VTune Case Studies
An interactive Shockwave demonstration of the tuning techniques used by some of our users!
Tuning for performance is a multifaceted process. You can use different tuning techniques to tune different aspects of
your application's performance. The case studies are an attempt to bring to you
the tuning techniques used by some of our VTune users.
The case studies describe typical tuning scenarios in which applications are analyzed, performance problems identified,
and, in most cases, resolved using VTune. They illustrate unique aspects of VTune and demonstrate how they can be used to get the best
performance from your application.
You can download the case studies or view them directly on your browser.
To view the case studies on your browser, you must have the following:
- Netscape* 2.0 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer* 3.0 or higher.
- Macromedia's* free Shockwave* for Authorware* plug-in installed on your system.
See below for information on downloading the browsers and the Shockwave plug-in.
If you have the appropriate browser and the Shockwave plug-in installed on your system:
Click here to launch the case studies on your browser.
If you do not have the appropriate browser or the Shockwave plug-in installed on your system:
Click here to download the case studies (casestdy.zip).
The file is about 823KB in size and could take approximately 5 minutes to download. Save casestdy.zip to a directory and double-click on it to extract casestdy.exe.
Double-click on casestdy.exe to run the case studies.