SYSTem...    Related Topics

This subsystem collects the functions that are not related to instrument performance, such as function for general housekeeping and function related to global configurations.   


Command tree: SYSTem














































































THRough | OPEN | SHORt | MATCh, <port_1>, <port_2>

Connects the selected calibration standard to one or two ports of the active calibration unit (see SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:AKAL:ADDRess).  

THRough | OPEN | SHORt | MATCh

Connected one or two-port standard


Port number of the calibration unit, for one and two-port standards


Second port number of the calibration unit, for two-port standards (THRough) only, omitted for the one-port standards

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Connect a trough standard between ports 1 and 2 of the cal unit.



SYSTem:COMMunicate:AKAL:MMEMory[:STATe] <Boolean>

Shows or hides the memory of the active calibration unit (see SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:AKAL:ADDRess).  


ON – memory is shown in a separate drive
OFF – memory is not shown

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Show the memory of the active calibration unit.



SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB[:SELF]:ADDRess <address_no>

Sets the GPIB address of the analyzer.


GPIB address (integer number)

Range [def. unit]

0 to 30 [–].  

*RST value

The GPIB address is factory-preset. *RST has no effect on the value.


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, command or query




Set the GPIB address to 10.


After a reset, the address is maintained (the response is 10).




Sets the receive terminator of the analyzer. The receive terminator indicates the end of a command or a data block.

The receive terminator setting is relevant if block data is transferred to the analyzer (FORMat[:DATA] REAL). In the default setting LFEOI, the analyzer recognizes an LF character sequence with or without the EOI control bus message as a receive terminator. An accidental LF in a data block can be recognized as a terminator and cause an interruption of the data transfer.

The EOI setting is especially important if commands are transferred in block data format, because it ensures that the parser for command decoding is activated by the terminator only after the command has been completely transferred. Readout of binary data does not require a change of the receive terminator.  


LF character sequence with or without EOI recognized



EOI recognized only


*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Set the terminator to EOI.



SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:AKAL:ADDRess '<cal_unit_name>'  

Selects one of the USB-connected calibration units for calibration (see commands SENSe<Ch>:CORRection:COLLect:AUTO...). This command is not necessary if only one cal unit is connected.


Name (USB address) of a connected calibration unit (string variable). The names of all connected cal units can be queried using SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:AKAL:ADDRess:ALL?

*RST values

'' (empty string; *RST has no effect on external devices).


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Query the names of all connected calibration units.


Select the cal unit named 'ZV-Z52::1234' for calibration.  

CORR:COLL:AUTO '', 1, 2, 4

Perform an automatic 3-port TOSM calibration at test ports 1, 2, and 4 using the calibration unit's default calibration kit file and arbitrary test ports of the cal unit.




Queries the names (USB addresses) of all connected calibration units.


Names (USB addresses) of all connected calibration units (comma-separated list of string variables).

*RST values

'' (empty string; *RST has no effect on external devices).


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only



See SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:AKAL:ADDRess



SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:AKAL:PREDuction[:STATe] <Boolean>

Enables or disables automatic power reduction at all test ports while an automatic calibration using the calibration unit R&S ZV-Zxx is active..  


ON – automatic power reduction enabled
OFF – automatic power reduction disabled

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Disable automatic power reduction.




Queries the device ID of a connected extension unit ZVAXxx.


Manufacturer, type of the extension unit, 10-digit order number, serial number, see example below. If no extension unit is connected, an execution error is generated.

*RST values

– (*RST has no effect on external devices)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only




Query the device ID. A possible device response is Rohde&Schwarz,ZVAX24,1311250902100001, where 1311.2509.02 is the order number of the extension unit R&S ZVAX24, 100001 is the serial number of the connected unit.


Query the installed hardware options of the extension unit. A possible device response is ZVAX-B211, ZVAX-B252, ZVAX-B273.




Queries the hardware options of a connected extension unit ZVAXxx.


Comma-separated list of options, see example.

*RST values

– (*RST has no effect on external devices)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only



See SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:EUNit:IDN?




Queries the numbers of all configured external generators.  


Number of the configured generator. This suffix is ignored; the command affects all generators.  


String parameter with a comma-separated list of generator numbers.

*RST values

*RST has no effect on the configured generators.


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only



SYST:COMM:RDEV:GEN1:DEF 'Ext. Gen. 1', 'SME02', 'gpib0',  '21'
SYST:COMM:RDEV:GEN2:DEF 'Ext. Gen. 2', 'SME02', 'gpib0',  '22'

Configure two R&S SME02 generators as external generators no. 1 and 2, assigning different names and GPIB addresses.


