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Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Volume 11
Main Index

Issue 1, Pgs 1-77, (September, 1974)

Synthesis of new high-pressure columbite phases containing pentavalent vanadium
Pages 1-9
M. Gondrand, A. Collomb, J.C. Joubert, R.D. Shannon
Thermodynamic relations among olivine, spinel, and phenacite structures in silicates and germanates. III. The system CuOsingle bondMgOsingle bondGeO2
Pages 10-16
A. Navrotsky
A study of the magnetic superexchange interactions in the solid-solution series CaxSr1−xRuO3 by ruthenium-99 Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy
Pages 17-25
Terence C. Gibb, Robert Greatrex, Norman N. Greenwood, David C. Puxley, Kenneth G. Snowdon
Structure and antiferromagnetism of nickel oxide-copper oxide and nickel oxide-zinc oxide solid solutions. Influence on reactivity
Pages 26-32
P. Grange, H. Charcosset, P. Gallezot, P. Turlier, J. Vialle
Rare earth substituted fluoride-phosphate apatites
Pages 33-37
I. Mayer, R.S. Roth, W.E. Brown
Characterization of paramagnetic hole-centers in Al2O3 and Al2O3:Fe by optical and EPR absorption
Pages 38-52
C.F. Bauer, D.H. Whitmore
Preparation and characterization of the solid solution series Co1−xNixAsS(0 ≤ x ≤ 1)
Pages 53-59
J.J. Steger, H. Nahigian, R.J. Arnott, A. Wold
Structure cristalline du metatitanate de thallium Tl2TiO3
Pages 60-66
A. Verbaere, M. Dion, M. Tournoux
Charge transfer and thermal decomposition of NH4ClO4 crystals
Pages 67-70
E.F. Khairetdinov, V.V. Boldyrev
Etude structurale des molybdates doubles: Cs2Mg(MoO4)2, 4H2O et (NH4)2Mg(MoO4)2, 2H2O
Pages 71-77
Serge Peytavin, Etienne Philippot, Maurice Maurin

Issue 2, Pgs 79-170, (October, 1974)

