C O N T E N T S |
CCA Services: Benefits of Membership For the active Collins user, belonging to the CCA can be extremely beneficial. Our membership has a vast collection of printed matter relating to Collins Radio including both technical and promotional material. We also
have an informal group of extremely capable "Senior Technical Staff Advisors" who work on a
volunteer basis to help members solve what can be complicated technical problems encountered in Collins amateur products.
Other benefits of membership include our quarterly newsletter, The Signal, The Collins Reflector e-mail list, the
CCA web site, a handsome membership certificate suitable for framing and our weekly CCA Nets. There
are also other Collins related items available exclusively to CCA members such as extremely high quality QSL cards, CCA name badges, tee shirts and other
memorabilia. Various 3rd-party vendors provide specific discounts to CCA members. Please see the Collins Store
for more specific information.
The CCA stands for and promotes the highest standards in operating practice. The quality and integrity of our members will reflect the same quality and integrity
that the Collins Radio equipment is known for. Thus, there is a real opportunity to share in quality fellowship with other CCA members. |
CCA Nets The CCA supports for weekly nets to promote the use, discussion, and sale of Collins Radio Equipment. The Sunday net is dedicated to technical discussion and
the listing of Collins-related equipment for buy/sell/swap.
The CCA also supports three weekly 75-meter nets which are designed to be very informal with open discussions CCA Grading Standards CCA members and non-members
are encouraged to follow these equipment grading standards when describing the condition of used Collins radio equipment they have for sale. The chances for misrepresentation are greatly reduced if
both buyer and seller use the same terms to describe a piece of equipment. |
NET Theme Weeks One of the CCA愀 most popular events is "Theme Week". See the year 2002-2003 schedule here. Warm up those radios and come join the fun. |
The Signal The Signal is published quarterly with the lastest news and information
about the CCA. |
The CCA needs your HELP!!! We are looking for stations to help run our nets
as a Net Control Operator. You can pick the net which best fits your schedule and your reward for helping is the thrill of getting to know many of our members on the air. The work is easy and
lots of fun too. For more information, please contact:
CCA Net Manager: Peter Lower, VE3KWM pslower@sympatico.ca CCA Assistant Net Manager: Dean, KA6BGW daprull@aol.com
or give your name and telephone number to any Net Control Operators on any of our weekly nets.
Collins Collectors Association - P. O. Box 354 - Phoenix, MD 21131 |
The Collins Radio logos contained herein are Trademarks of Rockwell Collins, Inc. and are used with permission.
This site contains Rockwell Collins, Inc. copyrighted information and is used with permission. Contact WEBMASTER
(KW6KW) with comments or questions regarding this site. © Copyright 2003, Collins Collectors Association, All rights reserved.
Web Site Design, Graphics, and Hosting: Reflections By Design Last modified - July 1, 2003 |