Query the generator numbers. The response is '1, 2'.


Query the number of configured generators. The response is 2.




Queries the number of configured external generators.  


Number of the configured generator. This suffix is ignored; the command affects all generators.  


Number of generators.

*RST values

*RST has no effect on the configured generators.


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only



See SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:GENerator<gen_no>:CATalog?  



'<gen_name>', '<driver>', '<interface>', '<address>'[, <fast_sweep>, <10_MHz_Ref>]  

Configures an external generator and adds it to the list of available generators.  


Number of the configured generator. Generators must be numbered in ascending order, starting with 1. If a number is re-used, the previous generator configuration is overwritten.

Generators can be assigned several times so that the number of configured generators is practically unlimited.  


Name of the external generator (string parameter). An empty string means that no particular name is assigned to the generator.


Generator type (string parameter). The generator type is identical with the name of the generator driver file (*.gen) stored in the resources\extdev subdirectory of the analyzer's program directory. Type the driver file name as shown in the Add External Generator dialog, i.e. without the file extension ".gen" (example: use 'sme02', if the corresponding driver file name is sme02.gen).

Alternative: The '<driver>' string may also contain the generator driver file name with its complete path, e.g. 'C:\Program Files\Rohde&Schwarz\Network Analyzer\resources\extdev\sme02.gen'.


Interface type (string parameter): 'GPIB0', 'VXI-11',...


Interface address (string parameter), depending on the interface type.


Optional Boolean parameter, enables or disables the list mode (triggered mode).


Optional Boolean parameter, sets the analyzer to internal (OFF) or external (ON) reference frequency.

*RST values

*RST has no effect on the configured generators.


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



SYST:COMM:RDEV:GEN1:DEF 'Ext. Gen. 1', 'SME02', 'gpib0',  '21'

Configure an R&S SME02 generator as external generator no. 1, assigning the name Ext. Gen. 1 and a GPIB address 21.


Query the generator configuration. The response 'Ext. Gen. 1','SME02','GPIB0','21',OFF, OFF  indicates that the fast sweep mode is disabled and that the analyzer is set to internal reference frequency.


Clear the generator configuration table.


Query the generator configuration. The analyzer returns an error message because the generator no. 1 is no longer configured.




Clears the configuration table for external generators.  


Number of the configured generator. This number is ignored, the command clears all entries in the configuration table.

SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



See SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:GENerator<gen_no>:DEFine




Starts auto zeroing of the external power meter.  


Number of the configured power meter. Power meters must be numbered in ascending order, starting with 1. If a number is re-used, the previous power meter configuration is overwritten.

Power meters can be assigned several times so that the number of configured power meters is practically unlimited.  

*RST values

*RST has no effect on the configured power meters.


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



See SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:PMETer<pmeter_no>:DEFine




Queries the numbers of all configured external power meters.  


Number of the configured power meter. This suffix is ignored; the command affects all power meters.  


String parameter with a comma-separated list of power meter numbers.

*RST values

*RST has no effect on the configured power meters.


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only



SYST:COMM:RDEV:PMET1:DEF 'USB Power Meter 1', 'NRP-Z55', 'usb', '100045'
SYST:COMM:RDEV:PMET2:DEF 'USB Power Meter 2', 'NRP-Z55', 'usb', '100046'

Configure two R&S NRP power meters as external power meter no. 1 and 2, assigning names and serial numbers.


Query the power meter numbers. The response is '1, 2'.


Query the number of configured power meters. The response is 2.



SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:PMETer<pmeter_no>:CONFigure:AUTO[:STATe] <Boolean>

Enables or disables Auto Config NRP-Zxx. If the function is enabled, the analyzer automatically configures all power meters detected at any of the USB ports as Pmtr 1, Pmtr2, ...   


Number of the configured power meter. This suffix is ignored; the command affects all power meters.

Power meters can be assigned several times so that the number of configured power meters is practically unlimited.  


ON | OFF – Enable or disable Auto Config NRP-Zxx

*RST values

*RST has no effect on the configured power meters.


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



See SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:PMETer<pmeter_no>:DEFine




Queries the number of configured external power meters.  


Number of the configured power meter. This suffix is ignored; the command affects all power meters.  


Number of power meters.

*RST values

*RST has no effect on the configured power meters.


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only



See SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:PMETer<pmeter_no>:CATalog?  



'<pmeter_name>', '<driver>', '<interface>', '<address>'  

Configures an external power meter and adds it to the list of available power meters.  


