Calibration Kits    Related Topics

Opens a dialog to manage the calibration kits in use, add new kits and import or export kits.

A calibration kit is a set of physical calibration standards for a particular connector type. The magnitude and phase response of the calibration standards (i.e. their S-parameters) must be known or predictable within a given frequency range.

The standards are grouped into several types (open, through, match,...) corresponding to the different input quantities for the analyzer's error models. The standard type also determines the equivalent circuit model used to describe its properties. The circuit model depends on several parameters that are stored in the cal kit file associated with the calibration kit.

As an alternative to using circuit models, it is possible to describe the standards by means of S-parameter tables stored in a file.

The analyzer provides a large number of predefined cal kits but can also import cal kit files and create new kits:

Calibration kits and connector types are global resources; the parameters are stored independently and available irrespective of the current setup.

The Calibration Kits dialog contains a series of buttons, each of them opening a dialog:

The Calibration Kits in Use: table is used to select a calibration kit for each connector type. The pull-down lists contain all kits for the individual connector types.  

Rohde&Schwarz offers special calibration kits for measurements involving external frequency converters. For a description of the standards and the system error procedure procedure refer to Waveguide Calibration Kits.

Universal, typical and ideal parameters

Creating a user-defined calibration kit

Remote control:

[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:CKIT:<conn_type>:SELect '<ckit_name>'
[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:CKIT:SELect '<conn_type>', '<ckit_name>'

(the previous two commands also create new cal kits)
[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:CKIT:DELete 'ckit_name>'

Query connector types, calibration kits, and standards:



Cal Kit Parameter Types

The analyzer uses three types of parameters to describe the calibration standards. The parameter type is the same for all standards in a kit and therefore annexed to the kit name:

Make sure to use universal or individual parameter sets if you need to obtain high-precision results. The precision of the calibration kit parameters determine the accuracy of the system error correction and of the measurements. The calibration wizard displays a warning if you use a typical or ideal parameter set to calibrate a channel.

Calibration kits can be obtained as network analyzer accessories; refer to the data sheet for the relevant ordering information. The name of all parameter sets is equal to the name of the corresponding calibration kit model.

All ideal kits contain the following standards:

Standard (Gender)

R (Load)

Electrical Length (Offset)

Open (f, m)


0 mm (Delay: 0 s)

Short (f, m)


0 mm

Offset Short (f, m)


10 mm

Match (f, m)

Z0 (reference impedance of the connector type)

0 mm

Sliding Match (f, m)

0 mm

Reflect (f, m)


0 mm

Through (ff, mm, mf)

0 mm

Line (ff, mm, mf)

10 mm

Attenuation (ff, mm , mf)

0 mm

Symm. Network (ff, mm, mf)

0 mm

The following additional parameters are used:

Cal Kit Files

Calibration kit files can be used to store the parameters of a particular calibration kit, to re-load the data and to exchange calibration kits from one network analyzer to another.

Cal kit files are independent of the current setup and contain the following information:

By default cal kit files are stored in the C:\Rohde&Schwarz\NWA\Calibration\Kits directory.

To import a ZVB-specific or ZVR-specific cal kit file (*.ck or *.calkit) you can also use the Windows Explorer and simply double-click the file or drag and drop the file into the NWA application. The imported cal kit file is automatically set active.

On loading some older ZVR-specific *.ck files, e.g. the ZV-Z23 cal kit file, the ZVB generates the message File does not comply with instrument calibration kit file format. The files must be converted using a ZVR network analyzer equipped with a firmware version V3.52 or higer. Proceed as follows:

  1. On the ZVR, press CAL CAL KITS – MODIFY KITS – INSTALL NEW KIT to import the *.ck file.

  2. Press CREATE INST FILE in the same submenu to export the *.ck file in a ZVB-compatible format.

  3. Import the converted file into the ZVB.

The VNA Cal Kit Manager is a free, Windows-based software tool intended to import, edit, and export *csv cal kit files. The software is available for download at The decimal separator used by the VNA Cal Kit Manager V2.1 depends on the language version of the Windows operating system: Cal kit files generated on an English operating system contain dots, the ones generated on a German system contain commas.

The network analyzer expects the dot as a separator and displays an error message when a *.csv file with commas is loaded. Please install the VNA Cal Kit Manager V2.1 on an appropriate (e.g. English) Windows version to avoid trouble.  

