

Deuteron Intrabond Motion and Ferroelectricity in KD2PO4
Henry B. Silsbee, Edwin A. Uehling, and V. Hugo Schmidt
pp. A165-A170 [View   PDF (935 kB) ]

Theory of the Insulating State
Walter Kohn
pp. A171-A181 [View   PDF (1525 kB) ]

Effect of Electron Spin Paramagnetism on the Velocity of Sound in Metals
Oldwig von Roos
pp. A182-A183 [View   PDF (344 kB) ]

Structure of Nonlinear Optical Phenomena in Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate
J. F. Ward and P. A. Franken
pp. A183-A190 [View   PDF (1339 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in NaCl at High Temperatures
Maurice Eisenstadt
pp. A191-A197 [View   PDF (1211 kB) ]

Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra of Eu++ in CdSe and CdTe
Reuben S. Title
pp. A198-A202 [View   PDF (979 kB) ]

Low-Temperature Specific Heat of Ni-Base fcc Solid Solutions with Cu, Zn, Al, Si, and Sb
K. P. Gupta, C. H. Cheng, and Paul A. Beck
pp. A203-A206 [View   PDF (786 kB) ]

Nonlinear Dielectric Constant of a Paraelectric Material
R. I. Joseph and B. D. Silverman
pp. A207-A210 [View   PDF (692 kB) ]

Specific Heat of Praseodymium and Neodymium Metals Between 0.4 and 4°K
O. V. Lounasmaa
pp. A211-A218 [View   PDF (1559 kB) ]

Specific Heat of Lutetium Metal Between 0.38 and 4°K
O. V. Lounasmaa
pp. A219-A224 [View   PDF (1202 kB) ]

Ising Model and Self-Avoiding Walks on Hypercubical Lattices and "High-Density" Expansions
Michael E. Fisher and David S. Gaunt
pp. A224-A239 [View   PDF (2511 kB) ]

Some New Aspects of Cyclotron Resonance in Copper
J. F. Koch, R. A. Stradling, and A. F. Kip
pp. A240-A252 [View   PDF (2534 kB) ]

Thermal Conductivity and Phonon Scattering by Magnetic Impurities in CdTe
Glen A. Slack and S. Galginaitis
pp. A253-A268 [View   PDF (3104 kB) ]

Pair Spectra and "Edge" Emission in Gallium Phosphide
D. G. Thomas, M. Gershenzon, and F. A. Trumbore
pp. A269-A279 [View   PDF (2320 kB) ]

Stage I Recovery Spectrum of Pure Copper Irradiated with Electrons over the Range 1.25 to 3.25 MeV
John A. Tesk, E. C. Jones, and J. W. Kauffman
pp. A288-A293 [View   PDF (1186 kB) ]

Experiments on Stage III Annealing in the Noble Metals
F. Dworschak, K. Herschbach, and J. S. Koehler
pp. A293-A303 [View   PDF (1562 kB) ]

Ionization, Attachment, and Breakdown Studies in Oxygen
John B. Freely and L. H. Fisher
pp. A304-A310 [View   PDF (1250 kB) ]

Critical Percolation Probabilities by Series Methods
M. F. Sykes and J. W. Essam
pp. A310-A315 [View   PDF (919 kB) ]

Evidence of Refrigerating Action by Means of Photon Emission in Semiconductor Diodes
G. C. Dousmanis, C. W. Mueller, H. Nelson, and K. G. Petzinger
pp. A316-A318 [View   PDF (477 kB) ]