Number of the configured power meter. Power meters must be numbered in ascending order, starting with 1. If a number is re-used, the previous power meter configuration is overwritten.

Power meters can be assigned several times so that the number of configured power meters is practically unlimited.  


Name of the external power meter (string parameter). An empty string means that no particular name is assigned to the power meter.


Power meter type (string parameter). The power meter type is identical with the name of the power meter driver file (*.pwm) stored in the resources\extdev subdirectory of the analyzer's program directory. Type the driver file name as shown in the Add External Generator dialog, i.e. without the file extension ".pwm" (example: use 'NRVD', if the corresponding driver file name is NRVD.pwm).

Alternative: The '<driver>' string may also contain the power meter driver file name with its complete path, e.g. 'C:\Program Files\Rohde&Schwarz\Network Analyzer\resources\extdev\nrvd.pwm'.


Interface type (string parameter): 'USB' (for the supported USB devices)


Interface address (string parameter), depending on the interface type.

*RST values

*RST has no effect on the configured power meters.


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Disables Auto Config NRP-Zxx (if it was enabled previously).

SYST:COMM:RDEV:PMET1:DEF 'USB Power Meter', 'NRP-Z55', 'usb', '100045'

Configure an R&S NRP power meter as external power meter no. 1, assigning the name USB Power Meter and a serial number 100045.


Clear the power meter configuration table.


Query the power meter configuration. The analyzer returns an error message because the power meter no. 1 is no longer configured.




Clears the configuration table for external power meters.  


Number of the configured power meter. This number is ignored, the command clears all entries in the configuration table.

SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



See SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:PMETer<pmeter_no>:DEFine



SYSTem:CORRection:FMPort[:STATe] <Boolean>

Enables or disables Fast Multiport Correction. In manual control, the setting appears in the System Configuration – General tab.


ON | OFF – Enable or disable fast multiport correction.   

*RST value

*RST has no effect on the calibration algorithm.


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Enable fast multiport correction.




Defines the block size for the data transfer between the instrument hardware and the software. The block size has an impact on the display of traces and on the readout of trace data using the commands of the TRACe... or CALCulate<Chn>:DATA... subsystems.


Data transfer with full buffer size. The data for each sweep are transferred together so that each displayed trace contains the data of exactly one sweep. The same is true for queried trace data. The trace is displayed or updated at once, the sweep progress is not visible on the screen.

To make sure that all queried trace points stem from the same sweep you can also use single sweep mode (INITiate<Ch>:CONTinuous OFF) and the common command *OPC?



Data transfer with an automatically determined block size. In general the data blocks comprise only part of a trace, therefore the sweep progress is visible on the screen. On the other hand the displayed trace can show the results of two consecutive sweeps.


*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Select data transfer with full buffer size in order to view the trace data from a single sweep..



DBACkground | LBACkground | BWLStyles | BWSolid

Selects the color scheme for all diagram areas in the active setup.  


Dark background  


Light background


Black and white line styles


Black and white solid


*RST value

*RST does not affect the color settings; see also description of the Preset command.


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Select a light background, e.g. to generate color hardcopies.



SYSTem:DISPlay:UPDate <Boolean> | ONCE

Switches the display on or off while the analyzer is in the remote state. The command has no effect while the analyzer is in the Local operating state.

Switching off the display speeds up the measurement. This command may have an impact on the update of trace and channel settings; see SYSTem:SETTings:UPDate.


ON | OFF – Switch the display on or off. If the display is switched on, the analyzer shows the diagrams and traces like in manual control.  


Switch the display on and show the current trace. This parameter can be used for occasional checks of the measurement results or settings. The measurement is continued, however, the measurement results are not updated. Compared to the ON setting, ONCE does not slow down the measurement speed.

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Switch the display on to view the traces and diagrams.




Queries and at the same time deletes the oldest entry in the error queue. Operation is identical to that of STATus:QUEue[:NEXT]?

The entry consists of an error number and a short description of the error. Positive error numbers are instrument-dependent. Negative error numbers are reserved by the SCPI standard; see Error Messages.

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, query only




Query the oldest entry in the error queue. 0,"No error" is returned if the error queue is empty.




Queries and at the same time deletes all entries in the error queue.

The entries consist of an error number and a short description of the error. Positive error numbers are instrument-dependent. Negative error numbers are reserved by the SCPI standard; see Error Messages.  

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, command or query




Query all entries in the error queue. 0,"No error" is returned if the error queue is empty.



SYSTem:ERRor:DISPlay <Boolean>

Switches the display of a tooltip for remote command errors on or off. The tooltip appears at the bottom of the remote screen and of the manual screen; it is not displayed for SCPI errors no. –113, Undefined header.


