EU flag RadioNet3 is made possible by the EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), Contract No. 283393.

Multi-Frequency mm-wave Radio Telescopes & Other Software Controlled Operations

October 5 – 7, 2015

Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica

Florence, Italy

Presentations now available


We are pleased to announce the 4th RadioNet3 European Radio Astronomy Technical Forum Workshop. This event will take place on October 5, October 6 and October 7, 2015 at OA Arcetri - INAF in Florence, Italy.

The meeting will take place in Aula (Room) A of the Department of Physics and Astronomy “Garbasso building” in Largo Enrico Fermi, 2 - Florence. Please note that the Department is located in the premises of the headquarter of the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, in the middle way between the main gate and the Observatory.


This meeting is a continuation of a series of technical workshops combining several aspects of engineering and operational issues at European radio observatories. It provides the unique opportunity to cross border the different communities and to learn what ‘the others’ are doing and enhance communication between engineers, scientists and operators. Furthermore the conjunction with the international symposium of antenna related topics provides the unique chance to communicate with colleagues outside the radio astronomy technology and to bring our forum to a wider community.

The Workshop is sponsored and organized by the EU Consortium RadioNet3 within the Seventh Framework Program of the European Commission. Engineers, scientists, and operators working at, and observing with, our radio telescopes are welcome to present their interesting work in an oral or poster presentation.

For information on past meetings in this series see


Operating single dish as well as interferometer based radio astronomy observatories requires sophisticated computer control of the entire telescope system. The software hereto was historically written at the various institutes leading to a huge variety of hardware control, operation and data analysis software. For the purpose of easy and optimal to use instruments it is a need to harmonize and share existing software. This workshop will provide a platform for new and approved procedures.

The workshop will also have a discussion between scientist and engineers about the benefits of enabling simultaneous or near-simultaneous high frequency VLBI observations with radio telescopes. This capability results in:

a) more effective use of observing time for monitoring projects which benefit from observations at multiple frequencies

b) a direct improvement in the sensitivity of observations at high frequencies, through a significant increase in the coherence time, and

c) the enabling of high precision "bona fide" astrometry, in the frequency domain, at mm wavelengths.

This workshop will also provide a platform for new and approved procedures for software controlled operations of radio telescopes. Operating single dish as well as interferometer based radio astronomy observatories requires sophisticated computer control of the entire telescope system. The software hereto was historically written at the various institutes leading to a huge variety of hardware control, operation and data analysis software.

Some topics to address are the following:

For the Implementation of (near) Simultaneous observations at mm-wave bands:

• mm-VLBI Studies and Key Science Case(s):

o Astronomical Studies using continuum and spectral line observations

o Analysis Methods and Results from current instruments using multi- frequency observations

• Defining science driven requirements

o Achievable sensitivity and mapping fidelity

o Simulation studies of the performance of a multi-frequency mm-VLBI network of European telescopes

• Exploring the engineering possibilities:

o Existing technical solutions for simultaneous multi-frequency observations;

o Possibilities of technical solutions for other sites.

• Plan for a realisation of a European network.

For the Software Control of Radio Telescopes section:

• Effective utilisation of radio telescopes:

o Dynamic scheduling

o Remote observing

o Automated observing

• Observing modes:

o On the Fly Mapping

o Large surveys

• Software at Radio Observatories:

o Telescope control software

o Data reduction software for single dish data o Calibration of single dish data

o Archives and accessibility

Confirmed Invited Speakers on these topics are:

Mikael Lerner (OSO) Telescope Control Software
Pablo de Vicente (CDT-IGN) The control system of the Yebes OAN Antenna
Heiko Hafok (MPIfR), APEX Control Software
Hans Ungerechts (IRAM) Control system and observing modes at the IRAM 30m
Paul Harrison (JBO) The e-MERLIN control software
Alexander Neidhardt (FESG/TUM) e-RemoteCtrl for VLBI
Alessandro Caproni (ESO),The ACS framework
Alan Bridger (UK Astronomy Technology Ctr), ALMA and SKA control software
Lorenzo Pivetta (Syncrotrone Triesta SCPA), The TANGO framework
Maria J. Rioja (OAN/ICRAR) Analysis Methods for Multi-Frequency observations
Seog-Tae Han (KVN) QO system of KVN for mm-VLBI
Jose Luis Gomez (IAA) Science Drivers from AGN Jets
Thomas Krichbaum (MPIfR) Current mm-VLBI array(s)
Andrei Lobanov, (MPIfR) Characterization of the performance of mm-VLBI arrays
Alessandro Orfei (IRA-INAF) Multi-frequency observations using multifeed systems
Robert Laing (ESO) ALMA for VLBI
Valentin Bujarrabal (OAN-IGN) Applications of multifrequency (sub)mm-VLBI to the study of evolved stars
Luca Moscadelli (Arcetri-INAF) Studies of Star Forming Regions using Multi-Frequency observations


  • September 1, 2015 : Registration deadline
  • September 1, 2015 : Abstract submission deadline


Limited financial assistance can be provided for speakers and eventually attendees. For more information, please:

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The abstracts will be made available as a workshop worksheet. Presentations will be published on the Internet after the meeting and authors will be asked to proivide an authorized copy of their presentation