CCA Collins Technical Archives Collins Radio Equipment Manuals
The CCA is actively digitizing the user/technical manuals for Collin Radio's most popular equipment used for amateur radio purposes. Our
goal is to make these manuals available via on-line download and, eventually, via CDrom for all CCA members. If you have any questions about these manuals or would like to loan the CCA other manuals for scanning,
please contact Larry WA9VRH, our CCA Archive Manager at wa9vrh@mtco.com
. Our Collins Archive will continue to grow as new material is digitized and uploaded...please visit again soon! Viewing and
printing of CCA Portable Document Format (.pdf) files requires that you obtain and install Acrobat Reader from Adobe, Inc. Acrobat
Reader can be downloaded for FREE via Adobe's web site. Once you've downloaded and installed Acrobat Reader, you can click on any of the CCA's .pdf file links below to view, save or print the document.
The CCA is licensed by Rockwell Collins "to reproduce and disseminate in electronic and written format, any such Collins copyrighted documents related to
Collins amateur radio products. Such documents include, but are not limited to, product manuals, schematics, test methods, service bulletins, advertising
materials, product catalogs, maintenance information and other technical and product information related to Collins amateur radio products." Rockwell extended
our license agreement in 2001 to include all Collins Commercial and Military equipment that can be used for amateur radio purposes.
The following Collins Radio manuals are divided into multiple sections (.pdf files) in order to facilitate faster download times. To minimize your download time, we
suggest you check the "Table of Contents" files (TOC) first to see which sections of a manual you need and then download only those specific sections. A few manuals are also available for download as one large file.