ON | OFF – Switch the tooltip on or off.   

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Switch the display of the tooltip for remote command errors on.




SYSTem:FIRMware:UPDate '<file_name>'

Installs a firmware version stored in a NWA setup file (*.msi) on the analyzer. The installation is automatic and does not require any further action.


String variable for the name and directory of a NWA setup file (*.msi).

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



SYST:FIRM:UPD 'C:\Setup\ZVAB_01.10.msi'

Install the firmware version 01.10 from the setup file stored in the Setup directory of the analyzer's internal hard disk.  




Performs a factory preset of all instrument settings (i.e. all open setups) or of the active setup, depending on the SYSTem:PRESet:SCOPe settings, and deletes channel 1 in the active setup. As a result, the active setup contains no channels, traces, and diagram areas.

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query




Define the scope of a preset: the active setup is reset only.


Reset the parameters of the current setup and delete channel 1.  


SYSTem:FREQuency? MINimum | MAXimum

Queries the minimum and maximum frequency of the network analyzer; see frequency ranges.

In contrast to [SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:STARt? MAXimum. etc., SYSTem:FREQuency? can be used in all sweep modes.


Center frequency of the sweep.

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only



See [SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:CENTer


SYSTem:KLOCk <Boolean>

Locks or unlocks the local controls of the analyzer. This includes the front panel keys, the keyboard, or other local interfaces.  


ON | OFF – Lock or unlock the local keys.   

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, command or query




Lock the local keys.



SYSTem:LANGuage '<Language>'

Specifies the Remote Language for the analyzer.  


Command syntax for the analyzer, string variable:
'SCPI' - R&S ZVB-specific command set: the analyzer supports all commands described in this help system

'PNA' | 'HP8510' | 'HP8720' | 'HP8753' - Compatibility with network analyzers from other manufacturers.

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Select a PNA-compatible command set.



SYSTem:LOGGing:REMote[:STATe] <Boolean>

Enables logging of all remote control commands transferred to the analyzer.


ON - Command sequence stored to file 'c:\Rohde&Schwarz\Nwa\RemoteLog\NWARemote.log'
OFF - Command sequence not logged

*RST value

– (the function is not affected by *RST)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.




Enable remote logging. The log file 'c:\Rohde&Schwarz\Nwa\RemoteLog\NWARemote.log'' is fixed and does not have to be specified.



SYSTem:PASSword[:CENable] '<password>'

Sends a password to the analyzer enabling a class of service functions to function (Command ENable). Service functions are activated with the commands of the DIAGnostic system and should be used by a R&S service representative only. Refer to the service manual for more information.  


Case-sensitive string variable. Sending an invalid password generates error -221, (settings conflict).

*RST value

– (neither the password nor the protection of service functions is affected by *RST)


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, no query




Enter password.  




Performs a factory preset of all instrument settings (i.e. all open setups) or of the active setup, depending on the SYSTem:PRESet:SCOPe settings. The command is equivalent to *RST and to the action of the PRESET key on the front panel.

If a user-defined preset is active (SYSTem:PRESet:USER[:STATe] ON), the PRESET key initiates a user-defined preset, while SYSTem:PRESet and *RST still activate the factory preset. If Align *RST to User Defined Preset is selected in the System Configuration Preset dialog and a valid user preset file is available, *RST and SYSTem:PRESet also restore the user-defined settings.

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, no query




Define the scope of a preset: the active setup is reset only.


Reset the parameters of the current setup.  




Specifies whether a preset (SYSTem:PRESet; *RST) affects the active setup only or all open setups.  


All open setups are deleted and the setup Set1 is created with default trace and channel settings.


The settings of the active setup are reset; the name of the active setup and the parameters of all other setups remain unchanged.

*RST value

– (*RST does not affect the preset scope setting)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



See SYSTem:PRESet  


SYSTem:PRESet:USER[:STATe] <Boolean>

Selects a factory preset or a user-defined preset.

The user-defined preset can be initiated using System – Preset (manual control) or MMEMory:LOAD:STATe. *RST and SYSTem:PRESet always initiate a factory preset.


OFF - User-defined preset switched off (factory preset is used)
ON - User-defined preset switched on  

*RST value

– (*RST does not affect the preset state setting)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Enable a user-defined preset.

SYST:PRES:USER:NAME 'C:\Rohde&Schwarz\Nwa\RecallSets\Setup_2.zvx'

Select a setup file for the user-defined preset.

