Monday, Oct. 5
08:30-09:00 Registration and Coming Together
09:00-09:30 Gianni Comoretto / Reinhard Keller (INAF-OAA/MPIfR)
Welcome and opening addresses
SESSION 1: mm-VLBI Analysis Methods
Chair: Taehyun Jung
9:30-10:05 Maria J. Rioja (OAN,ICRAR-UWA) Analysis Methods for mm-VLBI using Multi-Frequency observations (Invited)
SESSION 2: mm-VLBI Studies and Key Science Case(s): Continuum
10:05-10:40 Jose Luis Gomez (IAA) Science Drivers from AGN Jets (Invited)
10:40-11:05 Sol Natalia Molina (IAA) High-precision VLBI astrometric measurements using SFPR observations of BLLAC.
11:05-11:35 Coffee Break
11:35-12:00 Pablo Torne (MPIfR) Applications and challenges of multi-frequency and millimetre pulsar observations
SESSION 3: mm-VLBI Studies and Key Science Case(s): Lines
Chair: Do-Young Byun
12:00-12:35 Valentin Bujarrabal (OAN-IGN) Applications of multifrequency (sub)mm-VLBI to the study of evolved stars (Invited)
12:35-13:10 Luca Moscadelli (INAF-OAA) Studies of Star Forming Regions using Multi-Frequency Maser observations (Invited)
13:10-14:10 Break for Lunch
14:10-14:35 Anita Richards (JBO) Multi-maser measurements of physical conditions and astrophysical phenomena
SESSION 4: Reports from Current mm-VLBI facilities
Chair: Walter Alef
14:35-15:10 Thomas Krichbaum (MPIfR) Millimeter VLBI - where do we stand? (Invited)
15:10-15:35 Do-young Byun (KASI) Recent results of KVN multi-frequency observations
15:35-16:05 Coffee Break
16:05-16:40 Robert Laing (ESO) ALMA for VLBI (Invited)
16:40-17:05 Alexey Rudnitskiy (ASC LPI) Russia, Space-VLBI multi-frequency capabilities
17:05-17:40 Thomas Krichbaum (on behalf of VLBA) VLBA millimeter Observing: Status and Prospects (Invited)
17:40-18:05 Giampaolo Pisano (Cardiff University) Metamaterial-based compact QO device for triple-feed simultaneity
18:05h End 1st Day
Tuesday, Oct. 6
SESSION 5: Performance Characterization
Chair: Maria Rioja
09:00-09:35 Andrei Lobanov (MPIfR), Characterization of the performance of mm-VLBI arrays (Invited)
SESSION 6: Novel mm-VLBI hardware approaches for multi-frequency observations
09:35-10:10 Seog-Tae Han (KASI) QO system of KVN for mm-VLBI (Invited)
10:10-10:35 Taehyun Jung (KASI) Recent Activities with the Simultaneous Multi-frequency Receiving System of the KVN
10:35-11:00 Richard Dodson (ICRAR-UWA) The Extended KVN (x-KVN): Adding Global baselines to the KVN array
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Chair: Michael Lindqvist
11:30-12:05 Alessandro Orfei (IRA-INAF) Multi-frequency observations using multifeed systems (Invited)
12:05-12:30 Talvikki Hovatta (Aalto University, Metsahovi Radio Observatory) Continuous comparison polarimetric receiver for 22, 37/43 and 86 GHz
12:30-12:55 Renzo Nesti (INAF-OAA) On the development of mm passive components for ALMA
13:00-14:00 Break for Lunch
Chair: Richard Dodson
14:00-14:25 Miroslav Pantaleev (Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden)
14:25-14:50 Seog-Tae Han (KASI) Introduction to conceptual design of compact triple bands (22/43/86 GHz)
Plans for multi-frequency upgrades at OSO 20 m antenna
SESSION 7: RadioNet JRA Proposals for multi-frequency observations
14:25-14:50 Walter Alef (MPIfR) BRAND EVN, a JRA proposal for RadioNet4
15:15-15:30 Recap of presentations
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
Chair Panel: TBD
16:00-17:30 All parties Discussions on how to establish a European Multi-Frequency Observatory
17:30 Guided visit: Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory and “Villa il Gioiello”
20:00 Workshop Dinner at Omero Restaurant, with an aperitif located in front of “Villa Gioiello” (last residence of Galileo Galilei)
Software Controlled Operations
Wednesday, Oct. 7
SESSION 8: Software at Radio Observatories
Chair: Mikael Lerner
09:00-09:30 Heiko Hafok (MPIfR) The APEX Control Software (Invited)
09:30-10:00 Heiko Hafok (MPIfR) The Effelsberg 100m Control Software
10:00-10:30 Reinhold Schaaf (AIFA, University Bonn) The Unified MBFITS Writer for APEX, Effelsberg, and SOFIA
10:30-11:00 Pablo de Vicente (CDT-IGN) The Control System of the Yebes OAN Antenna (Invited)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Chair: Pablo de Vicente
11:30-12:00 Alexander Neidhardt (FESG/TUM) e-RemoteCtrl for VLBI (Invited)
12:00-12:30 Paul Harrison (JBO) The e-MERLIN control software (Invited)
12:30-13:00 Arpad Szomoru (JIVE) Recent developments at JIVE
13:00-14:00 Break for Lunch
Chair: Heiko Hafok
14:00-14:30 Hans Ungerechts (IRAM) Control System and Observing Modes at the IRAM 30m (Invited)
14:30-15:00 Alessandra Zanichelli (INAF - IRA) Overview of pre- and post-observation tools at the IRA radio telescopes
15:00-15:30 Sergio Poppi (INAF - Observatory of Cagliari) (Invited) DISCOS: A common control software for the SRT and other italian radio telescopes
15:30-16:00 Mikael Lerner (OSO) Observation control systems – The Onsala perspective (Invited)
16:00-16:30 Wrap-up of the workshop
16:30 End of workshop