Have adenosine 5′-triphosphate ATP4− and related purine-nucleotides played a role in early evolution? ATP, its own ‘enzyme’ in metal ion facilitated hydrolysis! Pages 1-11 Helmut Sigel |
Crystallographic disorder in [M2X8]n−, M2X4L4 and related compounds: chemical and theoretical implications Pages 13-22 F. Albert Cotton, Judith L. Eglin |
The preparation of new manganese(II) isocyanide complexes, MnI2(CNBut)n (n=1, 1.5, 2) and the mixed isocyanide/tertiary-phosphine complex MnI2(PPh3)(CNBut)2. The isolation and X-ray crystallographic characterisation of the MnI/MnII mixed-valence isomeric complexes [Mn(CNBut)6][MnI3(PPh3)] and [Mn(CNBut)5(PPh3)][MnI3(CNBut)] Pages 23-30 Stephen M. Godfrey, Qing Li Guang, Charles A. McAuliffe, Peter T. Ndifon, Robin G. Pritchard |
Dioxygen uptake and transfer by Co(III), Rh(III) and Ir(III) catecholate complexes Pages 31-56 Pierluigi Barbaro, Claudio Bianchini, Klaus Linn, Carlo Mealli, Andrea Meli, Francesco Vizza, Franco Laschi, Piero Zanello |
α- versus β-hydrogen elimination in the formation of propene from an osmacyclobutane Pages 57-61 Wolfgang Fischer, Robert T. Hembre, Daniel R. Sidler, Jack R. Norton |
Oxygen atom transfer in the reaction between hexakis(dimethyl-tert-butylsiloxy)ditungsten and nitric oxide. A remarkable difference in the reactivity of the tungsten-tungsten triple bond as a function of the attendant ligands: ButO versus ButMe2SiO Pages 63-77 Malcolm H. Chisholm, Cindy M. Cook, Kirsten Folting, William E. Streib |
Synthesis and antitumor activity of water-soluble 2-benzyl-1,2-diaminobutane-α-oxycarboxylatoplatinum(II) complexes Pages 79-84 Henri Brunner, Friedrich Maiterth, Barbara Treittinger |
NiIV cubanes: synthesis and characterization of the [Ni4Se4(Se3)5(Se4)]4− and [Ni4Te4(Te2)2(Te3)4]4− anions Pages 85-93 Jonathan M. McConnachie, Mohammad A. Ansari, James A. Ibers |
An investigation of the reaction of [Rh2(COMe)2(CO)2I6]2− with some tertiary phosphines, and PPh(OMe)2, and the X-ray structure of [Rh(COMe)I2(Ph2PCH2PPh2)] Pages 111-118 Harry Adams, Neil A. Bailey, Brian E. Mann, Christopher P. Manuel |
One- and two-dimensional rare earth-copper molecular materials Pages 119-131 Olivier Guillou, Olivier Kahn, Robert L. Oushoorn, Kamal Boubekeur, Patrick Batail |
On the structures, stabilities and fragmentation patterns of carbon clusters including Buckminsterfullerene Pages 133-138 Juan J. Novoa, Whangbo Myung-Hwan, Jack M. Williams |
Electronic absorption spectra of M(II)(Met121X) azurins (M=Co, Ni, Cu; X=Leu, Gly, Asp, Glu): charge-transfer energies and reduction potentials Pages 145-148 Angel J. Di Bilio, Thomas K. Chang, Bo G. Malmström, Harry B. Gray, B. Göran Karlsson, Margareta Nordling, Torbjörn Pascher, Lennart G. Lundberg |
The synthesis of endo-3-diphenylphosphino-(1R)-(+)-camphor (L) and some of its complexes with palladium(II), platinum(II) and rhodium(I); crystal structures of L and cis-[PdCl2L2] Pages 149-158 Sarath D. Perera, Bernard L. Shaw, Mark Thornton-Pett, Jonathan D. Vessey |
Monocomplex formation and dissociation of some first row divalent transition metal ions with 2-chloro-1,10-phenanthroline by the high-pressure stopped-flow technique Pages 159-164 Gábor Laurenczy, Pascal Bugnon, André E. Merbach |
Synthesis and structures of novel types of heteronuclear Pt---M (M=Ag, Sn or Pb) neutral or anionic organometallic complexes Pages 165-177 R. Usón, J. Forniés |
