Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 3 February 1964
(Volume 133, Issue 3A)

Frequency Shifts in Spin-Exchange Optical Pumping Experiments
L. C. Balling, R. J. Hanson, and F. M. Pipkin
pp. A607-A626 [View   PDF (3110 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Argon K Absorption Edge by the Counter Response-Method
Herbert W. Schnopper
pp. A627-A628 [View   PDF (329 kB) ]

Shock-Tube Measurement of the Polarizability of Atomic Hydrogen
Wayland C. Marlow and Daniel Bershader
pp. A629-A632 [View   PDF (916 kB) ]

Correlation Effects in Atomic Structure Using the Random-Phase Approximation
P. L. Altick and A. E. Glassgold
pp. A632-A646 [View   PDF (2520 kB) ]

Spin Diffusion in Gases at Low Temperatures
V. J. Emery
pp. A661-A664 [View   PDF (669 kB) ]

Spin-Diffusion Measurements in Hydrogen between 20 and 55°K
A. Hartland and M. Lipsicas
pp. A665-A667 [View   PDF (532 kB) ]

Effect of Collisions on Electron Waves in a Plasma in a Magnetic Field
Agnar Pytte and Ronald Blanken
pp. A668-A672 [View   PDF (781 kB) ]

Mobility of Mercury Ions in Mercury Vapor
Frederick R. Kovar
pp. A681-A685 [View   PDF (1073 kB) ]

Radiation Forces in Inhomogeneous Media
E. J. Post
pp. A686-A691 [View   PDF (1043 kB) ]

Zeeman and Coherence Effects in the He-Ne Laser
W. Culshaw and J. Kannelaud
pp. A691-A704 [View   PDF (3290 kB) ]

Interaction of Intense Laser Beams with Electrons
Lowell S. Brown and T. W. Kibble
pp. A705-A719 [View   PDF (2675 kB) ]

High-Magnetic-Field Specific Heat of a Low-Dislocation-Density Alloy Superconductor
R. R. Hake and W. G. Brammer
pp. A719-A723 [View   PDF (1086 kB) ]

Faraday Rotation of Rare-Earth (III) Phosphate Glasses
S. B. Berger, C. B. Rubinstein, C. R. Kurkjian, and A. W. Treptow
pp. A723-A727 [View   PDF (950 kB) ]

Ferrimagnetic Resonance Relaxation in Rare-Earth Iron Garnets
P. E. Seiden
pp. A728-A736 [View   PDF (1577 kB) ]

Reflectivity of HgSe and HgTe from 4 to 12 eV at 12 and 300°K
William J. Scouler and George B. Wright
pp. A736-A739 [View   PDF (744 kB) ]

Theory of Adiabatic Rapid Passage for Three Equally Spaced Levels
R. J. Morris
pp. A740-A750 [View   PDF (1926 kB) ]

Resonance Scattering of Phonons by Molecular Impurity Centers
Max Wagner
pp. A750-A758 [View   PDF (1495 kB) ]

Effect of Dynamical Diffraction in X-Ray Fluorescence Scattering
Boris W. Batterman
pp. A759-A764 [View   PDF (1089 kB) ]

Effect of the Exchange Coupling of Mn++ Ions on the Magnetic Susceptibilities of ZnS: MnS Crystals
William H. Brumage, Charles R. Yarger, and Chun C. Lin
pp. A765-A767 [View   PDF (520 kB) ]

Zero-Field Spin Absorption in Paramagnetic Salts
Arnold D. Pickar
pp. A775-A784 [View   PDF (1932 kB) ]

Electric-Field Gradient Tensor in Ferrous Compounds
R. Ingalls
pp. A787-A795 [View   PDF (1552 kB) ]

Infrared Absorption of Magnesium Stannide
Herbert G. Lipson and Alfred Kahan
pp. A800-A810 [View   PDF (2331 kB) ]

Application of Spin-Wave Theory to EuS
S. H. Charap and E. L. Boyd
pp. A811-A818 [View   PDF (1552 kB) ]

Band Structure and Fermi Surface of Beryllium
T. L. Loucks and P. H. Cutler
pp. A819-A829 [View   PDF (1826 kB) ]

Effect of Pressure and Temperature on the Electrical Resistance of Eleven Rare-Earth Metals
R. A. Stager and H. G. Drickamer
pp. A830-A835 [View   PDF (831 kB) ]

Electric Field Effects in Spin Echoes
W. B. Mims
pp. A835-A840 [View   PDF (1699 kB) ]

Curie Temperatures for Layer Structures
M. E. Lines
pp. A841-A850 [View   PDF (2314 kB) ]

Anomalous Susceptibility Due to Paramagnetic Impurities
Takeo Izuyama
pp. A851-A859 [View   PDF (1331 kB) ]

Polarons in an Electric Field
David M. Larsen
pp. A860-A866 [View   PDF (1114 kB) ]

Infrared Transmission and Fluorescence of Doped Gallium Arsenide
Dale E. Hill
pp. A866-A872 [View   PDF (1256 kB) ]

Conduction Band Minima of Ga(As1-xPx)
W. G. Spitzer and C. A. Mead
pp. A872-A875 [View   PDF (1002 kB) ]

Phonon Relaxation in Hydrated Crystals
D. L. Mills
pp. A876-A880 [View   PDF (1020 kB) ]

Ytterbium NMR:Yb171 Nuclear Moment and Yb Metal Knight Shift
A. C. Gossard, V. Jaccarino, and J. H. Wernick
pp. A881-A884 [View   PDF (866 kB) ]

Production of Displacement Radiation Effects by Recoils from Photoneutron Reactions
E. G. Wikner and V. A. van Lint
pp. A884-A890 [View   PDF (1435 kB) ]