C O N T E N T S |
CCA Collins Technical Archives Check here for technical and operational overviews, original
equipment manuals, service bulletins / service information letters, and photographs of your favorite Collins Radio amateur equipment. The links below take you to the equipment category of interest.
Please support our extensive Collins preservation and archving efforts by becoming a member of the Collins Collectors Association. |
The CCA is licensed by Rockwell Collins "to reproduce and disseminate in electronic and written format, any such Collins copyrighted documents related to
Collins amateur radio products. Such documents include, but are not limited to, product manuals, schematics, test methods, service bulletins, advertising materials, product catalogs, maintenance information and
other technical and product information related to Collins amateur radio products." Rockwell extended our license agreement in 2001 to include all Collins Commercial and Military equipment that can be used for
amateur radio purposes. |
P R E - W A R
Last Update - May 5, 2001 |
Use the links below to navigate to specific pre-WWII Collins Radio
A - L I N E
Last Update - May 5, 2001 |
Use the links below to navigate to specific early post-war amateur
S - L I N E
Last Update - May 5, 2001 |
Use the links below to navigate to specific S-Line equipment or related
Last Update - May 5, 2001 |
Use the links below to navigate to specific KWM Series transceivers
and accessories.
C O M M E R C I A L Last Update - May 5, 2001 |
Use the links below to navigate to specific commercial/military
As a non-profit, all-volunteer hobbyists organization, we depend on our unpaid volunteers to help support our archving efforts. If you would like to
particpate or provide Collins-related information that you think other Collins users would appreciate, please contact Larry WA9VRH, our CCA Archive Manager at wa9vrh@mtco.com
. Our Collins Archive will continue to grow as new material is digitized and uploaded...please visit again soon! |