Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 24 February 1964
(Volume 133, Issue 4B)

Electromagnetic Structure of the Giant Dipole Resonance
F. H. Lewis and J. D. Walecka
pp. B849-B868 [View   PDF (3071 kB) ]

Photoneutron Cross Sections of Tb159 and O16
R. L. Bramblett, J. T. Caldwell, R. R. Harvey, and S. C. Fultz
pp. B869-B873 [View   PDF (1047 kB) ]

2.95-MeV and 14.8-MeV Neutron-Induced Fission of Th232
K. M. Broom
pp. B874-B883 [View   PDF (1554 kB) ]

Deuteron Stripping Reaction on Mg25
R. B. Weinberg, G. E. Mitchell, and L. J. Lidofsky
pp. B884-B892 [View   PDF (1359 kB) ]

Neutron Transfer to the Ground State of N15 in the N14(N14,N13)N15 Reaction
F. C. Jobes and J. A. McIntyre
pp. B893-B907 [View   PDF (3245 kB) ]

Cross Sections for the Ni58(α,p), Ni58(α,γ), and Co59(α,n) Reactions
F. K. McGowan, P. H. Stelson, and W. G. Smith
pp. B907-B910 [View   PDF (765 kB) ]

Cross Sections for (α,n) Reactions for Medium-Weight Nuclei
P. H. Stelson and F. K. McGowan
pp. B911-B919 [View   PDF (1681 kB) ]

Analysis of Li6(Li6,α)Be8 at 3.4 MeV
J. Howard Shafer
pp. B920-B925 [View   PDF (1145 kB) ]

Slow Neutron Cross Sections for He3, B, and Au
J. Als-Nielsen and O. Dietrich
pp. B925-B929 [View   PDF (870 kB) ]

Angular Distributions for the C13(d,n)N14 Reaction
Erich H. Willen, P. W. Keaton, and George E. Owen
pp. B930-B934 [View   PDF (706 kB) ]

Energy Dependence of Elastic and Inelastic Scattering from C12 for Protons between 14 and 19 MeV
W. W. Daehnick and R. Sherr
pp. B934-B947 [View   PDF (2486 kB) ]

Charge Dependence of Nuclear Forces and the Breakup of Deuterons and Tritons
M. Cerineo, K. Ilakovac, I. Šlaus, P. Tomas̆, and V. Valković
pp. B948-B955 [View   PDF (1976 kB) ]

Deuteron Stripping Studies in the Light Isotopes of Nickel
R. H. Fulmer, A. L. McCarthy, B. L. Cohen, and R. Middleton
pp. B955-B962 [View   PDF (1451 kB) ]

Scattering of 18.4-MeV Alpha Particles by Beryllium
B. T. Lucas, S. W. Cosper, and O. E. Johnson
pp. B963-B975 [View   PDF (2440 kB) ]

Correlation of Fission-Fragment Kinetic-Energy Fine Structure with a Semiempirical Mass Surface
T. D. Thomas and R. Vandenbosch
pp. B976-B982 [View   PDF (1321 kB) ]

Photoproduction of Neutral Pions from Complex Nuclei
C. A. Engelbrecht
pp. B988-B1006 [View   PDF (3580 kB) ]

Analysis of (p,2p) Angular Correlation Experiments
K. L. Lim and I. E. McCarthy
pp. B1006-B1016 [View   PDF (2211 kB) ]

Proton-Proton Scattering at 970 MeV
D. V. Bugg, A. J. Oxley, J. A. Zoll, J. G. Rushbrooke, V. E. Barnes, J. B. Kinson, W. P. Dodd, G. A. Doran, and L. Riddiford
pp. B1017-B1031 [View   PDF (2293 kB) ]

Radiative Corrections to High-Energy Inelastic Electron Scattering
N. T. Meister and T. A. Griffy
pp. B1032-B1036 [View   PDF (1007 kB) ]

Neutrino Absorption in Dense Matter
Robert N. Euwema
pp. B1046-B1053 [View   PDF (1551 kB) ]

Semiphenomenological Solutions of Pion-Nucleon Partial-Wave Dispersion Relations
A. Donnachie and J. Hamilton
pp. B1053-B1073 [View   PDF (3761 kB) ]

Modified Khuri Series and its Convergence for a Single Yukawa Potential
Akbar Ahmadzadeh
pp. B1074-B1078 [View   PDF (902 kB) ]

Pseudoscalar and Vector Exchanges in the Production of Vector Mesons
Robert W. Huff
pp. B1078-B1084 [View   PDF (1578 kB) ]

The Uncoupled Phase Method for Interactions with Hard Cores
Pran Nath, G. L. Shaw, and C. K. Iddings
pp. B1085-B1089 [View   PDF (1015 kB) ]

High-Frequency Region of the Spectrum of Electron and Positron Bremsstrahlung. II
R. J. Jabbur and R. H. Pratt
pp. B1090-B1091 [View   PDF (431 kB) ]