Synthese en milieu hydrothermal et caractérisation de l'oxyhydroxyde de vanadium V3+OOH et d'une nouvelle variété allotropique du dioxyde VO2
Pages 79-87
J. Muller, J.C. Joubert
High pressure synthesis and crystal structure of a new series of perovskite-like compounds CMn7O12 (C = Na, Ca, Cd, Sr, La, Nd)
Pages 88-93
B. Bochu, J. Chenavas, J.C. Joubert, M. Marezio
Structural relationships and mechanisms for the stoichiometry change from MX3 (YF3-type) through MX2 (fluorite-type) to M2X3 (C-type sesquioxide)
Pages 94-105
A.W. Mann
The polymorphic transformations of cobalt molybdate
Pages 106-113
J. Chojnacki, R. Kozłowski, J. Haber
Proton NMR studies of lanthanum nickel hydride: Structure and diffusion
Pages 114-119
T.K. Halstead
A thermodynamic study of iron in reduced rutile
Pages 120-127
I.E. Grey, C. Li, A.F. Reid
Infinitely adaptive structures, Ba1+xFe2S4, in the Ba-Fe-S system
Pages 128-134
I.E. Grey
The distribution of nickel ions among octahedral and tetrahedral sites in NiAl2O4-MgAl2O4 solid solutions
Pages 135-147
P. Porta, F.S. Stone, R.G. Turner
Luminescence of vanadium and rare earth ions in alkaline earth sulfates
Pages 148-149
G. Blasse, H.G. Pietersen
An electron microscope study of some nonstoichiometric tungsten oxides
Pages 150-160
M. Sundberg, R.J.D. Tilley
ZrCuSiAs: A “filled” PbFCl type
Pages 161-166
V. Johnson, W. Jeitschko
Etude structurale et magnetique des oxydes perovskites Ba2NbVO6 et Sr2TaVO6: Jean-Claude Bernier, Christian Chauvel et Olivier Kahn. Universite Louis Pasteur, Ecole Nationale Superieur de Chimie de Strasbourg, Département Science des Matériaux, B.P. 296/R8, 67 Strasbourg, France
Page 167
Phases multiples dans les systèmes Ca2Nb2O7-NaNbO3 et La2Ti2O7-CaTiO3: les series homologues de formule AnBnO3n+2: Monique Nanot, Francine Queyroux, Jean-Claude Gilles, Alain Carpy, et Jean Galy. Université de Bordeaux, 351 cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence, France
Page 167
Stability of the tetrahedral phase in Cu-Ge-Se system: B. B. Sharma and Hari Singh. Solid State Physics Laboratory, Delhi-110007, India
Page 167
Etude à haute temperature du diagramme d'equilibre du système forme par le sesquioxyde de lanthane avec le sesquioxyde d'yttrium: Juliette Coutures et Marc Foex. Laboratoire des Ultra-Refractaires, C.N.R.S., B.P.5, 66120 Odeillo, France
Page 167
Structural aspects of the metal-insulator transition in V5O9: M. Marezio, P. D. Dernier, D. B. McWhan, and S. Kachi. Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974
Pages 167-168
Transition metal iodates-V: Preparation and characterization of the smaller lanthanide iodates: K. Nassau, J. W. Shiever, B. E. Prescott, and A. S. Cooper. Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974
Page 168
Fluorine-chlorine interaction in fluor-chlorapatite: P. E. Mackie and R. A. Young. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332
Page 168
Etude structurale de quatre nouvelles perovskites au cobalt: D. Harari, P. Poix, et J. C. Bernier. Laboratoire de Chimie minérale, Batiment 420, Faculté des Sciences, 91405 Orsay, France
Page 168
Converning the activation energy of solid state reactions: N. N. Oleynikov, Yu. D. Tretyakov, and A. V. Shumyantzev. Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, Moscow 117234, U.S.S.R.
Page 168
Ordre et desordre dans certains composés du type pyrochlore: M. Faucher and P. Caro. Laboratoire des Terres Rares du C.N.R.S., 92 Meudon-Bellevue, France
Page 169
Thermodynamic relations among olivine, spinel, and phenacite structures in silicates and germanates. IV. The system ZnO-MgO-GeO2: A. Navrotsky. Department of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281
Page 169
Bond strength considerations applied to cation coordination in normal- and high-pressure oxides: R. D. Shannon, J. Chenavas, and J. C. Joubert. Laboratoire des Rayons X, C.N.R.S., 38 Grenoble, France
Page 169
Propriétés structurales, magnetiques et electriques de l'oxyfluorure CrxV1−xO2−xFx: M. Bayard, M. Pouchard, et P. Hagenmuller. Service de Chimie Minerale Structurale de l'Université de Bordeaux I, C.N.R.S., 351 cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence, France
Page 169
Propriétés magnetiques et electroniques de l'oxyfluorure de formule VO2−xFx: M. Bayard, M. Pouchard, P. Hagenmuller, and A. Wold. Service de Chimie Minérale Structurale de l'Université de Bordeaux I, C.N.R.S., 351 cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence, France
Page 169
Solid state chemistry of organic polyvalent iodine compounds. IV. Topotactic transformations of 2-iodo-3′-chlorodibenzoyl peroxide and the crystal structure of m-chlorobenzoic acid: J. Zanos Gougoutas and L. Lessinger. Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Pages 169-170
Characterization of CoO-ZnO solid solutions: F. Pepe, M. Schiavello, and G. Ferraris. Istituto di Chimica Generale ed Inorganica, Universita di Roma, Rome, Italy
Page 170

Issue 3, Pgs 171-264, (November, 1974)

