Collins Collectors Association

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CCA Nets
The CCA currently has 5 affliliated nets which meet weekly and a 1st Wednesday AM net that meets monthly. Our nets are the foundation of the Collins Collectors Association and extremely popular.  Come join the fun!

CCA Weekly Nets

The CCA 20-meter net meets every Sunday on 14.263 Mhz at 2000 UTC throughout the year and is our formal, directed net. The Sunday CCA net is dedicated to buy, sell, swap, technical questions, "in for the numbers", and rag chew.

The first hour of the net is dedicated to Buy, Sell, Swap, and Wants. Check-ins are taken from any call district.  This is followed by general check-ins for technical questions or "in for the numbers" (just a "howdy hello") based on the call district you live in.  We take check-ins starting with the first call district thru the 5th, then the 8th thru the 10th, and finishing with the 6th and 7th call districts. This pretty much follows local time and radio propagation from East to West.  If you miss checking -in when your call district is called, don´t worry, you´ll have plenty of time to check-in during "late check-ins" at the end of the net.

The Sunday net is dedicated to both technical subjects and the listing of equipment buy / sell / swap / want opportunities.  At the end of the net, most Net Control Operators open the net for an informal rag chew...what we call the "After Net".

The CCA also supports three weekly 75-meter nets:
Tuesday nights on 3805 at 8pm Central,
Thursday nights on 3875 at 8pm Central,
Friday nights on 3895 at 8pm Pacific, 10pm Central...(CCA West Coast Net)

The 75-meter nets are designed to be very informal with open discussions and the least amount of structure possible. Also, join us on AM:
1st Wednesday AM Net on 3.880 at 8PM
in each time zone moving from east to west. Meets regularly on the first Wednesday of each month and the
10 Meter CCA AM net  Sunday on 29.050 at 12 Noon central (1800Z).
Come join the fun!


CCA "Theme Week" 2002-2003

One of the CCA´s most popular events is "Theme Week" usually scheduled during the Winter and Sping months when radio conditions are good on 75 meters.  Specific Collins Radio equipment is honored by asking all who check into any of the CCA nets on that particular week to use the "theme" gear if you have it. Theme weeks include Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday nets.

Note: Weeks begin with we celebrate each "Theme" on the Tues, Thurs, and Friday night CCA nets and finish the Theme week on the Sunday CCA net.

All "Theme Week" and "Theme Days" are subject to change. Check here for the most up to date information and schedule. 

Special AM Nights to be announced!

"Theme Week" 2002-2003

NOV 5, 7, 8

S-Lines Week

DEC 10, 12,13

KWM-2/2A  Week
including troubleshooting tips, Q&A etc.

JAN 21, 23, 24

Goldust Twins" Week

FEB 25, 27,28

Restoration and troubleshooting

MAR 11, 13,14

KWM-380, HF-380 Week

APR 15, 17,18

A-Line and J-series

The CCA needs your HELP!!! 
We are looking for stations to help run our nets as a Net Control Operator.  You can pick the net which best fits your schedule and your reward for helping is the thrill of getting to know many of our members on the air.  The work is easy and lots of fun too. For more information, please contact any of our Net Managers:

CCA Net Manager:
Peter Lower, VE3KWM

CCA Assistant Net Manager:
Dean, KA6BGW

or give your name and telephone number to any Net Control Stations on any CCA net.

CCA logo

Collins Collectors Association  -  P. O. Box 354  -  Phoenix, MD  21131

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Reflections By Design
Last modified - July 1, 2003