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Thermochimica Acta

Thermochimica Acta

Volume 391
Main Index

Issues 1-2, Pages 1-304 (12 August 2002)

From thermal analysis to calorimetry and beyond
Pages 1-2
S.M Sarge, W Hemminger
Curriculum vitae of Günther W.H. Höhne
Pages 3-4
S.M Sarge
Curriculum vitae of Michael J. Richardson
Pages 5-6
S.M Sarge
Peltier AC calorimeter
Pages 7-12
D.H Jung, I.K Moon, Y.H Jeong
Thermodynamics of the pre-yield deformation behavior of glassy polymers: measurements with new deformation calorimeter
Pages 13-23
S.V. Shenogin, G.W.H. Höhne, E.F. Oleinik
The development and characterization of a high resolution bio-reaction calorimeter for weakly exothermic cultures
Pages 25-39
M.C. Garcı́a-Payo, S. Ampuero, J.S. Liu, I.W. Marison, U. von Stockar
Critical review of small sample calorimetry: improvement by auto-adaptive thermal shield control
Pages 41-49
W. Schnelle, E. Gmelin
Calibration of magnitude and phase angle of TMDSC: Part1: basic considerations
Pages 51-67
G.W.H. Höhne, M. Merzlyakov, C. Schick
Calibration of magnitude and phase angle of TMDSC: Part 2. Calibration practice
Pages 69-80
M. Merzlyakov, G.W.H. Höhne, C. Schick
Periodically modulated driving force applied to polymer crystallization in a visco-elastic measurement with temperature modulation
Pages 81-86
Akihiko Toda
Mathematical modeling of the thermal system of modulated temperature differential scanning calorimeter
Pages 87-95
Yasuo Saruyama, Guy Van Assche
The role of the temperature errors in DSC scans on the prediction of the average density of nuclei in polymers crystallized under quiescent conditions
Pages 97-106
J.A. Martins, M.J.A. Malheiro, J.C. Teixeira, J.J.C. Cruz Pinto
Flower ovens: thermal investigations on heat producing plants
Pages 107-118
I Lamprecht, E Schmolz, L Blanco, C.M Romero
Model-free analysis of thermoanalytical data-advantages and limitations
Pages 119-127
J.R. Opfermann, E. Kaisersberger, H.J. Flammersheim
Excess molar enthalpies of several binary liquid mixtures containing either phenylmethylether (anisole) or benzaldehyde and an aromatic
Pages 129-135
A.H. Roux, Emmerich Wilhelm
Trehalose dehydration under confined conditions
Pages 137-150
Fabiana Sussich, Sanı́ Bortoluzzi, Attilio Cesàro
Effect of molecular structure on the phase behavior of some liquid crystalline compounds and their mixtures: X. Unsymmetrical 1,4-phenylene-bis-(4-substituted benzoates)
Pages 151-158
Magdi M Naoum, Tayseer Y Labeeb, E Happ, H Seliger
Thermal decomposition of B–N–H compounds investigated by using combined thermoanalytical methods
Pages 159-168
F Baitalow, J Baumann, G Wolf, K Jaenicke-Rößler, G Leitner
Heat capacity of solid cadmium from 298.15 to 594.22 K and of liquid cadmium from 594.22 to 700 K: enthalpy of fusion
Pages 169-174
Svein Stølen, Fredrik Grønvold
The use of thermal analysis in the determination of the crystalline fraction of slag films
Pages 175-184
K.C. Mills, L. Courtney, A.B. Fox, B. Harris, Z. Idoyaga, M.J. Richardson
Specific heat capacities and thermal properties of a homogeneous ethylene-1-butene copolymer by adiabatic calorimetry
Pages 185-196
P.J. van Ekeren, L.D. Ionescu, V.B.F. Mathot, J.C. van Miltenburg
Enthalpy relaxation in polyvinyl acetate
Pages 197-217
John M. Hutchinson, P. Kumar
Temperature modulated DSC for the multiple glass transition in poly(n-alkyl methacrylates)
Pages 219-225
E. Hempel, M. Beiner, H. Huth, E. Donth
Segmental dynamics in poly(oxymethylene) as studied via combined differential scanning calorimetry/creep rate spectroscopy approach
Pages 227-243
Vladimir A. Bershtein, L.M. Egorova, V.M. Egorov, N.N. Peschanskaya, P.N. Yakushev, M.Y. Keating, E.A. Flexman, R.J. Kassal, K.P. Schodt
The characterization of polyvinyl butyral by thermal analysis
Pages 245-255
A.K. Dhaliwal, J.N. Hay
Analysis of the influence of the polymerisation degree on the thermal properties of irradiation-modified poly(tetrafluoroethylene)
Pages 257-269
G Pompe, U Lappan, L Häußler
Melting of polyether block amide (Pebax): the effect of stretching
Pages 271-277
E.V Konyukhova, A.I Buzin, Yu.K Godovsky
About the changes of heat capacity, glass transition temperature and relaxation time during the polymerization reaction of thermosetting systems
Pages 279-295
Jürgen E.K. Schawe
author index
Pages 297-298
subject index
Pages 299-302
volume contents
Pages 303-304