Coordination chemistry of nitriles and cyanamide at electron-rich metal centres Pages 179-186 Armando J.L. Pombeiro |
Mechanistic information on the reaction of model palladium(II) complexes with purine nucleosides and 5′-nucleotides in reference to the antitumor activity of related platinum complexes Pages 187-192 M. Shoukry, H. Hohmann, R. van Eldik |
Activation of dithioformate by iron complexes: insertion of alkynes into the coordinated C---S bond. X-ray structures of Pages 193-201 Dilip V. Khasnis, Nadine Pirio, Daniel Touchard, Loïc Toupet, Pierre H. Dixneuf |
Subvalent Group 14 metal compounds. XIV. The X-ray crystal structures of two monomeric Group 14 metal bisamides, Ge[N(SiMe3)2]2 and Sn[ Pages 203-209 Richard W. Chorley, Peter B. Hitchcock, Michael F. Lappert, Wing-Por Leung, Philip P. Power, Marilyn M. Olmstead |
The 1,3-dimetalloallyl tri-ruthenium cluster (μ-H)Ru3(μ3-η3-CHCHCMe)(CO)9 and its PPh3 derivatives Pages 211-217 K.Mohan Rao, Robert J. Angelici, Victor G. Young Jr. |
Kinetics and mechanism of CO ligand substitution in the ring-substituted indenyl rhodium complexes [(η5-C9RnH7−n)Rh(CO)2] Pages 219-231 Ashok K. Kakkar, Nicholas J. Taylor, Todd B. Marder, Jian K. Shen, Noel Hallinan, Fred Basolo |
Axial ligand bonding in blue copper proteins Pages 233-243 Michael D. Lowery, Edward I. Solomon |
Mass spectroscopic evidence for the formation of mixed-metal octahedral clusters [MonW6−nCl14]2− Pages 245-248 Hamdallah A. Hodali, Hoying Hung, Duward F. Shriver |
Organotin(IV) compounds of 2-thiopyridine. Crystal and molecular structure of dicyclohexyltin(IV) bis(2-pyridylthiolate) Pages 249-255 Mohammed Bouâlam, Jacqueline Meunier-Piret, Monique Biesemans, Rudolph Willem, Marcel Gielen |
Phosphorus-carbon bond cleavage at a di-iron centre: synthesis of μ-phosphidomethyl complexes [Fe2(CO)6(μ-CH2PR2)(μ-PR2)] from [Fe2(CO)6(μ-R2PCH2PR2)] Pages 257-270 Nancy M. Doherty, Graeme Hogarth, Selby A.R. Knox, Kirsty A. Macpherson, Frauke Melchior, David A.V. Morton, A.Guy Orpen |
Use of the 2,6-bis[(dimethylamino)methyl]phenyl ligand to form some pentacoordinate derivatives of P(III), As(III), Sb(III) and Bi(III) Pages 271-274 David A. Atwood, Alan H. Cowley, Jaime Ruiz |
Synthesis and NMR structural studies of allyl(polypyrazolylborate)palladium and platinum complexes Pages 275-282 Kenzo Ohkita, Hideo Kurosawa, Takeya Hasegawa, Tomohide Shirafuji, Isao Ikeda |
Synthesis, characterization and reactivity of some mono- and dinuclear chlororuthenium complexes containing chelating ditertiary phosphines (P---P) with P---P:Ru=1 Pages 283-296 Ajey M. Joshi, Ian S. Thorburn, Steven J. Rettig, Brian R. James |
The reactivity of spectroscopically detected peroxy complexes of iron porphyrins Pages 297-307 Alan L. Balch |
Beryllocene and related slip-sandwich structures Pages 309-318 James K. Beattie, Kerry W. Nugent |
New trends in polyoxometalate chemistry, toward large polyanions, toward nitrosyl-substituted polyanions Pages 319-336 Y. Jeannin, G. Hervé, A. Proust |
Preparation and reactions of some organosilicon cyanates Pages 337-344 Colin Eaborn, Yousef Y. El-Kaddar, Paul D. Lickiss |
Application of the ligand polyhedral model to dicobalt octacarbonyl Pages 345-349 Brian F.G. Johnson, Emilio Parisini |