The network analyzer can import and process cal kit files created with the PNA Cal Kit Editor. The files use the extension *.prn; the data format is identical to the *.csv format.

The decimal separator used by the PNA Cal Kit Editor depends on the language version of the Windows operating system: Cal kit files generated on an English operating system contain dots, the ones generated on a German system contain commas.

The network analyzer expects the dot as a separator and displays an error message when a *.prn file with commas is loaded. Please install the PNA Cal Kit Editor on an appropriate (e.g. English) Windows version to avoid trouble.  

Remote control:

MMEMory:LOAD:CKIT "file_name"
MMEMory:STORe:CKIT "kit_name", "file_name"

[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:CKIT:INSTall "<file_name>"

Add / View / Modify Calibration Kit

Combines different standards to form a new calibration kit, assigning a connector type and further attributes (name, labels). This dialog is opened from the Calibration Kits dialog using the Add Kit... button (the dialog title is Add Calibration Kit) or using the View/Modify Kit button (the dialog title is View Calibration Kit or View / Modify Calibration Kit). The functionality of both dialog versions is the same.

If Add Calibration Kit is used for a predefined calibration kit, the View / Modify Standard... button can be used to open the View / Modify Standard in <kit_name> dialog check the standard parameters. All other controls are inactive.

In its upper part the Add Calibration Kit dialog contains several controls to do the following:

Assigning a label to user-defined calibration kits is optional. However, the label is displayed in many dialogs and can provide useful information about the kit, e.g. its serial number.

The table in the center of the dialog lists all standards in the new kit together with either their gender or their port assignment (see Restrict Port Assignment) and the label (if defined). Clicking a standard opens the View / Modify Standard in <kit_name> dialog where it is possible to change the parameters. Four buttons can be used to change the entries in the list.  

Use Copy Standards from... to avoid the (re-)definition of their properties. Standards are copied together with their parameters and their label, which you can modify once they belong to the new kit.

Remote control:


Copy Standards from

Copies standards together with their parameters from a calibration kit in use to a new calibration kit. This dialog is opened from the View / Modify Calibration Kit dialog (Copy Standards from... button).

In the dialog, it is possible to select one of the calibration kits in use (Kit Name) and select either all or a single standard to be copied. A calibration kit may only contain a single standard of each type.

Select Cal Kit to Delete

Displays a list of calibration kits to be deleted. This dialog is opened from the Calibration Kits dialog (Delete Kits... button).

The table shows the imported and user-defined calibration kits with their name, connector type and label (if defined). OK deletes the selected kit. Predefined kits cannot be deleted.

Available Connector Types

Displays and modifies the list of available connector types. This dialog is opened from the Calibration Kits dialog (Connector Types... button).

The list shows the available connector types with their name (Conn Type), polarity (Sexless) and reference impedance (Ref Imp). The Offset Model describes the mode of wave propagation in the transmission lines of the standards associated with the connector type. The buttons below are used to add and delete user-defined connector types. Deleting a connector type will also delete all calibration or adapter kits assigned to it.

The reference impedance (Ref Imp) Z0 for the connectors is a critical value that is displayed in the Port Configuration menu and represents an input value for various parameter conversions. Z0 enters into:

Calibration kits and connector types are global resources; the parameters are stored independently and available irrespective of the current setup. The connector type settings are always stored together with the associated calibration kit parameters. It is possible to export and import the connector settings using Export Kit... and Import Kit... in the Calibration Kits dialog.

The name, polarity and reference impedance of a user-defined connector can be changed in the table. The button in the Offset Model column opens the Offset Model dialog to define the propagation mode in detail.

After assigning a calibration or adapter kit to a user-defined connector type, you can still change its name, offset model and reference impedance. Switching between sexed and sexless will delete all kits assigned to the connector type.

Remote control:


Offset Model of <Standard>

Defines the wave propagation mode in the lines of the standards associated with the connector type. This dialog is opened from the Available Connector Types dialog ( button in the table).

The Parameters to be selected depend on the Line Type:

The impedance for waveguides is frequency-dependent. If a waveguide line type is selected, various dialogs (e.g. Add Standard...) will indicate varies instead of a definite impedance value.

The offset model parameters are used for the calculation of the S-parameters for the calibration standards associated with the connector type, provided that they are derived from a circuit model (Add/Modify Standarddialog).

The offset model parameters are not used except in the context of calibration. The offset parameterdefinitions (seeMechanical Length) are based on independent εrvalues.  

Remote control:
