Liberation of the superoxide anion from the dioxygen-Co(II)-tetrasulfophthalocyanine adduct in dimethyl sulfoxide Pages 1-3 D. M. Wagnerová, K. Lang, W. Damerau |
Magnetic and structural properties of the amorphous material Ni2SnTe4 Pages 5-7 Jonathan W. Foise, Charles J. O'Connor |
Maximizing ligand intermeshing in phosphine complexes: synthesis and structural characterization of cis-Cl2Pt(PCy3)2 Pages 9-10 T. S. Cameron, H. C. Clark, A. Linden, A. M. Nicholas, M. J. Hampden-Smith |
A binuclear Ni(II) complex with 2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine exhibiting ferromagnetic exchange coupling Pages 11-13 Teófilo Rojo, Roberto Cortes, Luis Lezama, Jose Luis Mesa, Gérard Villeneuve |
trans-cis Isomerization of trans-Bis(oxalato)diaquachromate(III) in Aqueous solutions of ethanol and tert-butanol Pages 15-18 Rita Violet Kasza, Yoshikata Koga |
A new route to the Ni(O) ‘cradle’ complex Ni2(μ-CO)(CO)2(PPh2CH2PPh2)2: μ-CO ligand and metal-centered reactivity Pages 19-21 Jin-kang Gong, Clifford P. Kubiak |
A chemical model of cytochrome P-450 with electron-transfer activity Pages 23-25 Hiromu Sakurai, Yoshihiro Mori, Masayuki Shibuya |
Chromium(V) complexes can generate hydroxyl radicals Pages 27-28 Paul O'Brien, Guofang Wang |
Synthesis and structural characterization of the copper(II) complex with N, N′-bis-(1-benzimidazolylethyl)ethylenediamine Pages 29-31 Shi Juen, Zhang Yishen, Luo Baoshen and, Chen Liaorong |
Synthesis of mononuclear cis-M(C6X5)2L2 or binuclear [M(μ-L)(C6X5)2]2 complexes (M = Pd, Pt; X = F, Cl) containing neutral O- or S-donor ligands L Pages 33-37 Rafael Usón, Juan Forniés, Milagros Tomás, Babil Menjón, Rafael Navarro, Javier Carnicer |
Spectroscopic, magnetic and structural characterization of bis(dimethyl sulfoxide)tetrakis(μ-2-nitrobenzoato-O,O′)dicopper(II) Pages 39-43 Martti Klinga, Markku R. Sundberg, Milan Melník, Jerzy Mrozi |
Chromatographic studies of metal complexes. Part IV. Thin layer chromatographic separation of cis from trans isomers of cobalt(III) mixed ligand complexes Pages 45-48 R. K. Ray, George B. Kuffman |
Mercury(II) halide complexes of tertiary phosphines. Part XIV. Structural variations within the series Pr3P·HgX2 (X = Cl, Br, I) Pages 57-63 Norman A. Bell, Lorraine A. March, Ian W. Nowell |
Conformation-control in planar metal complexes (Cu2+, Pd2+, Pt2+) of ethylenediamine derivatives with a chiral N-substituent and interpretation of CD spectra based on regional rule Pages 65-70 Hiroshi Sakiyama, Hisashi |
The crystal and molecular structure of ferromagnetic benzylammonium tetrabromochromate(II) Pages 71-74 Dost M. Halepoto, Leslie F. Larkworthy, David C. Povey, Vijayalakshmi Ramdas |
On the kinetics of the oxidation of formic acid by vanadium(IV) in aqueous solution Pages 75-81 Börje Folkesson, Ragnar Larsson |
UV photoelectron spectra and pseudopotential ab initio calculations of (CH3)3PbC Pages 83-87 M. V. Andreocci, M. Bossa, C. Cauletti, S. Stranges, B. Wrackmeyer and, K. Horchler |
Effect of cation on the structures, magnetic properties and specific heats of salts of bis(5,6-dihydro-1,4-dithiin-2,3-dithiolato)nickelate(III): the crystal structure of[(CH-3)4N] [Ni(DDDT)2] Pages 89-96 Jane Hanna Welch, Robert D.Bereman, Phirtu Singh, David Haase, William E. Hatfield and, Martin L. Kirk |
Synthesis, structure and EPR studies of mixed hexafluoroacetylacetonatecopper(II) Complexes with some Diimine Ligands Pages 97-103 Albert Escuer, Teresa Comas, Joan Ribas, Ramon Vicente, Xavier Solans, Claudia Zanchini and, Dante Gatteschi |
Solubilization of potassium ethylenediaminetetraacetatocobaltate(III) in organic solvents by using macrocyclic polyethers Pages 105-111 Toshiaki Taura |
Coordinating properties of the Cephalexine antibiotic. A potentiometric study of the complexes formation between Cephalexine and Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) metal ions Pages 113-119 José M. Moratal, Joaquín Borrás, Antonio Donaire, Maria-José Martínez |
Reactivity of metal(0) dithiocarbamato carbonyl complex [M(CO)4(S2CNEt2)]− (M = Mo, W): a new synthesis and structure of a mixed-metal Mo---W---S complex [Et4N]2[(OC)4MoS2WS2] Pages 121-126 Botao Zhuang, Peihua Yu, Liangren Huang, Jiaxi Lu |
Rhenium. Part XX. Synthesis and characterisation of oxopentakis(isothiocyanato)rhenate(V) Pages 127-130 Mukul C. Chakravorti, Tapan Gangopadhyay |
Spectroscopic properties of Ho3+ complexes with dipicolinic acid in solufion and single crystals Pages 131-137 A. Mondry |
Structure of a methylmercury complex with 4-nitroimidazole Pages 139-141 Albert R. Norris, Rajesh Kumar, André L. Beauchamp |
Structural, infrared and Mössbauer studies of octahedral cis-dichlorobis(diketonate)tin(IV) complexes having anti-tumour activity Pages 143-149 Diane Searle, Peter J. Smith, Norman A. Bell and, Lorraine A. March, Ian W. Nowell, John D. Donaldson |
Optimisation of the preparation and purification of three monocarboxylic acid derivatives of vitamin B12 and their characterisation by 13C NMR Pages 151-155 Helder M. Marques, Deborah C. Scooby, Mark Victor and, Kenneth L. Brown |
2-Alkoxy-trans-cycloalkyltellurium(IV) trihalides Pages 157-160 M. E. Sabir Ali, M. Azad Malik, Barry C. Smith |
Effect of oxygen-by-sulfur and sulfur-by-selenium donor atom replacement on 59Co NMR chemical shifts in cobalt(III) tris-chelates of acylchalcogenoureates Pages 161-162 N. Jurani |
The crystal and molecular structure of [(C4H9)4N]2 [Mo2O6(C5H4NCO2)2], a complex exhibiting the [Mo2O6]o core Pages 163-164 Qin Chen, Suncheng Liu, Jon Zubieta |
The intermediacy of Re2(O2CCH3)2Cl4 in the conversion of Re2(O2CCH3)4Cl2 to Re3Cl9 Pages 165-166 Sylvia M. V. Esjornson, Phillip E. Fanwick, Richard A. Walton |
Photochemical reductive elimination of tetrachloroiodate(III) Pages 167-168 Arnd Vogler, Horst Kunkely |
Photooxidation of the diaquodimercury(I) cation Pages 169-170 Arnd Vogler, Horst Kunkely |
Mixed-ligand complexes of technetium VI. Nitridotechnetium(V) complexes with equatorial Pages 171-173 Ulrich Abram, Rudolf Münze, Ernst-Gottfried Jäger, Joachim Stach and, Reinhard Kirmse |
Synthesis and characterization of rhodium(III) complexes bound to the novel bridging ligand 2,3,5,6-tetra(2-pyridyl)pyrazine (tppz) Pages 175-177 Ronald R. Ruminski, Charles Letner |
Seven-coordinate complexes. Reactions of the complex [MoCl(SnCl3)(CO)3(NCMe)2] with bidentate nitrogen donor ligands Pages 179-181 Paul K. Baker, Antony J. Quinlan |
The interaction of N-2-Pyridyl-, N-2-Picolyl- and N-2-Lutidyl-N′-arylthioureas with Copper(II): an electron spin resonance study Pages 183-185 Douglas X. West, Catherine A. Paulson |
The possible role of surface oxygen species in quartz pathogenicity Pages 187-189 B. Fubini, E. Giamello, M. Volante |
Novel mono- and binuclear Cu(II) complexes: synthesis, characterization and catecholase activity Pages 199-204 Mitchell R. Malachowski, Marilyn G. Davidson |
B12 models: cobaloximes containing anisidine as neutral ligand Pages 205-209 Nevenka Bresciani-Pahor, Silvano Geremia, Ennio Zangrando, Andrea Raeto Raselli |
NMR studies of anionic cadmium and mercury 1,1-dithiolate complexes Pages 211-216 Brendan F. Abrahams, George Winter, Dainis Dakternieks |
Is ligand topology an influence on the redox potentials of copper complexes? Pages 217-220 Anthony W. Addison |
Tetrahydroborate complexes of uranium: Preparation and crystal structure of mixed-valent [Na(THF)6] [(C5Me5)U(BH4)3]2 Pages 221-225 Robert R. Ryan, Kenneth V. Salazar, Nancy N. Sauer, John M. Ritchey |
Metal and organometal complexes of oxy- and thiophosphorus acids IV. O,O-alkylene and dialkyl dithiophosphates of zirconium(IV) Pages 227-232 J. S. Yadav, R. K. Mehrotra, G. Srivastava |
Transition metal coordination compounds of two pyrazole-substituted ammonia ligands. X-ray structure of [Biss(1-pyrazolylmethyl)aminecobalt(II)] bis(nitrate) Pages 233-238 W. L. Driessen, W. G. R. Wiesmeijer, M. Schipper-Zablotskaja, R. A. G. De Graaff, J. Reedijk |
Synthesis and characterization of copper(II) complexes with a tridentate schiff base ligand derived from 5-chloro-2-hydroxyacetophenone and salicylhydrazide. X-ray structure of copper(II) (5-chloro-2-hydroxyacetophenone-salicylhydrazide) dimethylformamide Pages 239-244 J. M. Dance, M. T. DO P. Gambardella, R. H. DE A. Santos, E. Medina, F. G. Manrique and, M. S. Palacios |
NMR study of the exchange reactions between allyltrialkyltin compounds and lewis acids part 1. Exchanges with boron tribromide and trifluoride and titanium tetrachloride Pages 245-250 Paul Harston, James L. Wardell, Daniele Marton and, Giuseppe Tagliavini, Peter J. Smith |
Metal complexes of dimethyl phthalimidomethylphosphine oxide Pages 251-255 N. I. Dodoff, N. Chr. Spassovska, S. G. Varbanov and, G. Borisov |
57Fe mössbauer studies of hectorite exchanged with Fe(II) and Fe(III) Pages 257-261 Nigel Davison, William R. McWhinnie, Alan Hooper |
Magnetic and spectroscopic studies on dimeric cobalt(II) complexes of the tetradentate ligand (4,5-Dimethyl-3-pyrazolyl)aldazine Pages 263-270 Ali El-Dissouky, G. B. Mohamad |
Synthesis, spectroscopy, magnetism and x-ray structure of bis(dichloromercury(II)-μ-Cl)mercury bis[ tris(2-aminoethanethiolato)niccolate(II)] tetrahydrate Pages 271-275 M. G. W. Van Diepen, R. A. G. De Graaff, F. B. Hulsbergen, J. Reedijk |
Transition metal complexes with the thiosemicarbazide-based ligands Part X. The complexes of UO2(II) with S-methyl-1,4-bis(salicylidene)-isothiosemicarbazide (H2L): [UO2(L)A] (A = MeOH, EtOH, DMF). Crystal structure of [UO2(L)DMF] Pages 277-280 V. M. Leovac, E. Z. Ivege |
Theoretical studies on (μ-S2CR) bridged cyclopentadienyl molybdenum dimers Pages 281-285 Bharatam V. Prasad, C. Satyanarayana Reddy, Eluvathingal D. Jemmis |
The structure of [N(PPh3)2] [Ir4(μ-CO)3(CO)8(SCN)]; Cation dependent structural isomerism of the anion Pages 287-289 M. P. Brown, D. Burns, M. M. Harding, S. Maginn, A. K. Smith |
Calcium complexation to derivatives of isonicotinic acid: [tetraaquabis(isonicotinamide)calcium] dichloride and tetraaquabis(isonicotinato)calcium, C12H20CaCl2N4O6 and C12H16CaN2O8 Pages 291-295 L. Brent Cole, Elizabeth M. Holt |