Transition-metal complexes with sulfur ligands. Part LXXXIV. CH3 complexes with [NiS] fragments as models for CO dehydrogenase. Synthesis and properties of [Ni(‘MeS2’)2] and (NMe4)[Ni(CH3)(‘MeS2’)2] (‘MeS2’−=o-(methylthio)thiophenolate(1−)) Pages 351-357 Dieter Sellmann, Helmut Schillinger, Falk Knoch, Matthias Moll |
A classification scheme for homogeneous metal catalyzed oxidations by O2 Pages 359-367 Russell S. Drago, Robert H. Beer |
Anionic dicarbollyl complexes of germanium(II) and tin(II) — missing links in a series of π-complexes with Group 14 elements as central atoms Pages 369-375 Peter Jutzi, Dirk Wegener, Hans-Georg Stammler, Alexander Karaulov, Michael B. Hursthouse |
Synthesis and comparative chemistry of the early-late transition metal heterobimetallacycles CpCp′Ta(CH2)2Ir(CO)(L) and their main-group element-late transition metal analogues R2P(CH2)2Ir(CO)(L) Pages 377-392 Michael J. Hostetler, Matthew D. Butts, Robert G. Bergman |
Synthesis and characterisation of some hexanuclear heterometallic clusters containing arene ligands; the crystal and molecular structures of RuOs5(CO)15(η6-C6H6) and RhOs5(CO)15(η5-C5Me5) Pages 393-400 Richard K. Henderson, Patricia A. Jackson, Brian F.G. Johnson, Jack Lewis, Paul R. Raithby |
Iron(II) thiolates as reversible carbon monoxide carriers Pages 401-405 Anikó Szakács-Schmidt, József Kreisz, Lászlo Markó, Zsuzsa Nagy-Magos, János Takács |
New synthetic, selective, high-affinity ligands for effective trivalent metal ion binding and transport Pages 421-428 Ramunas J. Motekaitis, Yizhen Sun, Arthur E. Martell |
Synthesis and characterization of some new complexes of the Vaska-type trans-[IrX(CO)L2] (X=Cl or I; L=phosphite, phosphinite or phosphonite) and the direction of dihydrogen addition to these species Pages 429-435 Luo Xiao-Liang, Demetrius Michos, Robert H. Crabtree, Michael B. Hall |
Ruthenium(II) complexes of a 2,2′-biphosphinine Pages 437-441 Duncan Carmichael, Pascal Le Floch, Louis Ricard, François Mathey |
Synthesis and characterization of compounds with boron-boron double bonds Pages 443-447 Philip P. Power |
Tris(1,2-ethanediamine) complexes of osmium(IV), osmium(III) and osmium(II): oxidative dehydrogenation reactions Pages 449-460 Peter A. Lay, Alan M. Sargeson |
Synthesis and reactivity of digermylplatinum(II) complexes Me2 Pages 461-467 J. Barrau, G. Rima, V. Cassano, J. Satgé |
New trinuclear and hexanuclear ruthenium clusters derived from the reaction of [Ru3(CO)12] with phenylphosphine or cyclohexylphosphine Pages 469-481 Antony J. Deeming, Simon Doherty, Nicholas I. Powell |
NMR is a unique and necessary step in the investigation of iron sulfur proteins: the HiPIP from R. gelatinosus as an example Pages 483-491 Ivano Bertini, Francesco Capozzi, Claudio Luchinat, Mario Piccioli, Margarita Vicens Oliver |
Molecular architecture of copper(I) thiometallate complexes. Example of a cubane with an extra face, (NPr4)3[MS4Cu4Cl5] M=Mo, W) Pages 493-505 Yves Jeannin, Francis Sécheresse, Sylvain Bernès, Francis Robert |
Hexanuclear polypyridine complexes containing different metals, bridging ligands and/or terminal ligands. Absorption spectra, electrochemical oxidation, luminescence properties and intercomponent energy transfer Pages 507-512 Gianfranco Denti, Scolastica Serroni, Sebastiano Campagna, Vittorio Ricevuto, Alberto Juris, Mauro Ciano, Vincenzo Balzani |