Determination of λ transition temperatures in AgNO3-Base NaNO3 alloys
Pages 171-176
William Klement Jr., Adriana Balboa, Paulina Ruiz
Propriétés Cristallographiques, Magnetiques, et Electriques de L'Orthovanadite de Lanthane LaVO3
Pages 177-183
P. Dougier, P. Hagenmuller
Structure Cristalline du Metastannate de Thallium Tl2SnO3
Pages 184-189
A. Verbaere, M. Dion, M. Tournoux
High temperature study of manganese monoxide
Pages 190-202
C. Picard, P. Gerdanian
Rare earth ions in a hexagonal field III
Pages 203-213
E. Segal, W.E. Wallace
Bond valence as an aid to understanding the stereochemistry of O and F complexes of Sn(II), Sb(III), Te(IV), I(V) and Xe(VI)
Pages 214-233
I.D. Brown
The relation between the heat of allotropic transitions A3A1, A1A2, A3A2, and the transition temperature of metals
Pages 234-238
S.-A. Cho
Magnetic studies on Fe2MoO4
Pages 239-244
Jayasree Ghose, Norman N. Greenwood, Graham C. Hallam, David A. Read
Crystal structure of the compounds A2MnX4−xX′x (A = NH4, Rb, Cs; X = Cl; X′ = Br, I; x = 0, 1, 2) and magnetic susceptibility of A2MnCl4 (A = Rb, Cs)
Pages 245-253
H.T. Witteveen
Die Struktur von K2Pd3S4 und Rb2Pd3S4
Pages 254-260
J. Huster, W. Bronger
The anderson-grüneisen parameter for cubic crystals
Page 261
The effect of crystal size on the thermal explosion of α-lead azide
Page 261
Preparation and properties of LnMX3 where Ln = rare earths, Bi; M = Ta, Nb, Ti, V and X = S, Se
Page 261
Defect ferroelectrics of type Pb1−xTiO3−x
Page 261
The photochemistry of potassium trisoxalatoferrate (III) trihydrate in the solid state
Pages 261-262
Structure de l'Oxyfluorure de Tantale et de Sodium Na2Ta2O5F2 β
Page 262
Kinetics studies of the reactions of KMnO4 and of KIO4 in alkali halide disks
Page 262
The lanthanum hydroxide fluoride carbonate system: The preparation of synthetic bastnaesite
Page 262
Stability of two cobalt titanate defect spinels
Page 262
Etude Cristallographique et Magnetique de la Solution Solide Fe2−2xNi1+xSnxO4
Pages 262-263
Etude Magnetique de Compose SrTb2Fe2O7. Determination des Structures Magnetiques par Diffraction Neutronique
Page 263
Etude de Nouveaux Oxydes Ternaires d'Europium Divalent, de Type Bronze Oxygene de Tungstene Quadratique et de Type Perovskite
Page 263
Etude Structurale des Systemes Ln2S3single bondGeS2
Page 263
Influence de la Substitution de fer sur les Proprietes Magnetiques des Solutions Solides Ca2Fe2−xMxO5 (M = Al, Sc, Cr, Co, Ga)
Page 263
Magnetic ordering in Ba2MnReO6
Pages 263-264
Les Phases Na4XO4 (X = Si, Ti, Cr, Mn, Co, Ge, Sn, Pb) et K4XO4 (X = Ti, Cr, Mn, Ge, Zr, Sn, Hf, Pb)
Page 264
First order magnetic transition, magnetic structure and vacancy distribution in Fe2P
Page 264
Möissbauer and X-ray studies of Fe5PB2
Page 264
Les Bronzes de Cobalt KxCoO2(x < 1). L'Oxyde KCoO2
Page 264

Issue 4, Pgs 265-360, (December, 1974)