Press System – Preset (manual control) or use
MMEM:LOAD:STAT 1, 'C:\Rohde&Schwarz\Nwa\RecallSets\Setup_2.zvx'

Carry out the use-defined preset.



SYSTem:PRESet:USER:NAME '<Setup_file>'

Specifies the name of a setup file (.zvx) to be used for a user-defined preset.  


String parameter to specify the name and directory of the setup file to be loaded. The default extension (manual control) for setup files is *.zvx, although other extensions are allowed. If no path is specified the analyzer searches the default directory (subdirectory ...RecallSets)

*RST value

– (*RST does not affect the preset settings)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query






SYSTem:PRIority NORMal | ANORmal | HIGH

Selects the priority of the running NWA application.   


Normal priority, priority above normal, high priority

*RST value

NORMal (*RST does not affect the priority settings)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Enhance the priority of the NWA application.  




Initiates an immediate update of the channel or trace settings.

The command has an effect if the analyzer operates in single sweep mode (INITiate<Ch>:CONTinuous OFF) and if the display update is switched off (SYSTem:DISPlay:UPDate OFF). In this scenario, a change of the channel or trace settings is usually not taken into account immediately. The analyzer aborts the current sweep sequence but postpones the preparation of the next sweep sequence (including a re-configuration of all settings made during the last sweep period) until the next single sweep sequence is initiated. Several settings can be made en bloc, which generally saves time.

See also programming example in section Initiating Measurements, Speed Considerations.

SYSTem:SETTings:UPDate ONCE causes the analyzer to apply the settings immediately without waiting for the end of the current single sweep sequence. The command has no effect in continuous sweep mode or if the display update is switched on.

The settings are also updated when the continuous sweep mode is activated deliberately (INITiate<Ch>:CONTinuous ON).


Causes an immediate update of the settings.

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, no query



Activate single sweep mode.  


Update the settings made during the current single sweep period.  




Switches the analyzer to the standby state.

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



Switch the network analyzer to standby state.  



SYSTem:SOUNd:ALARm[:STATe] <Boolean>

Switches alarm sounds on or off.


OFF - Alarm sounds switched off
ON - Alarm sounds switched on

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.




Switch alarm and status sounds off.  



SYSTem:SOUNd:STATus[:STATe] <Boolean>

Switches status sounds on or off.


OFF - Status sounds switched off
ON - Status sounds switched on

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.






SYSTem:TRESet[:STATe] <Boolean>

Defines the restart behavior of the instrument.


OFF - Keep previous measurement
ON - Set all traces to 0

*RST value

n/a (a reset does not change the restart behavior)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.




Define the sweep restart behavior such that trace values are set to 0.  



SYSTem:USER:DISPlay:TITLe '<title>'

Defines a title for the remote display.


Title (string variable). \n in the string starts a new line; see example

*RST value

– (*RST does not affect the title)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.



SYST:USER:DISP:TITL 'Rohde & Schwarz \n Vector Network Analyzer \n Remote test running'

Define a title for the remote display. The title is displayed in three lines; \n is not displayed.   



SYSTem:USER:KEY <ukey_no>[, '<ukey_name>']

Labels a user-defined key in the remote display. In the query form the command returns whether or not a user-defined key was used.


Number of the user key

Range [def. unit]

0 – Delete all user keys and restore the default keys (Go to Local, Display Off)
1 to 8 – user key numbers  

*RST value




Label for user key no. 1 to 8 (string variable)

*RST value

'' (empty string)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.



SYST:USER:KEY 1, 'User S11'

Define a user key no. 1 labeled S11. The user key is only labeled, no functionality has been assigned yet.  


Assign the functionality 'S11' (select S11 as a measured quantity for the active trace) to the created user key.


The query returns 0,'', indicating that no user key has been pressed. If you press the user softkey no. 1, the response is 1, 'User S11'.


The query returns 'S11','', indicating that the measured quantity for trace 'Trc1' has been changed.


Delete the user key and restore the default keys..



SYSTem:USER:KEY:FUNCtion <ukey_no>[, '<ukey_name>']

Labels the functionality of a function key to a user-defined key in the remote display.

You can use this command to execute part of your measurement task manually; see Combining Manual and Remote Control.


Number of the user key

Range [def. unit]

1 to 8 – user key numbers  

*RST value

– (the parameter is also needed in the query form)



Name of a function key, e.g. 'S11', 'Start' etc. (string variable)

*RST value

'' (empty string)


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.







Returns the SCPI version number to which the analyzer complies. The analyzer complies to the final SCPI version 1999.0

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, query only




Query the SCPI version. The response is 1999.0.