Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 10 February 1964
(Volume 133, Issue 3B)

Three-Nucleon Systems
B. K. Srivastava
pp. B545-B549 [View   PDF (866 kB) ]

Nuclear Core Polarization Effect on Beta Decay
Jun-Ichi Fujita, Saburo Fujii, and Kiyomi Ikeda
pp. B549-B555 [View   PDF (1083 kB) ]

Study of the Decay of Tm168 to Levels in Er168 Using Coincidence and Directional Correlation Techniques
J. J. Reidy, E. G. Funk, and J. W. Mihelich
pp. B556-B567 [View   PDF (2357 kB) ]

Decay of the 9.4-Min and 8.7-Day Isomers of Sn125
S. H. Devare and H. G. Devare
pp. B568-B578 [View   PDF (1830 kB) ]

Slow Neutron Capture Gamma Rays in Hg200
R. E. Segel, R. K. Smither, and R. T. Carpenter
pp. B583-B590 [View   PDF (1558 kB) ]

States in Si28 with 12.7<Ex<13.7 MeV by (α,γ) and (α,α) Reactions on Mg24
J. A. Weinman, L. Meyer-Schützmeister, and L. L. Lee
pp. B590-B597 [View   PDF (1303 kB) ]

Emission of Prompt Gamma Rays in the Thermal-Neutron Fission of U235
S. S. Kapoor and R. Ramanna
pp. B598-B602 [View   PDF (956 kB) ]

Alpha-Particle-Induced Fission of Th230, Th232, and U233
H. C. Britt and S. L. Whetstone
pp. B603-B613 [View   PDF (2640 kB) ]

Levels in Dy164 from Deuteron Stripping and Inelastic Proton Scattering Experiments
W. Neil Shelton and Raymond K. Sheline
pp. B624-B631 [View   PDF (1101 kB) ]

Polarization of Protons Produced in the Stripping of Deuterons by B10,Si28, and Ca40
R. W. Bercaw and F. B. Shull
pp. B632-B638 [View   PDF (1280 kB) ]

Excitation Function for the C12--n)C11 Reaction
Paul L. Reeder and Samuel S. Markowitz
pp. B639-B646 [View   PDF (1979 kB) ]

O16(p,α)N13 and O16(p,p)O16* Differential Cross Sections
R. L. Dangle, L. D. Oppliger, and G. Hardie
pp. B647-B659 [View   PDF (1618 kB) ]

Energy and Angular Distribution of Photoneutrons from Oxygen-18
Said F. Mughabghab and W. E. Stephens
pp. B660-B662 [View   PDF (442 kB) ]

Measurement of the Reaction μ-+C12→B12
E. J. Maier, R. M. Edelstein, and R. T. Siegel
pp. B663-B675 [View   PDF (2398 kB) ]

Photodisintegration of U235
C. D. Bowman, G. F. Auchampaugh, and S. C. Fultz
pp. B676-B683 [View   PDF (1553 kB) ]

Studies of Highly Excited Nuclear Bound Levels Using Neutron Capture Gamma Rays
B. Arad (Huebschmann), G. Ben-David (Davis), I. Pelah, and Y. Schlesinger
pp. B684-B700 [View   PDF (2690 kB) ]

Reactions Induced in Fe54 with 21-63 MeV Li6 Ions
Marshall Blann, Frank M. Lanzafame, and R. Amelia Piscitelli
pp. B700-B706 [View   PDF (1273 kB) ]

Long-Range Particle Emission in Coincidence with Fission at Moderate Excitation Energies
J. A. Coleman, A. W. Fairhall, and I. Halpern
pp. B724-B731 [View   PDF (1750 kB) ]

Angular Correlation Functions for Compound Inelastic Nucleon Scattering
Eric Sheldon
pp. B732-B756 [View   PDF (4705 kB) ]

K--p Elastic Scattering in the 1-BeV / c Range
L. Sodickson, I. Mannelli, D. Frisch, and M. Wahlig
pp. B757-B767 [View   PDF (2018 kB) ]

Search for the Decay μ+e+
Sherwood Parker, Herbert L. Anderson, and Charles Rey
pp. B768-B778 [View   PDF (2087 kB) ]

Uncrossed Ladder Graphs in the Feinberg-Pais Theory of Leptonic Weak Interactions
Yih Pwu and Tai Tsun Wu
pp. B778-B788 [View   PDF (1626 kB) ]

N* Regge Pole and Pion-Nucleon (3,3) Phase Shifts
S. K. Bose and S. N. Biswas
pp. B789-B790 [View   PDF (264 kB) ]

Speculations on the Production of Vector Mesons
S. M. Berman and S. D. Drell
pp. B791-B801 [View   PDF (2052 kB) ]

Theory of the Electromagnetic Form Factors of H3 and He3
L. I. Schiff
pp. B802-B812 [View   PDF (1839 kB) ]

Three-Pion Decay Modes of Eta and K Mesons and a Possible New Resonance
Laurie M. Brown and Paul Singer
pp. B812-B817 [View   PDF (1026 kB) ]

Cosmic-Ray Hydrogen and Helium Nuclei during a Solar Quiet Time in July 1961
C. E. Fichtel, D. E. Guss, G. R. Stevenson, and C. J. Waddington
pp. B818-B827 [View   PDF (2114 kB) ]

Precession Equation of a Spinning Particle in Nonuniform Fields
U. Fano
pp. B828-B830 [View   PDF (726 kB) ]

Gravitational Lenses
Sidney Liebes
pp. B835-B844 [View   PDF (1923 kB) ]

Electromagnetic Fields in a Homogeneous, Nonisotropic Universe
Dieter R. Brill
pp. B845-B848 [View   PDF (696 kB) ]