Etude Structurale et Magnétique des Oxydes Perovskites Ba2NbVO6 et Sr2TaVO6
Pages 265-271
Jean-Claude Bernier, Christian Chauvel, Olivier Kahn
Phases multiples dans les systèmes Ca2Nb2O7-NaNbO3 et La2Ti2O7CaTiO3: Les séries homologues de formule AnBnO3n+2
Pages 272-284
Monique Nanot, Francine Queyroux, Jean-Claude Gilles, Alain Carpy, Jean Galy
Stability of the tetrahedral phase in Cu-Ge-Se system
Pages 285-293
B.B. Sharma, Hari Singh
Etude à haute température du diagramme d'equilibre du Système formé par le sesquioxyde de lanthane avec le sesquioxyde d'Yttrium
Pages 294-300
Juliette Coutures, Marc Foex
Structural Aspects of the Metal-Insulator Transition in V5O9
Pages 301-313
M. Marezio, P.D. Dernier, D.B. McWhan, S. Kachi
Transition metal iodates. V. Preparation and characterization of the smaller lanthanide iodates
Pages 314-318
K. Nassau, J.W. Shiever, B.E. Prescott, A.S. Cooper
Fluorine-chlorine interaction in fluor-chlorapatite
Pages 319-329
P.E. Mackie, R.A. Young
Etude structurale de quatre nouvelles pérovskites au cobalt
Pages 330-339
D. Harari, P. Poix, J.C. Bernier
Concerning the activation energy of solid state reactions
Pages 340-343
N.N. Oleynikov, Yu.D. Tretyakov, A.V. Shumyantzev
The system TiO2-MnOx: A structural, thermogravimetric and magnetic study
Page 344
M. Valigi, A. Cimino
Magnetic behavior and infrared spectra of jarosite, basic iron sulfate and their chromate analogs[/At]
Page 344
D.A. Powers, G.R. Rossman, H.J. Schugar, H.B. Gray
Effet Jahn-Teller cooperatif et affinité tetraedrique des ions Mn2+ et Zn2+ dans le Système Mn3O4-Zn2SnO4
Page 344
M. Nogues, P. Polx
Magnetic susceptibility of the uranhun nitrides
Page 344
R. Troc
Oxydes de plonib. I. Structure cristalline du minium, Pb3O4, à temperature ambiante (293°K)
Pages 344-345
J.R. Gavarri, D. Weigel
Optical and electronic properties of some nely rare earth-doped lead sodium apatites
Page 345
L.H. Brixner, P.E. Bierstedt
The oxidation state of iron is some Ba-Fe-S Phases: A Mössbauer and electrical resistivity investigation of Ba2FeS3, Ba7Fe6S14, Ba6Fe8S15, BaFe2S3, and Ba9Fe16S32
Page 345
W.M. Reiff, I.E. Grey, A. Fan, Z. Eliezer, H. Steinfink
Etude par effet alossbauer de la structure et des proprietes de diffusion de la phase anlifluorine nonstoechiometrique: Li8SnP4
Page 345
J.P. Motte, N.N. Greenwood
Some thermodynamic properties in spinel solid solutions with the Fe304 component
Page 345
T. Katsura, M. Wakihara, S. Hara, T. Sugihara
The NiAs-AMP phase transition in VS
Page 346
H.F. Franzen, G.A. Wiegers
Nonstoichiometric phases in the Sn-Nb-O and Sn-Ta-O systems having pyrochlore-related structures
Page 346
T. Birchall, A.W. Sleight
New AIIIBIIIO3 interlanthanide perovskite compounds
Page 346
U. Berndt, D. Maier, C. Keller
Neutronenbeugungsuntersuchungen An (Se0.5U0.5)O2 (Se = Y, La, Nd, Ho, und Lu)
Page 346
H. Weitzel, C. Keller
Stereochimie des elements comportant des paires 4S2, 5S2 et 6S2 Non Liées: Ge(II), As(III), Se(IV), Br(V), Sn(II), Sb(III), Te(IV), I(V), Xe(VI), Tl(I), Pb(II) et B(III) (oxydes, fluorures et oxyfluorures)
Page 346
J. Galy, G. Meunier
Relationships between the structures of the rare earth fluorides and high chalcocite, Cu2S. Implications for solid electrolyte behaviour
Page 346
M. O'keefe, B.G. Hyde
Solubilité et diffusion de l'argent balls le sulfure de cadmium
Page 347
A. Gleize, F. Cabané-Brouty
Phase relations, dopant effects, structure, and high electrical conductivity in the Na2 WO4-Na2MoO4 systems
Page 347
P.H. Bottelberghs, F.R. Van Buren
The high temperature behaviour of In2O3
Page 347
J.H.W. Dewit
Filiation structurale des phases derivées de BRFeF5
Page 347
J. Ravez, R. Von Der MÜhll, P. Hagenmuller
Influence de divers types cle substitutions cationigues sur les proprielis dielectriciues de niobates de structure “Bronzes oxygenes de tungstene quadraliques”
Page 347
M. Pouchard, J.P. Chaminade, A. Perron, J. Ravez, P. Hagenmuller
Single crystal structure study of α-Ag2HgI4: Evidence for anharmonic vibration
Pages 347-348
J.S. Kasper, K.W. Browall
IR-Spektroskopische und rontgenographische untersuhungen an thiospinellmischkristallen
Page 348
H.D. Lutz, H. Haeuseler
Polymorphism and Stability of Sonte Sodium Cryolites to High Pressures
Page 348
Carl N.F.T. Pistorius
New Nonstoichionietric lllolybdate, Tungstate, and Vanadate Catalysts with the Scheelite-Type Structure
Page 348
A.W. Sleight, K. Aykan, D.B. Rogers
Central research department, E. I. duPont X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies of solid electrolytes
Page 348
T. Dickinson, A.F. Povey, P.M.A. Sherwood
Synthése sons Haute Pressiori d'Oxygène d'une Forme Dense Ordonée FeVO4 et Mise en Evidence dune Variété Allotropique de Structure CrVO4
Pages 348-349
J. Muller, J.C. Joubert
Etude srstematique des relations entre les structures wadeite et tetragermanate
Page 349
J. Choisnet A. Deschanvres, B. Raveau
Author index
Pages 350-351
Cumulative subject index
Pages 352-360
Contents of volume 11
Pages iii-iiv