Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 13 January 1964
(Volume 133, Issue 1B)

Another Search for H5
A. Schwarzschild, A. M. Poskanzer, G. T. Emery, and M. Goldhaber
pp. B1-B2 [View   PDF (372 kB) ]

Theory of Finite-Range Distorted-Waves Calculations
N. Austern, R. M. Drisko, E. C. Halbert, and G. R. Satchler
pp. B3-B16 [View   PDF (2536 kB) ]

Search for a Long-Lived H4
B. M. Nefkens and G. Moscati
pp. B17-B19 [View   PDF (548 kB) ]

Alpha-Particle Resonance
Carl Werntz
pp. B19-B24 [View   PDF (986 kB) ]

Energy Levels in Sm148 and Sm150
Robert A. Kenefick and Raymond K. Sheline
pp. B25-B34 [View   PDF (1510 kB) ]

Sign of the Interference Particle Parameter in Conversion-Electron Directional Correlation
E. L. Church, A. Schwarzschild, and J. Weneser
pp. B35-B41 [View   PDF (1211 kB) ]

Determination of the Multipolarity of Nuclear Electromagnetic Transitions Using a Magnetic Pair Spectrometer
E. K. Warburton, D. E. Alburger, A. Gallmann, P. Wagner, and L. F. Chase
pp. B42-B62 [View   PDF (3919 kB) ]

Decay Constant for Spontaneous Fission of U238
R. L. Fleischer and P. B. Price
pp. B63-B64 [View   PDF (286 kB) ]

Coulomb Wave Amplitudes for L=0 Stripping Reactions
Fernando B. Morinigo
pp. B65-B67 [View   PDF (540 kB) ]

Certain Questions of Consistency in S-Matrix Theory
A. P. Balachandran
pp. B68-B70 [View   PDF (484 kB) ]

First Excited State of He5
Peter Fessenden and D. R. Maxson
pp. B71-B79 [View   PDF (1493 kB) ]

Nonlocal Optical-Model Analysis of Neutron Scattering from Nuclei Near A=100 at Energies Below 1 MeV
A. J. Elwyn, R. O. Lane, A. Langsdorf, and J. E. Monahan
pp. B80-B93 [View   PDF (2661 kB) ]

Average Energy and Angular Momentum Removed from Dy Compound Nuclei by Neutrons and Photons
John M. Alexander and Gabriel N. Simonoff
pp. B93-B103 [View   PDF (1848 kB) ]

Angular-Momentum Effects on Neutron Emission by Dy and Tb Compound Nuclei
Gabriel N. Simonoff and John M. Alexander
pp. B104-B113 [View   PDF (1603 kB) ]

Inelastic Scattering of 10.2-MeV Protons by N14
P. F. Donovan, J. F. Mollenauer, and E. K. Warburton
pp. B113-B116 [View   PDF (709 kB) ]

Photodisintegration of He3
B. L. Berman, L. J. Koester, and J. H. Smith
pp. B117-B129 [View   PDF (2160 kB) ]

Six-Fermion Weak Interactions
Torleif Ericson and S. L. Glashow
pp. B130-B131 [View   PDF (377 kB) ]

Binding Energy of a Λ-Particle in Nuclear Matter and the Λ-Nucleon Interaction
B. W. Downs and W. E. Ware
pp. B133-B141 [View   PDF (1733 kB) ]

Exchange-Current Contribution to the Deuteron Magnetic Moment
David R. Harrington
pp. B142-B144 [View   PDF (441 kB) ]

Elementary Particles of Conventional Field Theory as Regge Poles. III
M. Gell-Mann, M. L. Goldberger, F. E. Low, E. Marx, and F. Zachariasen
pp. B145-B160 [View   PDF (2557 kB) ]

Elementary Particles of Conventional Field Theory as Regge Poles. IV
M. Gell-Mann, M. L. Goldberger, F. E. Low, V. Singh, and F. Zachariasen
pp. B161-B174 [View   PDF (1957 kB) ]

Composite Particle Model for the Nucleon and the (3,3) Resonance
J. S. Ball and D. Y. Wong
pp. B179-B185 [View   PDF (892 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Relativistic Corrections in the Theory of Muon Capture
B. Goulard, G. Goulard, and H. Primakoff
pp. B186-B190 [View   PDF (598 kB) ]

Coupling Constant and P-Wave Phase Shifts in Low-Energy Pion-Nucleon Scattering
Archibald W. Hendry and Berthold Stech
pp. B191-B195 [View   PDF (822 kB) ]

Interpretation of the Normalizable State in the Lee Model with Form Factor
L. Fonda, G. C. Ghirardi, and A. Rimini
pp. B196-B203 [View   PDF (1364 kB) ]

Theorem on the Product of Field Operators
K. Nishijima
pp. B204-B208 [View   PDF (609 kB) ]

Broken Symmetries and Zero-Mass Bosons
M. Baker, K. Johnson, and B. W. Lee
pp. B209-B213 [View   PDF (793 kB) ]

Study of the Reaction K++pK0++p at 1.14 GeV/c
E. Boldt, J. Duboc, N. H. Duong, P. Eberhard, R. George, V. P. Henri, F. Levy, J. Poyen, M. Pripstein, J. Crussard, and A. Tran
pp. B220-B231 [View   PDF (2059 kB) ]

Systematic Solution of Multiparticle Scattering Problems
Steven Weinberg
pp. B232-B256 [View   PDF (4167 kB) ]