Octahedro octahedra and tetrahedra. II. Tetra- to heptanuclear carbonyl(cyano)chromato, -molybdato and -tungstato complexes of 3d metals Pages 513-526 Marcus Fritz, Dirk Rieger, Eberhard Bär, Gerhard Beck, Joachim Fuchs, Gerhard Holzmann, Wolf P. Fehlhammer |
Highly fluorinated tetrazanes and other polynitrogen compounds Pages 527-531 Ghulam Sarwar, Nimesh R. Patel, Zheng Yuan Yang, Earnest Obed John, Robert L. Kirchmeier, Jean'ne M. Shreeve |
Manganese(II)cyclopentadienide and cyclopentadienylmanganese(biphenyl) as starting materials for the synthesis of carbonyl free organomanganese complexes Pages 533-541 Klaus Jonas, Claus-Christian Häselhoff, Richard Goddard, Carl Krüger |
Protonation of cobalt tetraneopentoxyphthalocyanine as a function of oxidation state Pages 543-555 Paul A. Bernstein, A.B.P. Lever |
Metal insertion into a CH bond as a route to the heterobimetallic μ-methylidene complex C5H5(CO)2Re(μ-CH2)Pt(PPh3)2 Pages 557-564 Charles P. Casey, Yan Wang, Lori M. Petrovich, Todd L. Underiner, Paulette N. Hazin, John M. Desper |
Synthesis and reactivity of molybdenum-sulfur cubes Pages 565-575 C.L. Coyle, K.A. Eriksen, S. Farina, J. Francis, Y. Gea, M.A. Greaney, P.J. Guzi, T.R. Halbert, H.H. Murray, E.I. Stiefel |
Acyclic mononuclear and macrocyclic dinuclear silver(I) complexes of Schiff base ligands derived from N,N-bis(2-aminoalkyl)-2-phenylethylamines Pages 577-581 David.E. Fenton, Paul C. Hellier |
Synthesis of complexes with molybdenum-platinum bonds from the alkylidyne(carborane)molybdenum reagent [NEt4][Mo( Pages 593-600 John C. Jeffery, Mark D. Mortimer, F.Gordon A. Stone |
Nucleophilic addition of chromium carbene anions to the coordinated olefin in [Cp(CO)2Fe(η2-olefin)]+ complexes and to the cyclohexadienyl ligand in [(η5-cyclohexadienyl)(CO)3Fe]+ Pages 601-611 Colleen Kelley, Michael R. Terry, Anne W. Kaplan, Gregory L. Geoffroy, Noël Lugan, René Mathieu, Brian S. Haggerty, Arnold L. Rheingold |
Magnetochemistry of the tetrahaloferrate(III) ions. 6. Crystal structure and magnetic ordering in [(pyH)3Cl][FeCl4]2 Pages 613-621 Roey Shaviv, Carol B. Lowe, Jalal A. Zora, Christer B. Aakeröy, Peter B. Hitchcock, K.R. Seddon, Richard L. Carlin |
Procedures for the conversion of μ2S→μ2O in trinuclear Mo(IV)3 incomplete cuboidal Mo/S cluster complexes Pages 623-626 Liu Qiu-Tian, Jiaxi Lu, A. Geoffrey Sykes |
Models of the oxidized forms of polyiron oxo proteins: synthetic routes to (μ-oxo)bis(μ-carboxylato)diiron(III) complexes with neutral monodentate and bidentate capping ligands Pages 627-631 Kingsley L. Taft, Axel Masschelein, Shuncheng Liu, Stephen J. Lippard, Diana Garfinkel-Shweky, Avi Bino |
Kinetics and mechanism of oxidative cleavage of the metal-metal bond in [M2(CO)10]2−, M=Cr, Mo and W Pages 633-638 Julia R. Phillips, William C. Trogler |
Heterometallic species containing Cp2MH2 (M=Mo and W) and Cu+ or Ag+ are inner sphere redox intermediates Pages 639-649 Larry F. Rhodes, John C. Huffman, Kenneth G. Caulton |
Spectroscopic and electrochemical aspects of copper(II) chelates containing 1,2-diamines and β-ketoenols Pages 651-661 Chris Tsiamis |
Zinc complexes of cyclohexane triamine ligands Pages 663-669 U. Brand, H. Vahrenkamp |
Structures and dynamic features of dinuclear tartratozirconocene complexes Pages 679-687 Gerhard Erker, Mathias Rump, Carl Krüger, Matthias Nolte |
