[SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency...    Related Topics

This subsystem sets frequency-related parameters, especially the measurement and display ranges for the different sweep types, and controls the harmonic distortion measurement.

Command tree: [SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency












Note: For a frequency sweep the range can be defined alternatively by a combination of Start/Stop frequencies or a Center frequency and Span. In fixed frequency mode (power sweep or Time/CW Mode; see [SENSe<Chn>:]FUNCtion[:ON]) the measurement frequency is set by means of [SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:CW|FIXed.

[SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:CW|FIXed <CW_frequency>

Defines the fixed (Continuous Wave, CW) frequency for all sweep types operating at fixed frequency (power sweep, time sweep, CW mode sweep). The two command forms FREQ:CW and FREQ:FIX are equivalent.

[SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:CW|FIXed is equivalent to SOURce<Ch>:FREQuency<Pt>:CW|FIXed. Source and receiver frequency are equal; the four commands overwrite each other.


Channel number.



Fixed stimulus and analyzer frequency.

Range [def. unit]

Depending on the instrument model [Hz]. The increment (parameters UP or DOWN) is 0.1 kHz.

*RST value

1 GHz


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, command or query.




Activate a power sweep and select the wave quantity a1 as measured parameter for channel and trace no. 1.


Set the CW frequency to 100 MHz.



[SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:LPNoise <Boolean>

Enables or disables the Low Phase Noise function.


Channel number.



ON | OFF - Low phase noise on or off.

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.




Enable the Low Phase Noise function.  



SWEep | SEGMent | CW | FIXed 

Selects the sweep type and defines which set of commands controls the stimulus frequency.

The command [SENSe<Ch>:]SWEep:TYPE provides a complete list of sweep types.


Channel number.



Linear or logarithmic frequency sweep, depending on the selected spacing ([SENSe<Ch>:]SWEep:SPACing LINear | LOGarithmic). The frequency range is set via [SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:STARt etc.  


Segmented frequency sweep. The sweep range is composed of several continuous frequency ranges or single frequency points defined by means of the commands in the [SENSe<Ch>:]SEGMent<Seg>... subsystem.  

CW | FIXed

Time sweep. The measurement is performed at constant frequency ([SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:CW|FIXed) and repeated over a specified period of time at constant time intervals.

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed (with device-specific *RST value and parameters), command or query.




Activate a time sweep.


Set the CW frequency to 100 MHz.



POSitive | NEGative | AUTO 

Defines whether the analyzer measures with a local oscillator frequency LO below or above the RF input frequency.

In a segmented frequency sweep, it is possible to set the sideband (SBANd) parameter individually for each segment; see [SENSe<Ch>:]SEGMent<Seg>:DEFine. The [SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:SBANd setting is global and not valid for segmented sweeps. The two sideband settings do not overwrite each other.   


Channel number.



The LO frequency is always above the measured RF frequency.  


The LO frequency is always below the measured RF frequency.


The analyzer auto-selects the local oscillator frequency, depending on the receiver (RF) frequency and the test port.  

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.




Query the *RST values for the sweep type and the sideband setting. The response is LIN (linear frequency sweep) and AUTO (automatic setting of the LO frequency).


[SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:SPAN <span>

Defines the width of the measurement and display range for a frequency sweep.


Channel number.



Frequency span of the sweep.

Range [def. unit]

Depending on the instrument model [Hz]. The increment (parameters UP or DOWN) is 0.1 kHz.

*RST value

Maximum frequency range of the analyzer: fMAX - fMIN


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, command or query.




Activate a frequency sweep and select the ratio B1/A2 as measured parameter for channel and trace no. 1.


Set center frequency to 100 MHz.


Set frequency span to 50 kHz, leaving the center frequency unchanged.



Note: The measurement range defined by means of the span and the current center frequency ([SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:CENTer), must not exceed the allowed frequency range of the analyzer. If necessary, the center frequency is adjusted to fMIN + Span/2 or fMAX – Span/2.

[SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:STARt <start_frequency>

Defines the start frequency for a frequency sweep which is equal to the left edge of a Cartesian diagram.


Channel number.



Start frequency of the sweep.

Range [def. unit]

Depending on the instrument model [Hz]. The increment (parameters UP or DOWN) is 0.1 kHz.

*RST value

Minimum frequency of the analyzer: MIN


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, command or query.




Activate a frequency sweep and select the ratio B1/A2 as measured parameter for channel and trace no. 1.

FREQ:STAR 100000

Set start frequency to 100 kHz.


Set stop frequency to 10 MHz.



Note: If the start frequency entered is greater than the current stop frequency ([SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:STOP), the stop frequency is set to the start frequency plus the minimum frequency span ([SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:SPAN).

[SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:STOP <stop_frequency>

Defines the stop frequency for a frequency sweep which is equal to the right edge of a Cartesian diagram.


Channel number.



Stop frequency of the sweep.

Range [def. unit]

Depending on the instrument model [Hz]. The increment (parameters UP or DOWN) is 0.1 kHz.

*RST value

Maximum frequency of the analyzer: MAX


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, command or query.




Activate a frequency sweep and select the ratio B1/A2 as measured parameter for channel and trace no. 1.

FREQ:STAR 100000

Set start frequency to 100 kHz.


Set stop frequency to 10 MHz.



Note: If the stop frequency entered is smaller than the current start frequency ([SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:STARt), the start frequency is set to the stop frequency minus the minimum frequency span ([SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:SPAN).