Basic Remote Control Concepts    Related Topics

The functionality of the network analyzer's remote control commands has been defined in close analogy to the menu commands and control elements of the graphical user interface (GUI). The basic concepts of setups, traces, channels, and diagram areas remain valid in remote control. Moreover, all commands follow SCPI syntax rules, and SCPI-confirmed commands have been used whenever possible. These principles largely simplify the development of remote control scripts.

The GUI and the remote control command set both aim at maximum operating convenience. In manual control this generally means that the control elements are easy to find and intuitive to handle, and that the effect of each operation is easy to verify on the screen. Convenient remote control operation depends on a simple and systematic program syntax and on a predictable instrument state; the display of results is secondary.   

These differences suggest the peculiarities in the analyzer's remote control concept discussed in the following sections.

Traces, Channels, and Diagram Areas    Related Topics

Like in manual control, traces can be assigned to a channel and displayed in diagram areas (see Traces, Channels and Diagram Areas). There are two main differences between manual and remote control:

The following frequently used commands create and delete traces, channels, and diagram areas:

Create new trace and new channel
(if channel <Ch> does not exist yet)

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:SDEFine '<Trace Name>', '< Meas Parameter>

Delete trace

CALCulate<Ch>:PARameter:DELete '<Trace Name>'

Create or delete channel

CONFigure:CHANnel<Ch>[:STATe] ON | OFF

Create or delete diagram area


Display trace in diagram area


The assignment between traces, channels, and diagram areas is defined via numeric suffixes as illustrated in the following example:

CALC4:PAR:SDEF 'Ch4Tr1', 'S11'

Create channel 4 (channel suffix 4) and a trace named Ch4Tr1 to measure the input reflection coefficient S11. The trace is created but not displayed.


Create diagram area no. 2 (window suffix 2).


Display the generated trace (identified by its name Ch4Tr1) in diagram area no. 2 (window suffix 2), assigning the trace number 9 (trace suffix 9) to it.

Active Traces in Remote Control    Related Topics

In manual control there is always exactly one active trace, irrespective of the number of channels and traces defined. The active channel contains the active trace; see Trace Settings.

In remote control, each channel contains an active trace (unless the channel contains no trace at all), so the notion of active channel is meaningless. This principle actually simplifies the remote control command syntax, because it allows the active trace in a particular channel to be referenced by means of the channel suffix. No additional trace identifier is needed; there is no need either to distinguish channel and trace settings using mnemonics or suffixes.

The active traces are handled as follows:

The following program example illustrates how to create, select and reference traces. It is instructive to observe the analyzer screen in order to check the effect of each step.


Reset the analyzer, creating channel no. 1 with the default trace Trc1. The trace is displayed in diagram area no. 1.


Create a new trace named Trc2, assigned to channel no. 1 (the suffix 1 after CALC, may be omitted), and display the trace. The new trace automatically becomes the active trace for manual and for remote control. To check this, click Trace – Marker –  Marker 1 to create a marker. The marker is assigned to Trc2. Delete all markers (Trace – Marker –  All Markers Off).


To verify that Trc2 is also active for remote control, use the channel suffix 1 after CALC (may be omitted) to reference the active trace in channel 1 and create a marker M 1. The marker is assigned to Trc2.  


Select the old default trace Trc1 as the active trace for remote control. Create a new marker to verify that Trc1 is now the active trace in channel 1.  

In the SCPI command description, the numeric suffix <Ch> is used for channel settings (it denotes the configured channel), whereas <Chn> is used for trace settings (it denotes the active trace in the channel).

Initiating Measurements, Speed Considerations    Related Topics

After a reset the network analyzer measures in continuous mode. The displayed trace shows the result of the last sweep and is continuously updated. This provides a permanent visual control over the measurement and the effect of any analyzer settings.

In remote control, it is advisable to follow a different approach in order use the analyzer's resources to full capacity and gain measurement speed. The following principles can help to optimize a remote control program (see also programming example Typical Stages of a Measurement):

The following command sequence performs a single sweep in a single channel.  

*RST; INITiate:CONTinous OFF

Activate single sweep mode for all channels (including the channels created later).


State that a single sweep will be performed in the active channel only.

INITiate2:IMMediate; *WAI

Start a single sweep in channel no. 2, wait until the sweep is terminated before proceeding to the next command (see Command Synchronization).