Monoazadienes ruthenium carbonyl chemistry Pages 689-703 C.J. Elsevier, W.P. Mul, K. Vrieze |
Hydridosilicates: a new class of pentacoordinated silicon derivatives with unusual properties Pages 705-713 R. Corriu, C. Guérin, B. Henner, Q. Wang |
Homo- and heterometallic transition-metal complexes containing bis(cyclopentadienyl)methane as ligand Pages 715-721 Helmut Werner |
Metal-stabilized rare tautomers of nucleobases. 4. On the question of adenine tautomerization by a coordinated platinum(II) Pages 723-732 Bernhard Lippert, Helmut Schöllhorn, Ulf Thewalt |
The reaction of disilenes with P4 and As4 Pages 733-739 Alan D. Fanta, Robin P. Tan, Nadia M. Comerlato, Matthias Driess, Douglas R. Powell, Robert West |
Intermediates of the cyclotrimerization of 2-butyne with a chromium catalyst Pages 741-748 Günther Wilke, Horst Benn, Richard Goddard, Carl Krüger, Brigitta Pfeil |
Weak interactions in metal complexes of amino acids with a phosphorylated side chain. Conversion of aromatic ring stacking to electrostatic bonding by tyrosine phosphorylation Pages 749-761 Osamu Yamauchi, Akira Odani, Hideki Masuda |
New silanediyl (silylene) complexes of ruthenium(0) Pages 763-769 Hermann Handwerker, Christian Leis, Siegfried Gamper, Christian Zybill |
Synthesis and molecular structure of optically active oxazolidine complexes of platinum(II) and palladium(II) Pages 771-780 A. Albinati, F. Lianza, H. Berger, C. Arz, P.S. Pregosin |
Chemical hardness and the electronic chemical potential Pages 781-786 Ralph G. Pearson |
Strong exchange coupling between the lanthanide ions and the phthalocyaninato ligand radical in bis(phthalocyaninato)lanthanide sandwich compounds Pages 795-803 Kathleen L. Trojan, Jonathan L. Kendall, Keith D. Kepler, William E. Hatfield |
199Hg NMR investigation on the solution structure of Hg(II) complexes of oligopeptides containing cysteine and histidine residues Pages 805-811 Hayamitsu Adachi, Norikazu Ueyama, Akira Nakamura |
Magnetic and spectral properties of paramagnetic metal-ion polyoxolene radical complexes Pages 813-822 Andrea Dei, Dante Gatteschi |
A Marcus-type model for steric and electronic effects of ligands in atom transfer reactions of metal carbonyl radicals Pages 823-830 Choi Moon-Gun, Theodore L. Brown |
Synthesis and photophysical characterization of highly luminescent complexes of Ru(II) containing 4,4′-di-(p-carboxyphenyl)-2,2′-bipyridine Pages 831-839 K. Kalyanasundaram, Md.K. Nazeeruddin, M. Grätzel, G. Viscardi, P. Savarino, E. Barni |
The icosahedron in inorganic chemistry Pages 841-861 R.Bruce King |
Covalent linkage of glucose oxidase to modified basal plane pyrolytic graphite electrodes and the use in the ferrocene-mediated amperometric measurement of glucose Pages 863-866 Kati di Gleria, H.Allen O. Hill |
The use of rigid organic microemulsions to fix liquid solutions for Mössbauer studies Pages 867-871 Kálmán Burger, Zsuzsanna Nemes-Vetéssy, Attila Vértes, Zoltán Homonnay, Imre Dékány, Hartmut Mehner |
The relevance of hydrogen bonding in the mechanism of action of platinum antitumor compounds Pages 873-881 Jan Reedijk |
Synthesis of heterocyclic systems by activation of isocyanide, carbonyl, trifluoromethyl and nitrile ligands in platinum(II) and palladium(II) complexes Pages 883-897 Umberto Belluco, Rino A. Michelin, Renzo Ros, Roberta Bertani, Giacomo Facchin, Mirto Mozzon, Livio Zanotto |