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Key Features of VTune
Following are some of the key features of VTune:

System-Wide Monitoring
Hotspot Analysis
Static Code Analysis
Tuning Advice
Static Assembly Code Analysis
Dynamic Simulation Analysis
Context-Sensitive Online Help
Intel Architecture Tutorials and Manuals

System-Wide Monitoring
The VTune sampler uses time-based and event-based sampling to monitor all active software, non-invasively. By the process of time-based sampling, it periodically interrupts the processor and collects samples of the instruction addresses, matches these addresses with an application or an operating system routine, and creates a database with the resulting samples data. It then graphically displays the amount of time the CPU spent in each active module on your system. From this System-Wide View, you can analyze the performance of any application in relation to the rest of the modules on the system.

Hotspot Analysis
From the system-wide view of all active software modules, you can zoom into a specific module that you choose. Double-click on a spike on the graph to open up theHotspots View. Here you will see a display of all the hotspots in your module. The hotspot view helps you identify sections in your code that take the most CPU time and that have potential performance problems. There are three types of hotspots: by memory location, by amount of CPU time, and by source file. Type of hotspot is user-selectable. You can double-click on a hotspot and open the source or assembly view for the hotspot and see more detailed information about the performance of each instruction in the hotspot.

Static Code Analysis
Use VTune's Static Code Analyzer to analyze the performance of your program (.exe or .dll) directly without sampling. The analyzer displays summary information about the performance of each function, including it's name, address, and the number of instructions executed; the percentage of pairing; and total clocks incurred due to penalties. Double-click on any function to display its source code. If no source code is available, VTune disassembles the functions and displays the assembly code.

Tuning Advice
As you get deeper and deeper into your code, VTune offers more and more specific help. The C/FORTRAN/Java Coach analyzes and identifies opportunities for better performance, then offers specific suggestions on the modifications you can make to improve performance. In addition, the Coach recognizes sequential searching of arrays or lists and recommends alternative algorithms. Since VTune was designed with information on the Pentium®, Pentium Pro, Pentium with MMXTM technology, and Pentium II processors, it can offer the best approaches to working with Intel Architecture.

Static Assembly Code Analysis
While VTune's Coach gives advice at source level, the Static Assembly Code Analyzer identifies performance opportunities at the assembly code level. It automatically disassembles your code, displays assembly instructions, and annotates each instruction with performance information. It shows you how each instruction is executed by the processor, indicates the pairing and penalty issues incurred by the instruction, and the number of clock ticks each instruction takes to execute. For the Pentium II processor, warnings are displayed that inform you of the penalties, stalls, or prefixes your code might incur, and allows you to preview the event counters on the Pentium II processor. In addition, the Static Assembly Analysis view provides information on how each instruction is decoded by the Pentium Pro and Pentium II processors' three decode units; the number of micro-ops each assembly instruction is composed of; and improved detection of the penalties or stalls your code might incur on Pentium Pro and Pentium II processor-based systems.

Dynamic Simulation Analysis
In addition to static assembly analysis, VTune offers Dynamic Assembly Analysis for fine-tuning small sections of your code. VTune's Dynamic Analyzer executes your application, traces its execution, and simulates and analyzes the performance of each instruction in your code. It determines the exact sequence of instructions, their memory addresses, instruction and data cache misses, BTB misses, and miss-aligned data references, making it easy to fine-tune any aspect of your application.

Context-Sensitive Online Help
With VTune, help is always a right mouse click away. By clicking on any element on VTune's intuitive graphical interface, you can bring up context-sensitive online help descriptions and tips on using any part of the interface.

Intel Architecture Tutorials and Manuals
The VTune CD includes the Intel Architecture tutorials and manuals. You can also download the latest tutorials and manuals from the Intel Architecture Tutorials web site.

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