Lots of Collins Radio Manuals just added to our on-line Collins Archive...more coming!

Collins Collectors Association

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The Signal On-line
This section of the CCA web site will include links to scanned versions of all past issues of The Signal.... the quarterly newsletter of the Collins Collectors Association (CCA) as well as new articles written specifically for this on-line forum.  If you would like to contribute an article, please contact KW6KW or WA9VRH.  More files will be posted soon!

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Reader can be downloaded for FREE via Adobe's web site.  Once you've downloaded and installed Acrobat Reader, you can click on any of the CCA's .pdf file links below to view, save or print the document. 
Note:  If you're having problems printing any of these documents, please print them one page at a time.  Some pirnters don't have enough internal memory to print all pages at the same time.

The following past issues of the Signal are the property of the Collins Collectors Association (CCA) and can be downloaded for private use only.  Any copying, redistribution, or publication without written permission of the CCA is prohibited.  These files are digitally protected.



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Collins Archives
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Grading Standards for Used Collins Amateur Equipment


Frequently Asked Questions about CCA
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Signal On-line
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CCA Signal - 1st QTR 1996 (issue #1)

CCA Signal - 1st QTR 1997 (issue #5)

CCA Signal - 2nd QTR 1996 (issue #2)

CCA Signal - 2nd QTR 1997 (issue #6)

CCA Signal - 3rd QTR 1996 (issue #3)

CCA Signal - 3rd QTR 1997 (issue #7)

CCA Signal - 4th QTR 1996 (issue #4)

CCA Signal - 4th QTR 1997 (issue #8)

CCA Signal - 1st QTR 1998 (issue #9)

CCA Signal - 1st QTR 1999 (issue #13)

CCA Signal - 2nd QTR 1998 (issue #10)

CCA Signal - 2nd QTR 1999 (issue #14)

CCA Signal - 3rd QTR 1998 (issue #11)

CCA Signal - 3rd QTR 1999 (issue #15)

CCA Signal - 4th QTR 1998 (issue 12)

CCA Signal - 4th QTR 1999 (issue #16)

CCA Signal - 1st QTR 2000 (issue #17)

CCA Signal - 1st QTR 2001 (issue #21)

CCA Signal - 2nd QTR 2000 (issue #18)

CCA Signal - 2nd QTR 2001 (issue #22)

CCA Signal - 3rd QTR 2000 (issue #19)

CCA Signal - 3rd QTR 2001 (issue #23)

CCA Signal - 4th QTR 2000 (issue #20)

CCA Signal - 4th QTR 2001 (issue #24)

Collins Radio Company, with more than 30 years' experience in research, development and manufacture of distinctive amateur equipment, has dedicated itself to the objective of product excellence.

Whatever the field - amateur radio, avionics, commercial broadcasting, space electronics, communication, computation or control - Collins' uncompromising standards of excellence begin with product development and continue through every step of manufacture, quality control and test.

Collins' amateur radio equipment has been the standard used by DXpeditions around the world in environmental extremes seldom encountered by the average ham.

Collins' single sideband products have long been used by the U.S. military team. During the early years of single side- band communication, the size and weight of the equipment limited its use principally to point-to-point circuits between fixed stations.

Continued development following World War II has resulted in a wide variety of high performance equipment for airborne, transportable, vehicular and shipboard, as well as fixed station, use.

Art Collins with friend

Gen. Curtis LeMay with friend...Art Collins

The Strategic Air Command commanders' net, the Strategic Air Command aircraft control net and the Navy Tactical Data System are but a few of the major installations using Collins' single sideband. The Universal Radio Group, latest generation ofCollins' SSB equipment, is a highly flexible and sophisticated HFcommunication design used by the U.S. Armed Forces, NATO and space centers.

Collins' research and development, plus the Company's never-ending emphasis on quality control, assure each Collins' amateur equipment owner that he has the most advanced and most thoroughly tested equipment available and that it will retain its value through the years.

CCA logo

Collins Collectors Association  -  P. O. Box 354  -  Phoenix, MD  21131

The Collins Radio logos contained herein are Trademarks of Rockwell Collins, Inc. and are used with permission.
This site contains Rockwell Collins, Inc. copyrighted information and is used with permission.
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© Copyright 2003, Collins Collectors Association, All rights reserved.
Web Site Design, Graphics, and Hosting:
Reflections By Design
Last modified - July 1, 2003